
Submissions from 2004


Fatigue behavior and life predictions of notched specimens made of QT and forged microalloyed steels, A. Fatemi, Z. Zeng, and A. Plaseied


The reproductive state of female voles affects their scent marking behavior and the responses of male conspecifics to such marks, M. H. Ferkin, D. N. Lee, and S. T. Leonard


Meadow voles and prairie voles differ in the percentage of conspecific marks they over-mark, Michael H. Ferkin, Hong Z. Li, and Stuart T. Leonard


Biotic diversity of Natchez Trace State Forest, western Tennessee, Scott B. Franklin, John A. Kupfer, Jack W. Grubaugh, and Michael L. Kennedy


The thalamic intergeniculate leaflet modulates photoperiod responsiveness in Siberian hamsters, David A. Freeman, Krishnan M. Dhandapani, and Bruce D. Goldman


Reduced leptin concentrations are permissive for display of torpor in Siberian hamsters, David A. Freeman, Daniel A. Lewis, Alexander S. Kauffman, and Robert M. Blum


Do you hear what I hear? Experimental measurement of the perceptual salience of acoustically manipulated vowel variants by Southern speakers in Memphis, TN, Valerie Fridland, Kathryn Bartlett, and Roger Kreuz


Price discovery in the pits: The role of market makers on the CBOT and the Sydney futures exchange, Alex Frino, Frederick H.De B. Harris, Thomas H. McInish, and Michael J. Tomas


Spectrum Estimation from Quantum-Limited Interferograms, Daniel R. Fuhrmann, Chrysanthe Preza, Joseph A. O'Sullivan, Donald L. Snyder, and William H. Smith


Contrasting nanoscale surface morphologies of polyurethanes containing polyoxetane soft blocks with random and block segmer sequences, Tomoko Fujiwara and Kenneth J. Wynne

Nailing the Lie: An Interview with Jonathan Cole, Shaun Gallagher


Neurocognitive models of schizophrenia: A neurophenomenological critique, Shaun Gallagher

The minds, machines, and brains of a passionate scientist: An interview with Michael Arbib, Shaun Gallagher


Virtual test tubes, Max H. Garzon, Derrel R. Blain, and Andrew J. Neel

Digital information encoding on DNA, Max H. Garzon, Kiranchand V. Bobba, and Bryan P. Hyde


Efficiency and Reliability of Semantic Retrieval in DNA-Based Memories, Max H. Garzon, Kiran Bobba, and Andrew Neel


Codeword design and information encoding in DNA ensembles, Max H. Garzon and Russell J. Deaton


Codeword design and information encoding in DNA ensembles, Max H. Garzon and Russell J. Deaton


Editorial, Max H. Garzon and John A. Rose


Performance of networked XML-driven co-operative applications, Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, Christos Papadopoulos, Min Cai, and Krishna K. Chintalapudi


Magnetic and transport properties of ferromagnetic-PEEK polymer nanocomposite prepared via ion-implantation, K. Ghosh, S. R. Mishra, J. Losby, T. Kehl, B. Robertson, T. Kassim, R. Patel, and M. Weigand


Effect of microhydrin® on blood lactate, protein carbonyls, and glutathione status in rats before and after aerobic exercise, Allan H. Goldfarb, Richard J. Bloomer, and Michael J. McKenzie


Zvi Griliches as a qualified humanitarian: His thoughts on quantifying technological change and productivity, Michael J. Gootzeit and Albert A. Okunade


AutoTutor: A tutor with dialogue in natural language, Arthur C. Graesser, Shulan Lu, George Tanner Jackson, Heather Hite Mitchell, Mathew Ventura, Andrew Olney, and Max M. Louwerse


Coh-metrix: analysis of text on cohesion and language, Arthur C. Graesser, Danielle S. McNamara, Max M. Louwerse, and Zhiqiang Cai


The impact of conversational navigational guides on the learning, use, and perceptions of users of a Web site, Art Graesser, G. Tanner Jackson, Matthew Ventura, James Mueller, Xiangen Hu, and Natalie Person


On some Rado numbers for generalized arithmetic progressions, David J. Grynkiewicz


Understanding the pattern of PTSD symptomatology: A comparison of between versus within-group approaches, Berglind Gudmundsdottir and J. Gayle Beck


Quality of life and post trauma symptomatology in motor vehicle accident survivors: The mediating effects of depression and anxiety, Berglind Gudmundsdottir, J. Gayle Beck, Scott F. Coffey, Luana Miller, and Sarah A. Palyo


Genome phylogenetic analysis based on extended gene contents, Xun Gu and Hongmei Zhang


Microfabricated ISEs: Critical comparison of inherently conducting polymer and hydrogel based inner contacts, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Neeraja Rangisetty, Sarah Clifton, Bradford D. Pendley, and Erno Lindner


Microfabricated ISEs: Critical comparison of inherently conducting polymer and hydrogel based inner contacts, Róbert E. Gyurcsányi, Neeraja Rangisetty, Sarah Clifton, Bradford D. Pendley, and Erno Lindner

