
Submissions from 2003


Single amino acid mutations, but not common polymorphisms, decrease the activity of CYP1B1 against (-)benzo[a]pyrene-7R-trans-7,8-dihydrodiol, Jennifer S. Mammen, Gary S. Pittman, Ying Li, and Fadi Abou-Zahr


On-orbit magnetic positive positioning of LOX: Simulation and correlation, Jeff G. Marchetta, John I. Hochstein, and Benjamin D. Simmons


A phenomenological model for the effect of R ratio on fatigue of strain crystallizing rubbers, W. V. Mars and A. Fatemi


Fatigue crack nucleation and growth in filled natural rubber, W. V. Mars and A. Fatemi


Quantitative immunohistochemistry by measuring cumulative signal strength accurately measures receptor number, Kristina A. Matkowskyj, Randal Cox, Robert T. Jensen, and Richard V. Benya


Electrospinning of collagen type II: A feasibility study, Jamil A. Matthews, Eugene D. Boland, Gary E. Wnek, David G. Simpson, and Gary L. Bowlin


Effect of Rest Interval Length on Repeated 1 Repetition Maximum Back Squats, Michael E. Matuszak, Andrew C. Fry, Lawrence W. Weiss, Travis R. Ireland, and Marvin M. McKnight

Method of reducing contactor effect when testing high-precision ADCs, Gwenolé Maugard, Carsten Wegener, Tom O'Dwyer, and Michael Peter Kennedy


The gambling self-efficacy questionnaire: An initial psychometric evaluation, Ryan K. May, James P. Whelan, Timothy A. Steenbergh, and Andrew W. Meyers


A Sárközy theorem for finite fields, Randall McCutcheon

A field investigation of Depressaria (Elachistidae) host plants and ecology in the Western United States, Duane D. McKenna and Mary R. Berenbaum


Discussion of ‘predicting settlement of shallow foundations using neural networks’, Roger W. Meier


Speech perception benefits from sound field FM amplification, Lisa Lucks Mendel, Richard A. Roberts, and Julie H. Walton

Authentic learning: A practical introduction & guide for implementation, Clif Mims

Influence of lamella features of UHMWPE on its physical and uniaxial tensile properties. I. Effect of sterilization method in uncrosslinked and unaged materials, Sanjay Mishra, Ann Viano, Neil Fore, Gladius Lewis, and Asit Ray

Influence of lamella features of UHMWPE on its physical and uniaxial tensile properties. I. Effect of sterilization method in uncrosslinked and unaged materials, Sanjay Mishra, Ann Viano, Neil Fore, Gladius Lewis, and Asit Ray


Ultrasonic characterization of the curing process of PCC fly ash-cement composites, S. R. Mishra, S. Kumar, A. Park, J. Rho, J. Losby, and B. K. Hoffmeister


Temperature-dependent surface topography analysis of Illinois class F fly ash using ESEM and AFM, S. R. Mishra, S. Kumar, A. Wagh, J. Y. Rho, and T. Gheyi


Magnetic properties of iron nitride-silica nanocomposite materials prepared by high-energy ball milling, S. R. Mishra, A. Viano, S. Roy, N. Ali, and J. Losby


Further dissection of a genomic locus associated with behavioral activity in the Wistar-Kyoto hyperactive rat, an animal model of hyperkinesis, M. P. Moisan, B. Llamas, M. N. Cook, and P. Mormède


The influence of diversity context on white men’s and racial minorities’ reactions to disproportionate group harm, Kelly A. Mollica


Racial homophily and its persistence in newcomers' social networks, Kelly A. Mollica, Barbara Gray, and Linda K. Treviño


In the eye of the beholder: Procedural justice in social exchange, Linda D. Molm, Gretchen Peterson, and Nobuyuki Takahashi


Synthesis of 4-methoxy-3,5-dinitrobenzaldehyde: A correction to supposed tele nucleophilic aromatic substitution, Keith A. Monk, Rogelio Siles, Kevin G. Pinney, and Charles M. Garner

Need relief, Larry W. Moore


Correlates of urinary albumin excretion in young adult Blacks and Whites: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study, Maureen A. Murtaugh, David R. Jacob, Xinhua Yu, Myron D. Gross, and Michael Steffes


