Psychology Faculty Publications | Psychology | University of Memphis


Submissions from 2009


Assessing childhood psychopathology and developmental disabilities, Johnny L. Matson, Michael L. Matson, and Frank Andrasik


Trajectories of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders in a Longitudinal Study of Personality Disorders, Meghan E. McDevitt-Murphy, Gilbert R. Parra, M. Tracie Shea, Shirley Yen, Carlos M. Grilo, Thomas H. McGlashan, Charles A. Sanislow, and John G. Gunderson


Myth and Reality of the Word Caller: The Relation Between Teacher Nominations and Prevalence Among Elementary School Children, Elizabeth B. Meisinger, Barbara A. Bradley, Paula J. Schwanenflugel, Melanie R. Kuhn, and Robin D. Morris


Protection of C. elegans from Anoxia by HYL-2 ceramide synthase, Vincent Menuz, Kate S. Howell, Sébastien Gentina, Sharon Epstein, Isabelle Riezman, Monique Fornallaz-Mulhauser, Michael O. Hengartner, and Marie Gomez


Reliability and Validity of a Demand Curve Measure of Alcohol Reinforcement, James G. Murphy, James MacKillop, Jessica R. Skidmore, and Ashley A. Pederson


Generalizing latent semantic analysis, Andrew M. Olney

GnuTutor: An open source intelligent tutoring system based on AutoTutor, Andrew M. Olney

Learning factors transfer analysis: Using learning curve analysis to automatically generate domain models, Philip I. Pavlik, Hao Cen, and Kenneth R. Koedinger


Performance factors analysis - A new alternative to knowledge tracing, Philip I. Pavlik, Hao Cen, and Kenneth R. Koedinger


Developmental exposure to PCBs, MeHg, or both: Long-term effects on auditory function, Brian E. Powers, Emily Poon, Helen J.K. Sable, and Susan L. Schantz


Affective synchrony in dual- and single-smoker couples: Further evidence of "symptom-system fit"?, Michael J. Rohrbaugh, Varda Shoham, Emily A. Butler, Brant P. Hasler, and Jeffrey S. Berman


Health consequences of partner distress in couples coping with heart failure, Michael J. Rohrbaugh, Varda Shoham, Audrey A. Cleary, Jeffrey S. Berman, and Gordon A. Ewy


Depression and Suicide: A Diathesis-Stress Model for Understanding and Treatment, M. David Rudd


What Every Psychologist Should Know About the Food and Drug Administration's Black Box Warning Label for Antidepressants, M. David Rudd, Liliana Cordero, and Craig J. Bryan


The realities of risk, the nature of hope, and the role of science: A response to Cook and Vandecreek, M. David Rudd, Thomas Joiner, Gregory K. Brown, Kelly Cukrowicz, David A. Jobes, and Morton Silverman


Informed consent with suicidal patients: Rethinking risks in (and out of) treatment, M. David Rudd, Thomas Joiner, Gregory K. Brown, Kelly Cukrowicz, David A. Jobes, Morton Silverman, and Liliana Cordero


Developmental exposure to PCBs and/or MeHg: Effects on a differential reinforcement of low rates (DRL) operant task before and after amphetamine drug challenge, Helen J.K. Sable, Paul A. Eubig, Brian E. Powers, Victor C. Wang, and Susan L. Schantz


Impaired leg extensor strength in individuals with Parkinson disease and relatedness to functional mobility, Brian K. Schilling, Robyn E. Karlage, Mark S. LeDoux, Ronald F. Pfeiffer, Lawrence W. Weiss, and Michael J. Falvo


Insights into Fluency Instruction: Short- and Long-term Effects of Two Reading Programs, Paula J. Schwanenflugel, Melanie R. Kuhn, Robin D. Morris, Lesley Mandel Morrow, Elizabeth B. Meisinger, Deborah Gee Woo, and Matthew Quirk


Effects of chronic administration of drugs of abuse on impulsive choice (delay discounting) in animal models, Barry Setlow, Ian A. Mendez, Marci R. Mitchell, and Nicholas W. Simon


Balancing risk and reward: A rat model of risky decision making, Nicholas W. Simon, Ryan J. Gilbert, Jeffrey D. Mayse, Jennifer L. Bizon, and Barry Setlow


Effects of prior amphetamine exposure on approach strategy in appetitive Pavlovian conditioning in rats, Nicholas W. Simon, Ian A. Mendez, and Barry Setlow