Evaluating Chitosan as a Biomaterial, V. Hamilton, D. A. Rigney, J. L. Ong, Y. Yang, and J. D. Bumgardner

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies of coated steel specimens in soils, Greg Hammon and Gladius Lewis


Key issues in global supply base management, Robert B. Handfield and Ernest L. Nichols


Skeletal muscle and hormonal adaptations to circuit weight training in untrained men, Matthew P. Harber, Andrew C. Fry, Martyn R. Rubin, Jason C. Smith, and Lawrence W. Weiss


The sensitivity of tibiofemoral contact pressure to the size and shape of the lateral and medial menisci, Tammy L. Haut Donahue, M. L. Hull, Mark M. Rashid, and Christopher R. Jacobs


Annexin V disruption impairs mechanically induced calcium signaling in osteoblastic cells, T. L. Haut Donahue, D. C. Genetos, C. R. Jacobs, H. J. Donahue, and C. E. Yellowley

On geometric and statistical properties of the attractors of a generic evolutionary algorithm, German Hernandez, Fernando Nino, Julian Garcia, and Dipankar Dasgupta


A host-targeting signal in virulence proteins reveals a secretome in malarial infection, N. Luisa Hiller, Souvik Bhattacharjee, Christiaan Van Ooij, and Konstantinos Liolios


Early sexual maturation, body composition, and obesity in African-American girls., John H. Himes, Eva Obarzanek, Tom Baranowski, Darrell M. Wilson, James Rochon, and Barbara S. McClanahan


Partition theorems for left and right variable words, Neil Hindman and Randall McCutcheon


Target detection cycle criteria when using the Targeting Task Performance Metric, Jonathan G. Hixson, Eddie L. Jacobs, and Richard H. Vollmerhausen

The balanced scorecard in a capstone design course, John I. Hochstein, Jeffrey G. Marchetta, and William S. Janna

A useful intersection: The balanced scorecard and EC2000, John I. Hochstein, Teong E. Tan, William S. Janna, Jeffrey G. Marchetta, Tommy Jamison, Bruce Shrader, and Michael Bilderbeck


A single amino acid determines preference between phospholipids and reveals length restriction for activation of the S1P4 receptor, Gill Holdsworth, Daniel A. Osborne, Truc Chi Thi Pham, James I. Fells, Gillian Hutchinson, Graeme Milligan, and Abby L. Parrill


An assessment of indices of relative and absolute abundance for monitoring populations of small mammals, Heidi L. Hopkins and Michael L. Kennedy


Effect of nanoscale rods on the kinetics of phase-separating multi-component fluids, Michael J.A. Hore and Mohamed Laradji


Variation in 4-mercapto-4-methyl-pentan-2-one release by Saccharomyces cerevisiae commercial wine strains, Kate S. Howell, Jan H. Swiegers, Gordon M. Elsey, Tracey E. Siebert, Eveline J. Bartowsky, Graham H. Fleet, Isak S. Pretorius, and Miguel A. De Barros Lopes


Microsatellite PCR profiling of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains during wine fermentation, K. S. Howell, E. J. Bartowsky, G. H. Fleet, and P. A. Henschke


Community characteristics, open space preservation and regionalism: Is there a connection?, Michael Howell-Moroney


What Are the Determinants of Open-Space Ballot Measures? An Extension of the Research, Michael Howell-Moroney


"He Sees The Development of Children's Concepts Upon A BAckground of Sociology": Jean Piaget's Honorary Degree at Harvard University in 1936, Yeh Hsueh


The Chinese kindergarten in its adolescence, Yeh Hsueh, Joseph J. Tobin, and Mayumi Karasawa


Promoter hypermethylation and protein expression of the p16 gene: Analysis of 43 cases of B-cell primary gastric lymphomas from China, Qin Huang, Lingbao Ai, Zackery Y. Zhang, Chun Yang Fan, and Lawrence M. Weiss


KSHV/HHV8-associated Lymphoma Simulating Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, Qin Huang, Karen L. Chang, Karl K. Gaal, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder with a component of acinar/tubular type differentiation simulating prostatic adenocarcinoma, Qin Huang, Peiguo G. Chu, Sean K. Lau, and Lawrence M. Weiss

Gender, Child Maltreatment, and Delinquency, Rob Hubal, Geoff Frank, Curry Guinn, and Randy Dupont

Integrating a crisis stages model into a simulation for training law enforcement officers to manage encounters with the mentally ill, Rob Hubal, Geoff Frank, Curry Guinn, and Randy Dupont


A Parametric Model for Detecting Hormetic Effects in Developmental Toxicity Studies, Daniel L. Hunt and Dale Bowman

Finite element computer modeling of transthoracic atrial defibrillation, L. C. Hunt and A. L. De Jongh Curry