Evaluation of limbal conjunctival autograft and low-dose mitomycin C in the treatment of recurrent pterygium, Khaled S. Nabawi, Mahfouz A. Ghonim, and Mohamad H. Ali


Measurements of free radicals over a period of 4.5 years in gamma-irradiated ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, N. Naheed, M. S. Jahan, and M. Ridley


A scalable artificial immune system model for dynamic unsupervised learning, Olfa Nasraoui, Fabio Gonzalez, Cesar Cardona, Carlos Rojas, and Dipankar Dasgupta

Soft multiple expression and genetic redundancy: Preliminary results for non-stationary function optimization, Olfa Nasraoui, Carlos Rojas, Cesar Cardona, and Dipankar Dasgupta


Final Syllable Lengthening (FSL) in infant vocalizations, Suneeti Nathani, D. Kimbrough Oller, and Alan B. Cobo-Lewis


Efficiency and reliability of genomic information storage and retrieval in DNA-based memories with compaction, A. J. Neel and Max H. Garzon


Husserl's conception of reason as authenticity, Thomas Nenon


Screening, education, and associated behavioral responses to reduce risk for falls among people over age 65 years attending, a community health fair, Kirsten K. Ness, James G. Gurney, and Gillian H. Ice


Associations between repression, general maladjustment, body weight, and body shape in older males: The normative aging study, Raymond S. Niaura, Laura R. Stroud, John Todaro, Kenneth D. Ward, Avron Spiro, Carolyn Aldwin, Lewis Landsberg, and Scott T. Weiss


Are factor substitutions in HMO industry operations cost saving?, Albert A. Okunade


Mortality from breast carcinoma among US women: The role and implications of socio-economics, heterogeneous insurance, screening mammography, and geography, Albert A. Okunade and Mustafa C. Karakus


Depressive symptoms and decision making among African American youth, Jebose O. Okwumabua, S. P. Wong, and Elias J. Duryea


The Gene for Acute Sarcoidosis?, Anthony W. O'Regan and Jeffrey S. Berman


Long-term neurologic and neurosensory sequelae in adult survivors of a childhood brain tumor: Childhood cancer survivor study, Roger J. Packer, James G. Gurney, Judy A. Punyko, Sarah S. Donaldson, Peter D. Inskip, Marilyn Stovall, Yutaka Yasui, Ann C. Mertens, Charles A. Sklar, H. Stacy Nicholson, Lonnie K. Zeltzer, Joseph P. Neglia, and Leslie L. Robison

You can't do a thing if you can't build the swing: Modeling and reality in mechanics of materials, Paul Palazolo and Anna Phillips


Cossack: Coordinated suppression of simultaneous attacks, C. Papadopoulos, R. Lindell, J. Mehringer, A. Hussain, and R. Govindan


COSSACK: Coordinated Suppression of Simultaneous Attacks, C. Papadopoulos, R. Lindell, J. Mehringer, A. Hussain, and R. Govindan


Naphthalenyl, anthracenyl, tetracenyl, and pentacenyl radicals and their anions, Brian N. Papas, Suyun Wang, Nathan J. DeYonker, Henry L. Woodcock, and Henry F. Schaefer


HIV-1 integrase inhibition: Binding sites, structure activity relationships and future perspectives, A. L. Parrill


A Study of Packet Delivery Performance during Routing Convergence, Dan Pei, Lan Wang, Daniel Massey, S. Felix Wu, and Lixia Zhang


A model for analyzing black-box optimization, Vinhthuy Phan, Steven Skiena, and Pavel Sumazin


Romantic relationships in organizations: A test of a model of formation and impact factors, Charles A. Pierce and Herman Aguinis


A 2D/3D model-based object tracking framework, Ediz Polat, Mohammed Yeasin, and Rajeev Sharma


Robust tracking of human body parts for collaborative human computer interaction, Ediz Polat, Mohammed Yeasin, and Rajeev Sharma


The hybrid clicks and bricks business model, Pattarawan Prasarnphanich and Mark L. Gillenson


Image estimation accounting for point-spread function depth variation in three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy, Chrysanthe Preza and José Angel Conchello


