Psychology Faculty Publications | Psychology | University of Memphis


Submissions from 2022


Effort-related decision making and cannabis use among college students., Samuel F. Acuff, Nicholas W. Simon, and James G. Murphy


Changes in Alcohol Use During COVID-19 and Associations With Contextual and Individual Difference Variables: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Samuel F. Acuff, Justin C. Strickland, Jalie A. Tucker, and James G. Murphy


Does Hopelessness Accurately Predict How Bad You Will Feel in the Future? Initial Evidence of Affective Forecasting Errors in Individuals with Elevated Suicide Risk, Brian W. Bauer, Melanie A. Hom, Aleksandr T. Karnick, Caroline J. Charpentier, Lucas A. Keefer, Daniel W. Capron, M. David Rudd, and Craig J. Bryan


Multi-year field evaluation of nicotianamine biofortified bread wheat, Jesse T. Beasley, Julien P. Bonneau, Laura T. Moreno-Moyano, Damien L. Callahan, Kate S. Howell, Elad Tako, Julian Taylor, and Raymond P. Glahn


An Experimental Investigation Into the Effect of Negative Affect on the Behavioral Economic Demand for Alcohol, Jonas Dora, Adam M. Kuczynski, Megan E. Schultz, Samuel F. Acuff, James G. Murphy, and Kevin M. King


Predictors of Cessation Outcomes Among Older Adult Smokers Enrolled in a Proactive Tobacco Quitline Intervention, Margaret C. Fahey, Wayne G. Talcott, Leslie A. Robinson, Indika Mallawaarachchi, Robert C. Klesges, and Melissa A. Little


Increased Risky Choice and Reduced CHRNB2 Expression in Adult Male Rats Exposed to Nicotine Vapor, Priscilla Giner, Liliana Maynez-Anchondo, Anna E. Liley, Kevin P. Uribe, Gabriel A. Frietze, Nicholas W. Simon, and Ian A. Mendez


Educational Psychology Is Evolving to Accommodate Technology, Multiple Disciplines, and Twenty-First-Century Skills, Arthur C. Graesser, John P. Sabatini, and Haiying Li


Extracting blinks from continuous eye-tracking data in a mind wandering paradigm, John Hollander and Stephanie Huette


Does acute alcohol consumption increase risk-taking while gambling? A systematic review and meta-analysis, Tori L. Horn, James P. Whelan, and Gregory T. Weil


Brief assessment of diabetes-specific psychological flexibility in racially and income diverse youth with type 1 diabetes, Mary E. Keenan, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Jessica L. Cook, Adora E. Choquette, Rachel L. Ankney, Kimberly L. Klages, Katherine A. Semenkovich, and Tiffany M. Rybak


Current Guidelines for Classifying and Diagnosing Cervical Dystonia: Empirical Evidence and Recommendations, Gamze Kilic-Berkmen, Sarah Pirio Richardson, Joel S. Perlmutter, Mark Hallett, Christine Klein, Aparna Wagle-Shukla, Irene A. Malaty, and Stephen G. Reich


Development and Validation of 18-Item Short Form for the Parents as Social Context Questionnaire, Amy C. Lang, Rachel L. Ankney, Kristoffer S. Berlin, and W. Hobart Davies


No Neuron Operates in Isolation, Mark S. LeDoux


Effects of the psychoactive compounds in green tea on risky decision-making, Anna E. Liley, Haleigh N. Joyner, Daniel B.K. Gabriel, and Nicholas W. Simon


Sexual Functioning and Satisfaction Among College Survivors of Sexual Violence: Examining PTSD Symptoms and Sexual Schemas, Alexandra J. Lipinski and J. Gayle Beck


Sugarcane polyphenol and fiber to affect production of short-chain fatty acids and microbiota composition using in vitro digestion and pig faecal fermentation model, Yit Tao Loo, Kate Howell, Hafiz Suleria, Pangzhen Zhang, Chunhe Gu, and Ken Ng


Open trial of a personalized feedback intervention and substance-free activity supplement for veterans with PTSD and hazardous drinking, Matthew T. Luciano, Meghan E. McDevitt-Murphy, James G. Murphy, Rebecca J. Zakarian, and Cecilia Olin


Social support for mothers living with HIV: A pilot investigation of the beneficial roles of positive parenting and community cohesion, Jessica E. Mandell, Kathryn H. Howell, Lauren M. Schaefer, Robin N. Hardin, and Idia B. Thurston


Is e-cigarette use associated with persistence or discontinuation of combustible cigarettes? A 24-month longitudinal investigation in young adult binge drinkers, Victor Martinez-Loredo, Alba González-Roz, Lynne Dawkins, Desmond Singh, James G. Murphy, and James MacKillop


