Psychology Faculty Publications | Psychology | University of Memphis


Submissions from 2019


Integration of non-invasive biometrics with sensory analysis techniques to assess acceptability of beer by consumers, Claudia Gonzalez Viejo, Sigfredo Fuentes, Kate Howell, Damir D. Torrico, and Frank R. Dunshea


The Moms’ Empowerment Program Addresses Traumatic Stress in Mothers with Preschool-Age Children Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence, Sandra A. Graham-Bermann, Kathryn H. Howell, Laura E. Miller-Graff, Maria M. Galano, Michelle M. Lilly, and Andrew Grogan-Kaylor


Catastrophizing attitude changes after onabotulinumtoxin a treatment in chronic migraine, Licia Grazzi, Eleonora Grignani, Emanuela Sansone, Alberto Raggi, Domenico D’amico, and Frank Andrasik


A prospective pilot study of the effect on catecholamines of mindfulness training vs pharmacological prophylaxis in patients with chronic migraine and medication overuse headache, Licia Grazzi, Alberto Raggi, Domenico D’Amico, Emanuela Sansone, Matilde Leonardi, Frank Andrasik, Antonina Gucciardi, and Davide Guido


Reductions in Parental Use of Corporal Punishment on Pre-School Children Following Participation in the Moms’ Empowerment Program, Andrew Grogan-Kaylor, Maria M. Galano, Kathryn H. Howell, Laura Miller-Graff, and Sandra A. Graham-Bermann


LC-ESI-QTOF/MS characterisation of phenolic acids and flavonoids in polyphenol-rich fruits and vegetables and their potential antioxidant activities, Chunhe Gu, Kate Howell, Frank R. Dunshea, and Hafiz A.R. Suleria


Effect of a polyphenol-rich plant matrix on colonic digestion and plasma antioxidant capacity in a porcine model, Chunhe Gu, Kate Howell, Anneline Padayachee, Thea Comino, Ratana Chhan, Pangzhen Zhang, Ken Ng, and Jeremy J. Cottrell

A conversational intelligent agent for career guidance and counseling, Andrew J. Hampton, Vasile Rus, Frank Andrasik, Benjamin D. Nye, and Arthur C. Graesser


Intelligent tutoring system trends 2006-2018: A literature review, Jianhua Han, Wei Zhao, Qiang Jiang, Mohamed Oubibi, and Xiangen Hu


Barriers to Intervention Engagement Among Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence Proximal to Pregnancy, Amanda J. Hasselle, Kathryn H. Howell, Jamison Bottomley, Hanna C. Sheddan, Jennifer M. Capers, and Laura E. Miller-Graff


A latent profile analysis of coping responses to individuals’ most traumatic event: associations with adaptive and maladaptive mental health outcomes, Amanda J. Hasselle, Laura E. Schwartz, Kristoffer S. Berlin, and Kathryn H. Howell


From conversion toward affirmation: Psychology, civil rights, and experiences of gender-diverse communities in Memphis, Tracy N. Hipp, Kayla R. Gore, Amanda C. Toumayan, Mollie B. Anderson, and Idia B. Thurston


Comparing phasic dopamine dynamics in the striatum, nucleus accumbens, amygdala, and medial prefrontal cortex, Zade R. Holloway, Timothy G. Freels, Josiah F. Comstock, Hunter G. Nolen, Helen J. Sable, and Deranda B. Lester


Cerebellar Modulation of Mesolimbic Dopamine Transmission Is Functionally Asymmetrical, Zade R. Holloway, Nick B. Paige, Josiah F. Comstock, Hunter G. Nolen, Helen J. Sable, and Deranda B. Lester


Capturing AIS Behavior Using xAPI-like Statements, Xiangen Hu, Zhiqiang Cai, Andrew J. Hampton, Jody L. Cockroft, Arthur C. Graesser, Cameron Copland, and Jeremiah T. Folsom-Kovarik


High Opportunity Cost Demand as an Indicator of Weekday Drinking and Distinctly Severe Alcohol Problems: A Behavioral Economic Analysis, Keanan J. Joyner, Lidia Z. Meshesha, Ashley A. Dennhardt, Brian Borsari, Matthew P. Martens, and James G. Murphy


Chemical compounds and mechanisms involved in the formation and stabilization of foam in sparkling wines, Belinda Kemp, Bruna Condé, Sandrine Jégou, Kate Howell, Yann Vasserot, and Richard Marchal


Gnal haploinsufficiency causes genomic instability and increased sensitivity to haloperidol, Mohammad Moshahid Khan, Jianfeng Xiao, T. J. Hollingsworth, Damini Patel, Dana E. Selley, Trevor L. Ring, and Mark S. LeDoux