How much can a vibrational diagnostic tool reveal in total hip arthroplasty loosening?, Gang Qi, W. Paul Mouchon, and Teong E. Tan


Dropped head presentation of mitochondrial myopathy, Fazal Rahim, Devanshi Gupta, Tulio E. Bertorini, and Mark S. LeDoux

A journey into cooperative learning with teacher education students, Mary Ransdell and Deborah A. Moberly

Heart Rate Variability in Rats with Aldosterone-Induced Chronic Heart Failure, P. Raphisak, A. De Jongh Curry, R. A. Malkin, and S. A.C. Schuckers


Improving corporate governance: The role of audit committee disclosures, Zabihollah Rezaee, George Minmier, and Kingsley O. Olibe


The reliability and predictive value of adolescents' reports of initial reactions to smoking, Brant W. Riedel, Jonathan L. Blitstein, Leslie A. Robinson, David M. Murray, and Robert C. Klesges


Ethnic differences in smoking withdrawal effects among adolescents, Brant W. Riedel, Leslie A. Robinson, Robert C. Klesges, and Bonnie McLain-Allen

"Start to stop": Results of a randomised controlled trial of a smoking cessation programme for teens, L. A. Robinson, M. W. Vander Weg, B. W. Riedel, R. C. Klesges, and B. McLain-Allen


Evaluation of the cancer chemopreventive potency of dithiolethione analogs of oltipraz, Bill D. Roebuck, Thomas J. Curphey, Yuan Li, and Karen J. Baumgartner


The Prevalence of Sexual Problems in Women: How Valid Are Comparisons Across Studies?, Raymond C. Rosen, Edward O. Laumann, John Bancroft, Jeni Loftus, and J. Scott Long


Subtype-selective antagonists of lysophosphatidic acid receptors inhibit platelet activation triggered by the lipid core of atherosclerotic plaques, Enno Rother, Richard Brandl, Daniel L. Baker, Pankaj Goyal, Harry Gebhard, Gabor Tigyi, and Wolfgang Siess


Industry, corporate, and segment effects and business performance: A non-parametric approach, Timothy W. Ruefli and Robert R. Wiggins

An accurate iteractive algorithm for logic form identification, Vasile Rus


Two-phase electrospinning from a single electrified jet: Microencapsulation of aqueous reservoirs in poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) fibers, Elliot H. Sanders, Reneé Kloefkorn, Gary L. Bowlin, David G. Simpson, and Gary E. Wnek


From remote media immersion to distributed immersive performance, A. A. Sawchuk, E. Chew, R. Zimmermann, C. Papadopoulos, and C. Kyriakakis


Single-Cell Immunohistochemical Mutation Load Assay (SCIMLA) Using Human Paraffin-Embedded Tissues, Gudrun Schlake, Qiang Liu, Ernst Heinmöller, Kathleen A. Hill, Lawrence Weiss, and Steve S. Sommer


Alkaline hydrolysis of enantiomeric poly(lactide)s stereocomplex deposited on solid substrates, Takeshi Serizawa, Yuuya Arikawa, Ken Ichi Hamada, Hiroo Yamashita, Tomoko Fujiwara, Yoshiharu Kimura, and Mitsuru Akashi


Speech-gesture driven multimodal interfaces for Crisis Management, Rajeev Sharma, Mohammed Yeasin, Nils Krahnstoever, Ingmar Rauschert, Guoray Cai, Isaac Brewer, Alan M. MacEachren, and Kuntal Sengupta


Are metabolic risk factors one unified syndrome? Modeling the structure of the metabolic syndrome X, Biing Jiun Shen, John F. Todaro, Raymond Niaura, Jeanne M. McCaffery, Jianping Zhang, Avron Spiro, and Kenneth D. Ward


Quantifying plasticization and melting behavior of poly(vinylidine fluoride) in supercritical CO2 utilizing a linear variable differential transformer, Suresh L. Shenoy, Tomoko Fujiwara, and Kenneth J. Wynne


Quantifying Supercritical CO2 Dilation of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) and Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) Utilizing a Linear Variable Differential Transducer: Plasticization and Melting Behavior, Suresh L. Shenoy, Tomoko Fujiwara, and Kenneth J. Wynne