Determining journal article citation classics in school psychology: An updated bibliometric analysis using Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science, Patrick J. McNicholas, Randy G. Floyd, Lauren E. Fennimore, and Sequoya A. Fitzpatrick


Understanding the immediate aftereffects of road traffic crashes in Argentina: The role of injury, Silvana Andrea Montes, Rubén Daniel Ledesma, and J. Gayle Beck


Beyond BASICS:. scoping review of novel intervention content to enhance the efficacy of brief alcohol interventions for emerging adults., James G. Murphy, Kathryn S. Gex, Ashley A. Dennhardt, Alex P. Miller, Susan E. O’Neill, and Brian Borsari


Differentiating the effects of anxious and avoidant attachment on depression and resilience following trauma, Taylor R. Napier, Kathryn H. Howell, Lauren M. Schaefer, and Laura E. Schwartz


A Novel Variant of ATP5MC3 Associated with Both Dystonia and Spastic Paraplegia, Derek E. Neilson, Michael Zech, Robert B. Hufnagel, Jesse Slone, Xinjian Wang, Shelli Homan, Lisa M. Gutzwiller, and Elizabeth J. Leslie


The associations between posttraumatic stress disorder and delay discounting, future orientation, and reward availability: A behavioral economic model, Cecilia C. Olin, Meghan E. McDevitt-Murphy, James G. Murphy, Rebecca J. Zakarian, John D. Roache, Stacey Young-McCaughan, Brett T. Litz, Terence M. Keane, and Alan L. Peterson


Preface to the Special Issue on Creating and Improving Adaptive Learning: Smart Authoring Tools and Processes, Andrew M. Olney, Stephen B. Gilbert, and Kelly Rivers


Statistically derived patterns of smoking typologies among adolescents and their associations with demographic characteristics, interpersonal influences, and sources of cigarettes, Kinsey Pebley, Leslie A. Robinson, Kevin W. Campbell, and Kristoffer S. Berlin


Text Comprehension Analyses to Improve Assessment Accuracy: Demonstration Using Gambling Disorder Screening, Samuel C. Peter, James P. Whelan, and Rory A. Pfund


Implementing Prevention Plus with Underserved Families in an Integrated Primary Care Setting, Hollie A. Raynor, Sara Propst, Shannon Robson, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Cristina S. Barroso, and Parinda Khatri


The latent structure of ICD-11 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD in a general population sample from USA: A factor mixture modelling approach, Enya Redican, Marylene Cloitre, Philip Hyland, Orla McBride, Thanos Karatzias, Jamie Murphy, and Mark Shevlin


Finding Effective and Efficient Ways to Integrate Research Advances Into the Clinical Suicide Risk Assessment Interview, M. David Rudd and Craig J. Bryan


Preliminary investigation of interdisciplinary trainee’s improvement in knowledge about autism spectrum disorder, Tybytha D. Ryan, Maryellen Brunson McClain, Anna Merrill, Naima Dahir, Bryn Harris, and Sarah M. Irby


Relational Factors Associated With Posttraumatic Stress Among Emerging Adults of Color Exposed to Community Violence, Hannah L. Shoemaker, Kathryn H. Howell, Lacy E. Jamison, Hannah E. Walker, and Rachel Wamser-Nanney


Testing Functional Analytic Psychotherapy's mediational model of change in social connectedness for people with fear of intimacy, Sean H.Y. Toh, Jonathan W. Kanter, Mary E. Keenan, and Kristoffer S. Berlin


Ribosomal DNA promoter recognition is determined in vivo by cooperation between UBTF1 and SL1 and is compromised in the UBTF-E210K neuroregression syndrome, Michel G. Tremblay, Dany S. Sibai, Melissa Valère, Jean Clément Mars, Frédéric Lessard, Roderick T. Hori, Mohammad MoshahKhan, and Victor Y. Stefanovsky


Investigating the Relations between Sexual Victimization, Substance Misuse, and Exposure to Community Violence, Hannah E. Walker, Rachel Wamser-Nanney, and Kathryn H. Howell


Posttraumatic stress disorder and aggression among post-9/11 veterans: The role of shame, Rebecca J. Zakarian and Meghan E. McDevitt-Murphy


‘I have high self-compassion’: A face-valid single-item self-compassion scale for resource-limited research contexts, Jia Wei Zhang, Ryan T. Howell, Serena Chen, Aleah Ruth Goold, Begüm Bilgin, Wen Jia Chai, and Tamilselvan Ramis