Validity, Reliability, and Measurement Invariance of the Diabetes Stress Questionnaire-Short Form, Kimberly L. Klages, Rachel L. Ankney, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Mary E. Keenan, Nicholas R. Wood, Katherine Semenkovich, Tiffany J. Rybak, and Gabrielle G. Banks

Sharing and reusing data and analytic methods with LearnSphere, Kenneth Koedinger, John Stamper, Paulo Carvalho, Philip Pavlik, and Luke Eglington


Further Examination of a Critical Assumption Underlying the Dual-Discrepancy/Consistency Approach to Specific Learning Disability Identification, John H. Kranzler, Kacey Gilbert, Christopher R. Robert, Randy G. Floyd, and Nicholas F. Benson


Intelligent learning environments, Bor Chen Kuo and Xiangen Hu




Are posttraumatic stress symptoms and avoidant coping inhibitory factors? The association between posttraumatic growth and quality of life among low-grade gliomas patients in China, Junyi Li, Lijun Sun, Xiaoyu Wang, Cuicui Sun, Shupeng Heng, Xiangen Hu, Wei Chen, and Fujun Liu


Sex differences and effects of predictive cues on delayed punishment discounting, Anna E. Liley, Daniel B.K. Gabriel, Helen J. Sable, and Nicholas W. Simon


Impacts of supplementation of probiotics on the prevalence of grape marc derived polyphenols in colonic digesta using in vitro digestion model, M. J. Li, Y. T. Loo, L. Cheng, K. Howell, and P. Z. Zhang


A dual process perspective on advances in cognitive science and alcohol use disorder, Kristen P. Lindgren, Christian S. Hendershot, Jason J. Ramirez, Edward Bernat, Mauricio Rangel-Gomez, Kirsten P. Peterson, and James G. Murphy


From the Vineyard to the Winery: How Microbial Ecology Drives Regional Distinctiveness of Wine, Di Liu, Pangzhen Zhang, Deli Chen, and Kate Howell


Personality or value: A comparative study of psychographic segmentation based on an online review enhanced recommender system, Hui Liu, Yinghui Huang, Zichao Wang, Kai Liu, Xiangen Hu, and Weijun Wang

The effects of rejection sensitivity on confusion regulation during learning in multiagent intelligent tutoring system environments, Zhou Long, Dehong Luo, Hongli Gao, and Xiangen Hu

Agents’ cognitive vs. Socio-affective support in response to learner’s confusion, Zhou Long, Dehong Luo, Sheng Xu, and Xiangen Hu


Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms improve after an integrated brief alcohol intervention for OEF/OIF/OND veterans, Matthew T. Luciano, Meghan E. McDevitt-Murphy, Samuel F. Acuff, Benjamin W. Bellet, Jessica C. Tripp, and James G. Murphy


Dataset of concentrations of free terpenes at different phenological stages in Vitis vinifera L. Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Riesling, Chardonnay and Pinot Gris, Jiaqiang Luo, Jessica Brotchie, Meng Pang, Philip John Marriott, Kate Howell, and Pangzhen Zhang


Free terpene evolution during the berry maturation of five Vitis vinifera L. cultivars, Jiaqiang Luo, Jessica Brotchie, Meng Pang, Philip John Marriott, Kate Howell, and Pangzhen Zhang


"Violence is Everywhere": Childhood Polyvictimization, Perceptions of the Prevalence of Victimization, and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, Laura Miller-Graff, Kathryn H. Howell, Caroline R. Scheid, and Lauren Schaefer


A Randomized Clinical Trial Evaluating the Efficacy of a Brief Alcohol Intervention Supplemented with a Substance-Free Activity Session or Relaxation Training, James G. Murphy, Ashley A. Dennhardt, Matthew P. Martens, Brian Borsari, Katie Witkiewitz, and Lidia Z. Meshesha


Recent updates in modeling risky decision making in rodents, Caitlin A. Orsini, Shelby L. Blaes, Barry Setlow, and Nicholas W. Simon


An event-level examination of successful condom negotiation strategies among young women, Courtney Peasant, Erika A. Montanaro, Trace S. Kershaw, Gilbert R. Parra, Nicole H. Weiss, Jaimie P. Meyer, James G. Murphy, and Tiarney D. Ritchwood


Behavioral Interventions for Migraine, Andrea Pérez-Muñoz, Dawn C. Buse, and Frank Andrasik