A National Survey of Trainee Impairment in Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychology Doctoral Programs and Internships, Steven K. Huprich and M. David Rudd


Distinguishing between single and multi-source attacks using signal processing, Alefiya Hussain, John Heidemann, and Christos Papadopoulos


Human use regulatory affairs advisor (HURAA): Learning about research ethics with intelligent learning modules, Xiangen Hu and Arthur C. Graesser


Public Relations for Physical Education, Carol C. Irwin and Richard L. Irwin


Public Relations for Physical Education, Carol C. Irwin and Richard L. Irwin


Terahertz imaging performance model for concealed weapon identification, Eddie Jacobs, Ronald G. Driggers, Keith Krapels, Frank C. De Lucia, and Douglas Petkie


The effect of noise in MRT/MRC theory, Eddie Jacobs, Ron Driggers, and Richard Vollmerhausen


Modeling active imager performance, Eddie Jacobs, Richard Vollmerhausen, and Carl Halford

Analysis of retrieved implants using electron spin resonance technique, M. S. Jahan


A brief visual primer for the mapping of mortality trend data, Wesley L. James, Ronald E. Cossman, Jeralynn S. Cossman, Carol Campbell, and Troy Blanchard


One-complemented subspaces of Musielak-Orlicz sequence spaces, J. E. Jamison, A. Kamińska, and G. Lewicki

An assessment process for a capstone course: Design of fluid thermal systems, William S. Janna and John I. Hochstein


Thermodynamics and partitioning of homopolymers into a slit-A grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation study, Wenhua Jiang and Yongmei Wang


Real-valued negative selection algorithm with variable-sized detectors, Zhou Ji and Dipankar Dasgupta


Predicting imaging performance in turbulence, Sara Johnson, Eddie Jacobs, and Rich Vollmerhausen


Is There a Window of Heightened Suicide Risk if Patients Gain Energy in the Context of Continued Depressive Symptoms?, Thomas E. Joiner, Jeremy W. Pettit, and M. David Rudd

Does socioeconomic position moderate the effects of race of cardiovascular disease mortality?, Rhonda Jones-Webb, Xinhua Yu, Jennifer O'Brien, Peter Hannan, Melanie Wall, and John Oswald


The euro and European identity: Symbols, power and the politics of European monetary union, Matthias Kaelberer


Contractive and optimal sets in modular spaces, Anna Kamińska and Grzegorz Lewicki


On Lorentz spaces Γp,w, Anna Kamińska and Lech Maligranda


Order convexity and concavity of Lorentz spaces Λp,w, 0 < p < ∞, Anna Kamińska and Lech Maligranda


Changing food production strategies among Garhwali resettlers in the Himalayas, Satish Kedia


A National Profile of SSDI Recipients and Applicants:Implications for Early Intervention, Jae Kennedy, Marjorie Olney, and Chrisann Schiro-Geist


Backlash toward diversity initiatives: Examining the impact of diversity program justification, personal and group outcomes, Deborah L.L. Kidder, Melenie J. Lankau, Donna Chrobot-Mason, Kelly A. Mollica, and Raymond A. Friedman


Expression of cytochromes P450 1A1 and 1B1 in human lung from smokers, non-smokers, and ex-smokers, James H. Kim, Mark E. Sherman, Frank C. Curriero, and F. Peter Guengerich

Online technologies for teaching writing: Students react to teacher response in voice and written modalities, Loel Kim

Fitting academic programs to workplace marketability: Career paths of five technical communicators, Loel Kim and Christie Tolley


Temporal and spatial genetic variability in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), P. G. Kollars, M. L. Beck, S. G. Mech, and P. K. Kennedy


Neuropercolation: A random cellular automata approach to spatio-temporal neurodynamics, Robert Kozma, Marko Puljic, Paul Balister, Bela Bollobas, and Walter J. Freeman


Collaborative planning for training impact, Kurt Kraiger, Daniel McLinden, and Wendy J. Casper

The musical warhorses of Juan de Urrede, Kenneth Kreitner


Functional dissection and molecular characterization of calcium-sensitive actin-capping and actin-depolymerizing sites in villin, Narendra Kumar, Alok Tomar, Abby L. Parrill, and Seema Khurana


Strength characteristics of Illinois coal combustion by-product: PCC dry bottom ash, Sanjeev Kumar, James Stewart, and Sanjay Mishra


Seismic ground motions from a bolide shock wave, Charles A. Langston


A Langevin dynamics study of mobile filler particles in phase-separating binary systems, Mohamed Laradji


A Monte Carlo study of fluctuating polymer-grafted membranes, Mohamed Laradji


Nanospheres in phase-separating multicomponent fluids: A three-dimensional dissipative particle dynamics simulation, Mohamed Laradji and Michael J.A. Hore


Dynamics of domain growth in self-assembled fluid vesicles, Mohamed Laradji and P. B.Sunil Kumar


The operator B*L for the wave equation with dirichlet control, I. Lasiecka and R. Triggiani