Sensation seeking and cyberbullying among Chinese adolescents: Examining the mediating roles of boredom experience and antisocial media exposure, Xue Chen Zhang, Xiao Wei Chu, Cui Ying Fan, Frank Andrasik, Hui Fen Shi, and Xiang En Hu


Exploring Weibo users’ attitudes toward lesbians and gays in Mainland China: A natural language processing and machine learning approach, Quan Zheng, Ying Guo, Zhen Wang, Frank Andrasik, Ziyi Kuang, Junyi Li, Sheng Xu, and Xiangen Hu

Submissions from 2021


Commentary on Martínez-Loredo et al.: Where do we go from here? Increasing the clinical utility of alcohol purchase tasks by expanding our definition of constraint, Samuel F. Acuff and James G. Murphy


Reinforcer pathology of internet-related behaviors among college students: Data from six countries., Samuel F. Acuff, Angelina Pilatti, Megan Collins, Leanne Hides, Nutankumar S. Thingujam, Wen Jia Chai, Wai Meng Yap, and Ruichong Shuai


Collecting 3A Data to Enhance HCI in AIS, Faruk Ahmed, Genghu Shi, Keith Shubeck, Lijia Wang, Jeffrey Black, Emma Pursley, Iqbal Hossain, and Xiangen Hu


Enhance Conversation-Based Tutoring System with Blended Human Tutor, Faruk Ahmed, Keith Shubeck, Liang Zhang, Lijia Wang, and Xiangen Hu


Can concept maps attenuate auditory distraction when studying with music?, Kenneth J. Barideaux and Philip I. Pavlik


Moderators of PTSD symptom change in group cognitive behavioral therapy and group present centered therapy, J. Gayle Beck, Joshua D. Clapp, William Unger, Melissa Wattenberg, and Denise M. Sloan


Toward the Development of a Culturally Humble Intervention to Improve Glycemic Control and Quality of Life among Adolescents with Type-1 Diabetes and Their Families, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Kimberly L. Klages, Gabrielle G. Banks, Tiffany M. Rybak, Rachel L. Ankney, Katherine Semenkovich, Mary E. Keenan, and Deborah A. Ellis


Isoflurane effects on the N1 and other long-latency auditory evoked potentials in Wistar rats, L. M. Brewer, M. M. Holdford, Z. R. Holloway, J. J. Sable, F. Andrasik, and H. J.K. Sable


Identifying Patterns of Alcohol Use and Obesity-Related Factors Among Emerging Adults: A Behavioral Economic Analysis, Joanna Buscemi, Samuel F. Acuff, Meenu Minhas, James MacKillop, and James G. Murphy


A comparison of the effect of temperature on grapevine phenology between vineyards, Wendy Cameron, Paul R. Petrie, E. W.R. Barlow, Kate Howell, Chelsea Jarvis, and Sigfredo Fuentes


Is advancement of grapevine maturity explained by an increase in the rate of ripening or advancement of veraison?, W. Cameron, P. R. Petrie, E. W.R. Barlow, C. J. Patrick, K. Howell, and S. Fuentes


Measurement Invariance of the Young Adult Alcohol Consequences Questionnaire Across College Status, Race, and Childhood SES in a Diverse Community Sample, Kevin W. Campbell, Kinsey Pebley, James MacKillop, and James G. Murphy


Statistically derived patterns of behavioral economic risk among heavy-drinking college students: A latent profile analysis., Kevin W. Campbell, Andrew T. Voss, Samuel F. Acuff, Kinsey Pebley, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Matthew P. Martens, Brian Borsari, and Ashley A. Dennhardt


Microorganisms in Whole Botanical Fermented Foods Survive Processing and Simulated Digestion to Affect Gut Microbiota Composition, Miin Chan, Di Liu, Yingying Wu, Fan Yang, and Kate Howell


Perceived stress and cyberloafing among college students: The mediating roles of fatigue and negative coping styles, Yan Chen, Hong Chen, Frank Andrasik, and Chuanhua Gu


Longitudinal smoking patterns and adult cardiometabolic risk among African Americans., Ashley H. Clawson, Cara N. Nwankwo, Amanda N. Baraldi, Ashley B. Cole, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Nicole M. Ruppe, and Alexandra L. Blair


The Development of the Positive Emotion Assessment of Contentment Experience (PEACE) Scale, Daniel T. Cordaro, Christina Bradley, Jia Wei Zhang, Franklyn Zhu, and Rachel Han


Associations between Profiles of Maternal Strengths and Positive Parenting Practices among Mothers Experiencing Adversity, Kristina M. Decker, Idia B. Thurston, Kathryn H. Howell, Amanda J. Hasselle, and Rebecca C. Kamody