A Meta-analysis of Brief Personalized Feedback Interventions for Problematic Gambling, Samuel C. Peter, Emma I. Brett, Matthew T. Suda, Eleanor L.S. Leavens, Mary Beth Miller, Thad R. Leffingwell, James P. Whelan, and Andrew W. Meyers


Public stigma across addictive behaviors: Casino gambling, esports gambling, and internet gaming, Samuel C. Peter, Qian Li, Rory A. Pfund, James P. Whelan, and Andrew W. Meyers


Predictors of aging out of heavy episodic drinking in emerging adults: A systematic review protocol, Tashia D. Petker, Jillian Halladay, Lana Vedelago, Mark A. Ferro, Jalie Tucker, Mark S. Goldman, James G. Murphy, and James MacKillop


How Do Different Types of Alignment Affect Perceived Entity Status?, Tailer G. Ransom, Rick Dale, Roger J. Kreuz, and Deborah Tollefsen


Variables associated with reductions in insomnia severity among acutely suicidal patients receiving brief cognitive behavioral therapy for suicide prevention, Erika M. Roberge, Craig J. Bryan, Alan Peterson, and M. David Rudd


Standardizing Unstructured Interaction Data in Adaptive Instructional Systems, Vasile Rus, Arthur C. Graesser, Xiangen Hu, and Jody L. Cockroft


How Do Couples Cope With Unemployment: Examining Relationships Among Support, Undermining, and Depression, Eraina Schauss, Kathryn Howell, and Frances Ellmo


Behavioral and psychological aspects of cluster headache: an overview, Lauren A.M. Schenck and Frank Andrasik


Predictors of Diabetic Ketoacidosis Hospitalizations and Hemoglobin A1c among Youth with Type 1 Diabetes, Katherine Semenkovich, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Rachel L. Ankney, Kimberly L. Klages, Mary E. Keenan, Tiffany M. Rybak, Gabrielle G. Banks, and Ramin Alemzadeh


Latent profile analysis exploring potential moral injury and posttraumatic stress disorder among military veterans, Melissa A. Smigelsky, Jesse D. Malott, Katherine Veazey Morris, Kristoffer S. Berlin, and Robert A. Neimeyer


Children’s social status and anticipated shame and guilt experiences, Charles Matthew Stapleton, Hui Zhang, Katherine M. Kitzmann, and Robert Cohen


Elevated Demand and Proportionate Substance-related Reinforcement are Associated with Driving after Cannabis Use, Jenni B. Teeters, Lidia Z. Meshesha, Ashley A. Dennhardt, and James G. Murphy


Are Peritraumatic Perceptions of Fear/Life Threat and Posttraumatic Negative Self-Conscious Appraisals/Emotions Differentially Associated with PTSD Symptoms?, Han N. Tran and J. Gayle Beck


The Association Between Posttraumatic Negative Self-Conscious Cognitions and Emotions and Maladaptive Behaviors: Does Time Since Trauma Exposure Matter?, Han N. Tran, Alexandra J. Lipinski, Samuel C. Peter, Thomas S. Dodson, Rimsha Majeed, Ulysses C. Savage, and J. Gayle Beck


Brief Intervention to Reduce Problem Drinking in College Students With ADHD, John M. Vasko, Michael C. Meinzer, James G. Murphy, Lauren E. Oddo, Katherine L. McCauley, Mary E. Rooney, Carl W. Lejuez, and Andrea Chronis-Tuscano


Using global team science to identify genetic parkinson's disease worldwide, Eva Juliane Vollstedt, Meike Kasten, Christine Klein, Jan Aasly, Charles Adler, Azlina Ahmad-Annuar, Alberto Albanese, and Roy N. Alcalay


Elaborated feedback and learning: Examining cognitive and motivational influences, Zhen Wang, Shao Ying Gong, Sheng Xu, and Xiang En Hu


In pediatric patients with brain tumors treated with radiation therapy, Victoria W. Willard, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Heather M. Conklin, and Thomas E. Merchant


Can community-based signalling behaviour in Saccharomyces cerevisiae be called quorum sensing? A critical review of the literature, Michela Winters, Nils Arneborg, Rudi Appels, and Kate Howell


Defined co-cultures of yeast and bacteria modify the aroma, crumb and sensory properties of bread, M. Winters, D. Panayotides, M. Bayrak, G. Rémont, C. G. Viejo, D. Liu, B. Le, and Y. Liu


What Is in a Name? A Historical Review of Intelligence Test Score Labels, Isaac L. Woods, Randy G. Floyd, Leah J. Singh, Haley K. Layton, Philip A. Norfolk, and Ryan L. Farmer