A Preliminary Examination of Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Chronic Pain Patients: A Case Study, Jillian C. Shipherd, J. Gayle Beck, Jessica L. Hamblen, Jeffrey M. Lackner, and Jennifer B. Freeman


The role of copper and protons in heme-copper oxidases: Kinetic study of an engineered heme-copper center in myoglobin, Jeffrey A. Sigman, Hyeon K. Kim, Xuan Zhao, James R. Carey, and Yi Lu

An energy minimization model of magnetic positive propellant positioning (MP3), Benjamin D. Simmons, Jeffrey G. Marchetta, John I. Hochstein, and Steven H. Collicott


Loss concealment for multi-channel streaming audio, Rishi Sinha, Christos Papadopoulos, and Chris Kyriakakis


Geodetic determination of relative plate motion and crustal deformation across the Scotia-South America plate boundary in eastern Tierra del Fuego, R. Smalley, E. Kendrick, M. G. Bevis, I. W.D. Dalziel, F. Taylor, E. Lauría, R. Barriga, and G. Casassa


Energy approach to assessing corrosion damaged structures, J. W. Smith


Upgrading orthotropic bridge decks with fiber reinforced composites, J. W. Smith and S. Bright


It is a question of scholarship, Terra L. Smith

Reflections on Scholarship of Integration as a Model for Problem-Based Learning in Undergraduate Engineering Education, Terra L. Smith and William S. Janna


Effects of a vocally fatiguing task and systemic hydration on men's voices, Nancy Pearl Solomon, Leslie E. Glaze, Robert R. Arnold, and Miriam Van Mersbergen


Mobile commerce: What it is and what it could be, Thomas F. Stafford and Mark L. Gillenson


Cognitive-behavioral treatment of late-life generalized anxiety disorder, Melinda A. Stanley, J. Gayle Beck, Diane M. Novy, Patricia M. Averill, Alan C. Swann, Gretchen J. Diefenbach, and Derek R. Hopko


On the communicative function of exaggeration: How to be a million times clearer, Craig O. Stewart and Roger J. Kreuz


On the communicative function of exaggeration: How to be a million times clearer, Craig O. Stewart and Roger J. Kreuz


Motif discovery in upstream sequences of coordinately expressed genes, Matt Stine, Dipankar Dasgupta, and Suraj Mukatira


Effects of cuff deflation and one-way tracheostomy speaking valve placement on swallow physiology, Debra M. Suiter, Gary H. McCullough, and Pamela W. Powell


The contribution of IT governance solutions to the implementation of data warehouse practice, Sutee Sujitparapitaya, Brian D. Janz, and Mark Gillenson


Expanding Pd-catalyzed C-N bond-forming processes: The first amidation of aryl sulfonates, aqueous amination, and complementarity with Cu-catalyzed reactions, Thomas J. Summers and Nathan J. DeYonker


Construction of generalized minimum aberration designs of 3, 4 and 5 factors, Boxin Tang and Lih Yuan Deng


Resin infusion between double flexible tooling: Prototype development, J. R. Thagard, O. I. Okoli, Z. Liang, H. P. Wang, and C. Zhang


Molecular mechanisms of lysophosphatidic acid action, Gabor Tigyi and Abby L. Parrill


Effect of negative emotions on frequency of coronary heart disease (The Normative Aging Study), John F. Todaro, Biing Jiun Shen, Raymond Niaura, Avron Spiro, and Kenneth D. Ward


Participant reactive attitudes and collective responsibility, Deborah Perron Tollefsen


Validity and reliability of activity measures in African-American Girls for GEMS, Margarita S. Treuth, Nancy E. Sherwood, Nancy F. Butte, Barbara McClanahan, Eva Obarzanek, Ainong Zhou, Candace Ayers, and Anne Adolph


Rac-MEKK3-MKK3 scaffolding for p38 MAPK activation during hyperosmotic shock, Mark T. Uhlik, Amy N. Abell, Nancy L. Johnson, and Weiyong Sun


The last years of the habsburg monarchy, Daniel Unowsky


Intracellular localization of the p35 subunit of murine IL-12, Hema Vaidyanathan, You Zhou, Thomas M. Petro, and Steven D. Schwartzbach