A Person-Centered Analysis of Change in Children’s Peer Optimism and Its Relation to Peer Social Competence, Daneen P. Deptula, Gabrielle G. Banks, Sarah E. Barnes, and Robert Cohen


Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicidal Inpatients, Gretchen J. Diefenbach, Michael David Rudd, Lori F. Merling, Carolyn Davies, Benjamin W. Katz, and David F. Tolin


Using Social Support Matter in the Association of Post-Traumatic Cognitions and Perceived Social Support? Comparison of Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence With and Without a History of Child Abuse, Thomas S. Dodson and J. Gayle Beck


A high fat western diet attenuates phasic dopamine release, Mary K. Estes, Jasric J. Bland, Kenya K. Ector, Melissa J. Puppa, Douglas W. Powell, and Deranda B. Lester


Association between Perceived Discrimination and Vaping among College Students, Margaret C. Fahey, James D. Morris, Leslie A. Robinson, and Kinsey Pebley


Is the Vineland-3 Comprehensive Interview Form a Multidimensional or Unidimensional Scale? Structural Analysis of Subdomain Scores Across Early Childhood to Adulthood, Ryan L. Farmer, Randy G. Floyd, and Patrick J. McNicholas


A Historical Review and Analysis of Impact Factors Across School Psychology Journals from 1977 to 2019, Randy G. Floyd, Emily K. Lewis, Kelsey A. Walker, Patrick J. McNicholas, and Kerry L. Jones


Using a Person-Centered Approach to Identify Patterns of Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence and Child Abuse in Women: Associations With Mental Health, Bre’Anna L. Free, Alexandra J. Lipinski, Rivian K. Lewin, Rimsha Majeed, Rebecca J. Zakarian, and J. Gayle Beck


Dopamine receptors regulate preference between high-effort and high-risk rewards, Daniel B.K. Gabriel, Anna E. Liley, Timothy G. Freels, and Nicholas W. Simon


Psychophysiology during exposure to trauma memories: Comparative effects of virtual reality and imaginal exposure for posttraumatic stress disorder, Michael A. Gramlich, Derek J. Smolenski, Aaron M. Norr, Barbara O. Rothbaum, Albert A. Rizzo, Frank Andrasik, Emily Fantelli, and Greg M. Reger


Acceptance and commitment therapy for high frequency episodic migraine without aura: Findings from a randomized pilot investigation, Licia Grazzi, Frank Andrasik, Paul Rizzoli, Carolyn Bernstein, Emanuela Sansone, and Alberto Raggi


Relationship Between Item and Source Memory: Explanation of Connection-Strength Model, Junjun Guo, Keith Shubeck, and Xiangen Hu


Recognizing the Cumulative Burden of Childhood Adversities Transforms Science and Practice for Trauma and Resilience, Sherry Hamby, Jessica H.L. Elm, Kathryn H. Howell, and Melissa T. Merrick

Teachable Agent Improves Affect Regulation: Evidence from Betty’s Brain, Jian Hua Han, Keith Shubeck, Geng Hu Shi, Xiang En Hu, Lei Yang, Li Jia Wang, Wei Zhao, and Qiang Jiang


Associations between the Brief Assessment of Alcohol Demand (BAAD) questionnaire and alcohol use disorder severity in UK samples of student and community drinkers, Lorna Hardy, Alexandra E. Bakou, Ruichong Shuai, Samuel F. Acuff, James MacKillop, Cara M. Murphy, James G. Murphy, and Lee Hogarth


Intelligence can be used to make a more equitable society but only when properly defined and applied, Latasha R. Holden and Sara A. Hart


Evidence for a Cultural Mindset: Combining Process Data, Theory, and Simulation, La Tasha R. Holden, Michelle LaMar, and Malcolm Bauer


‘Play responsibly’: consumers’ attention to and understanding of warning messages on scratch-off lottery tickets, Tori L. Horn, James P. Whelan, Qian Li, Abby McPhail, Andrew W. Meyers, Rimsha Majeed, and Stephanie Huette


Factors related to parenting confidence among pregnant women experiencing intimate partner violence., Kathryn H. Howell, Laura E. Miller-Graff, Hannah C. Gilliam, and Jessica R. Carney


Charting a course towards resilience following adverse childhood experiences: Addressing intergenerational trauma via strengths-based intervention, Kathryn H. Howell, Laura E. Miller-Graff, Cecilia Martinez-Torteya, Taylor R. Napier, and Jessica R. Carney


Social Support as a Moderator between Syndemics and Posttraumatic Stress among Women Experiencing Adversity, Kathryn H. Howell, Lauren M. Schaefer, Amanda J. Hasselle, and Idia B. Thurston