The development of the Awe Experience Scale (AWE-S): A multifactorial measure for a complex emotion, David B. Yaden, Scott Barry Kaufman, Elizabeth Hyde, Alice Chirico, Andrea Gaggioli, Jia Wei Zhang, and Dacher Keltner


Relations Among Meaning Making, PTSD, and Complicated Grief Following Homicide Loss, Rebecca J. Zakarian, Meghan E. McDevitt-Murphy, Benjamin W. Bellet, Robert A. Neimeyer, and Laurie A. Burke


Three pathways from anger dysregulation to lower social status among chinese boys, Hui Zhang, Charles Matthew Stapleton, Yeh Hsueh, and Robert Cohen


A Compassionate Self Is a True Self? Self-Compassion Promotes Subjective Authenticity, Jia Wei Zhang, Serena Chen, Teodora K. Tomova Shakur, Begüm Bilgin, Wen Jia Chai, Tamilselvan Ramis, Hadi Shaban-Azad, and Pooya Razavi

Submissions from 2018


Access to environmental reward mediates the relation between posttraumatic stress symptoms and alcohol problems and craving, Samuel F. Acuff, Matthew T. Luciano, Kathryn E. Soltis, Keanan J. Joyner, Meghan McDevitt-Murphy, and James G. Murphy


Applying behavioral economic theory to problematic Internet use: An initial investigation, Samuel F. Acuff, James MacKillop, and James G. Murphy


Evaluating Behavioral Economic Models of Heavy Drinking Among College Students, Samuel F. Acuff, Kathryn E. Soltis, Ashley A. Dennhardt, Kristoffer S. Berlin, and James G. Murphy


Depressive symptoms as predictors of alcohol problem domains and reinforcement among heavy drinking college students., Samuel F. Acuff, Kathryn E. Soltis, Matthew T. Luciano, Lidia Z. Meshesha, Paola Pedrelli, Ashley A. Dennhardt, and James G. Murphy


Non -pharmacological approaches for headaches in young age: An updated review, Frank Andrasik, Licia Grazzi, Emanuela Sansone, Domenico D'Amico, Alberto Raggi, and Eleonora Grignani


Comorbid Pain and PTSD: Integrating Research and Practice with MVC Survivors, J. Gayle Beck and Edward J. Hickling


The Utility of the Personality Assessment Inventory in the Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in OEF/OIF/OND Veterans, Benjamin W. Bellet, Meghan E. McDevitt-Murphy, Danielle H. Thomas, and Matthew T. Luciano


Event Centrality and Bereavement Symptomatology: The Moderating Role of Meaning Made, Benjamin W. Bellet, Robert A. Neimeyer, and Jeffrey S. Berman


Methods commentary: Uncovering unobserved data patterns with latent variable mixture modeling, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Rachel L. Ankney, and Tiffany M. Rybak


Nutrient intake and physical exercise significantly impact physical performance, body composition, blood lipids, oxidative stress, and inflammation in male rats, Richard J. Bloomer, John Henry M. Schriefer, Trint A. Gunnels, Sang Rok Lee, Helen J. Sable, Marie van der Merwe, Randal K. Buddington, and Karyl K. Buddington


Associations of patient-rated emotional bond and vocally encoded emotional arousal among clinicians and acutely suicidal military personnel, Craig J. Bryan, Brian R. Baucom, Alex O. Crenshaw, Zac Imel, David C. Atkins, Tracy A. Clemans, Bruce Leeson, T Scott Burch, Jim Mintz, and M David Rudd


Effect of crisis response planning on patient mood and clinician decision making: A clinical trial with suicidal U.S. soldiers, Craig J. Bryan, Jim Mintz, Tracy A. Clemans, T. Scott Burch, Bruce Leeson, Sean Williams, and M. David Rudd


Differential effects of brief cbt versus treatment as usual on posttreatment suicide attempts among groups of suicidal patients, Craig J. Bryan, Alan L. Peterson, and M. David Rudd


Nonlinear Change Processes During Psychotherapy Characterize Patients Who Have Made Multiple Suicide Attempts, Craig J. Bryan and M. David Rudd


Mechanisms of Action Contributing to Reductions in Suicide Attempts Following Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Military Personnel: A Test of the Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicide, Craig J. Bryan, David S. Wood, Alexis May, Alan L. Peterson, Evelyn Wertenberger, and M. David Rudd


A phosphatidylserine source of docosahexanoic acid improves neurodevelopment and survival of preterm pigs, Randal K. Buddington, Victor V. Chizhikov, Igor Y. Iskusnykh, Helen J. Sable, Jeffrey J. Sable, Zade R. Holloway, Tamar Blumenfeld Katzir, and Marie van der Merwe