Systemic Factors Associated With Prosocial Skills and Maladaptive Functioning in Youth Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence, Kathryn H. Howell, Idia B. Thurston, Amanda J. Hasselle, Kristina Decker, and Lacy E. Jamison


Associations between Substance Use and Depressive Symptoms among Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence, Lacy E. Jamison, Kathryn H. Howell, Kristina M. Decker, Laura E. Schwartz, and Idia B. Thurston


The relaxation zone: Initial analysis of stress management services for university students, Victoria L. Jones, Francisco I. Salgado García, Logan M. Brewer, Andrea Pérez-Muñoz, Lauren A.M. Schenck, Zhiqi You, and Frank Andrasik


Spirituality and Parenting among Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence, Caroline C. Kaufman, Kathryn H. Howell, Jessica E. Mandell, Amanda H. Hasselle, and Idia B. Thurston


Predictors of HbA1c Trajectories in Predominantly Black Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes, Mary E. Keenan, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Jessica L. Cook, Rachel L. Ankney, Kimberly L. Klages, Katherine A. Semenkovich, Tiffany M. Rybak, and Gabrielle G. Banks


Empirically Derived Profiles of Health-Related Quality of Life in Youth and Young Adults with Sickle Cell Disease, Mary E. Keenan, Megan Loew, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Jason Hodges, Nicole M. Alberts, Jane S. Hankins, and Jerlym S. Porter


The post-translational modification landscape of commercial beers, Edward D. Kerr, Christopher H. Caboche, Cassandra L. Pegg, Toan K. Phung, Claudia Gonzalez Viejo, Sigfredo Fuentes, Mark T. Howes, and Kate Howell


Examining Risk Factors of Health-Related Quality of Life Impairments Among Adolescents with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Kimberly L. Klages, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Jessica L. Cook, Mary E. Keenan, Katherine Semenkovich, Gabrielle G. Banks, Tiffany M. Rybak, and Rachel L. Ankney


Health-related quality of life, obesity, fragmented sleep, fatigue, and psychosocial problems among youth with craniopharyngioma, Kimberly L. Klages, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Jessica L. Cook, Thomas E. Merchant, Merrill S. Wise, Belinda N. Mandrell, Heather M. Conklin, and Valerie Mc Laughlin Crabtree


Urine levels of the polyglutamine ataxin-3 protein are elevated in patients with spinocerebellar ataxia type 3, Yuka Koike, Karen R. Jansen-West, Rana Hanna AL-Shaikh, Yari Carlomagno, Yuping Song, Judith A. Dunmore, Mark S. LeDoux, and Joseph H. Friedman


Integration of motivational interviewing and behavioral economic theories to enhance brief alcohol interventions: Rationale and preliminary examination of client language., Benjamin O. Ladd, James G. Murphy, and Brian Borsari


Palmaris brevis syndrome: A treatable pseudodystonia, Mark S. Ledoux and Jianfeng Xiao


Group-based acceptance and commitment therapy to enhance graduate student psychological flexibility: Treatment development and preliminary implementation evaluation, Rivian K. Lewin, Samuel F. Acuff, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Jeffrey S. Berman, and Amy R. Murrell


How much of a psychotherapy session must be viewed to judge interpersonal qualities of the therapist?, Rivian K. Lewin and Jeffrey S. Berman


Exploring ambivalent rape acknowledgment and posttraumatic stress symptoms among college women who have experienced rape: What's in a name?, Alexandra J. Lipinski, Rivian K. Lewin, Bre'anna L. Free, Jacob G. Burkley, Rimsha Majeed, and J. Gayle Beck


Limitations of cross-lagged panel models in addiction research and alternative models: An empirical example using project MATCH., Andrew K. Littlefield, Kevin M. King, Samuel F. Acuff, Katherine T. Foster, James G. Murphy, and Katie Witkiewitz


Prevention of Alcohol-related Incidents in the U.S. Air Force: Results From a Cluster Randomized Trial, Melissa A. Little, Robert C. Klesges, Indika Mallawaarachchi, Timothy McMurry, Kinsey Pebley, Meghan McDevitt-Murphy, James Murphy, and G Wayne Talcott


Community succession of the grapevine fungal microbiome in the annual growth cycle, Di Liu and Kate Howell


Diversity and dynamics of fungi during spontaneous fermentations and association with unique aroma profiles in wine, Di Liu, Jean Luc Legras, Pangzhen Zhang, Deli Chen, and Kate Howell

Can Social Comparison Alter the Impact of Socio-Cognitive Conflict on Academic Performance?, Zhou Long, Dehong Luo, Kai Kiu, and Xiangen Hu