Impact of corpus size and dimensionality of LSA spaces from Wikipedia articles on autotutor answer evaluation, Zhiqiang Cai, Arthur C. Graesser, Leah C. Windsor, Qinyu Cheng, David W. Shaffer, and Xiangen Hu


Autotutor: An intelligent tutoring system and its authoring tools, Zhiqiang Cai and Xiangen Hu


Perceived problem-solving deficits and suicidal ideation: Evidence for the explanatory roles of thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness in five samples, Carol Chu, Kristin L. Walker, Ian H. Stanley, Jameson K. Hirsch, Jeffrey H. Greenberg, M David Rudd, and Thomas E. Joiner


Brief Motivational Intervention for Underage Young Adult Drinkers: Results from a Randomized Clinical Trial, Suzanne M. Colby, Lindsay Orchowski, Molly Magill, James G. Murphy, Linda A. Brazil, Timothy R. Apodaca, Christopher W. Kahler, and Nancy P. Barnett

An open vocabulary approach for estimating teacher use of authentic questions in classroom discourse, Connor Cook, Andrew M. Olney, Sean Kelly, and Sidney K. D’Mello


Obesity and sarcoidosis: Consequence or contributor?, Yvette C. Cozier, Praveen Govender, and Jeffrey S. Berman


Advances from the Office of Naval Research STEM Grand Challenge: expanding the boundaries of intelligent tutoring systems, Scotty D. Craig, Arthur C. Graesser, and Ray S. Perez


Substance use and psychological distress before and after the military to civilian transition, Karen J. Derefinko, Troy A. Hallsell, Matthew B. Isaacs, Francisco I. Salgado Garcia, Lauren W. Colvin, Zoran Bursac, Meghan E. McDevitt-Murphy, and James G. Murphy

Influence of an online counseling skills course on student perceptions of counseling skills, David Dietrich and Cheryl Bowers

Making sense out of synchronous and asynchronous discourse in education (SADES), Nia Dowell, Andrew Hampton, Xiangen Hu, and Christopher Brooks

Clustering the learning patterns of adults with low literacy skills interacting with an intelligent tutoring system, Ying Fang, Keith Shubeck, Anne Lippert, Qinyu Cheng, Genghu Shi, Shi Feng, Jessica Gatewood, and Su Chen


Robotics and computer vision techniques combined with non-invasive consumer biometrics to assess quality traits from beer foamability using machine learning: A potential for artificial intelligence applications, Claudia Gonzalez Viejo, Sigfredo Fuentes, Kate Howell, Damir Torrico, and Frank R. Dunshea


Assessment of Beer Quality Based on a Robotic Pourer, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning Algorithms Using Commercial Beers, Claudia Gonzalez Viejo, Sigfredo Fuentes, Damir D. Torrico, Kate Howell, and Frank R. Dunshea


Assessment of beer quality based on foamability and chemical composition using computer vision algorithms, near infrared spectroscopy and machine learning algorithms, Claudia Gonzalez Viejo, Sigfredo Fuentes, Damir Torrico, Kate Howell, and Frank R. Dunshea


Self-Myofascial Vibro-Shearing: a Randomized Controlled Trial of Biomechanical and Related Changes in Male Breakdancers, Christopher Marc Gordon, Sophie Manuela Lindner, Niels Birbaumer, Pedro Montoya, Rachel L. Ankney, and Frank Andrasik


Advancing the Science of Collaborative Problem Solving, Arthur C. Graesser, Stephen M. Fiore, Samuel Greiff, Jessica Andrews-Todd, Peter W. Foltz, and Friedrich W. Hesse


ElectronixTutor: an intelligent tutoring system with multiple learning resources for electronics, Arthur C. Graesser, Xiangen Hu, Benjamin D. Nye, Kurt VanLehn, Rohit Kumar, Cristina Heffernan, Neil Heffernan, and Beverly Woolf


Intelligent tutoring systems, Arthur C. Graesser, Xiangen Hu, and Robert Sottilare


Trajectories of children's attitudes and beliefs about violence in families exposed to intimate partner violence, Andrew Grogan-Kaylor, Kathryn H. Howell, Laura E. Miller-Graff, Maria Galano, and Sandra Graham-Bermann


Mitigating knowledge decay from instruction with voluntary use of an adaptive learning system, Andrew J. Hampton, Benjamin D. Nye, Philip I. Pavlik, William R. Swartout, Arthur C. Graesser, and Joseph Gunderson