Anti-smoking communication to preadolescents with and without a cancer diagnosis: Parents and health care providers as important communicators, Leslee Throckmorton-Belzer, Vida L. Tyc, Leslie A. Robinson, James L. Klosky, Shelly Lensing, and Andrea K. Booth


Psychological variables in chronic migraine with medication overuse before and after inpatient withdrawal: Results at 1-year follow-up, Susanna Usai, Licia Grazzi, Domenico D'Amico, Frank Andrasik, and Gennaro Bussone


Young Investigator Award Symposium, Katie Witkiewitz, Andrew Holmes, Lara A. Ray, James G. Murphy, Heather N. Richardson, Yi Chyan Chen, Meghan E. McDevitt-Murphy, and Maureen T. Cruz


High-throughput mutational analysis of TOR1A in primary dystonia, Jianfeng Xiao, Robert W. Bastian, Joel S. Perlmutter, Brad A. Racette, Samer D. Tabbal, Morvarid Karimi, Randal C. Paniello, and Andrew Blitzer

Submissions from 2008


Psychometric properties of seven self-report measures of posttraumatic stress disorder in college students with mixed civilian trauma exposure, Jennifer W. Adkins, Frank W. Weathers, Meghan McDevitt-Murphy, and Jennifer B. Daniels


The Impact of Event Scale-Revised: Psychometric properties in a sample of motor vehicle accident survivors, J. Gayle Beck, De Mond M. Grant, Jennifer P. Read, Joshua D. Clapp, Scott F. Coffey, Luana M. Miller, and Sarah A. Palyo

The generalizability of externalizing behavior composites and subscale scores across time, rater, and instrument, Renee Bergeron, Randy G. Floyd, Allison C. McCormack, and William L. Farmer

States' eligibility guidelines for mental Retardation: An update and consideration of part scores and unreliability of IQs, Renee Bergeron, Randy G. Floyd, and Elizabeth I. Shands


Differential competencies contributing to children's comprehension of narrative and expository texts, Rachel M. Best, Randy G. Floyd, and Danielle S. McNamara


Effect of resistance training on blood oxidative stress in Parkinson disease, Richard J. Bloomer, Brian K. Schilling, Robyn E. Karlage, Mark S. Ledoux, Ronald F. Pfeiffer, and Jonathan Callegari


Improving identification of suicidal patients in primary care through routine screening, Craig J. Bryan, Kent A. Corso, M. David Rudd, and Liliana Cordero


Hypomanic symptoms among first-time suicide attempters predict future multiple attempt status, Craig J. Bryan, Leigh G. Johnson, M. David Rudd, and Thomas E. Joiner


An examination of the synergy of pain and PTSD on quality of life: Additive or multiplicative effects?, Joshua D. Clapp, J. Gayle Beck, Sarah A. Palyo, and De Mond M. Grant


Accuracy of primary care medical providers' understanding of the FDA black box warning label for antidepressants, Liliana Cordero, M. David Rudd, Craig J. Bryan, and Kent A. Corso


The Effectiveness of Psychotherapeutic Interventions for Bereaved Persons: A Comprehensive Quantitative Review, Joseph M. Currier, Robert A. Neimeyer, and Jeffrey S. Berman


Localization of N-methyl-norsalsolinol within rodent and human brain, Michael DeCuypere, Vassilios N. Kalabokis, Ruyi Hao, Dorothy Schroeder, Duane D. Miller, and Mark S. LeDoux


Regional distribution of tetrahydroisoquinoline derivatives in rodent, human, and parkinson's disease brain, Michael DeCuypere, Yan Lu, Duane D. Miller, and Mark S. LeDoux


Communicating clinical trial results to research participants, E. Ray Dorsey, Christopher A. Beck, Mary Adams, Gary Chadwick, Elisabeth A. De Blieck, Colleen McCallum, Colleen McCallum, and Colleen McCallum


Randomized controlled trial of ethyl-eicosapentaenoic acid in huntington disease, E. R. Dorsey, I. Shoulson, B. Leavitt, C. Ross, C. A. Beck, E. A. de Blieck, J. T. Greenamyre, and S. M. Hersch


Regional variation in the use of Sarcasm, Megan L. Dress, Roger J. Kreuz, Kristen E. Link, and Gina M. Caucci


Using the ABAS-II with elementary and middle school students, Randy G. Floyd and Renee Bergeron


The Exchangeability of IQs: Implications for Professional Psychology, Randy G. Floyd, M. H. Clark, and William R. Shadish


The relative contributions of the Cattell-Horn-Carroll cognitive abilities in explaining writing achievement during childhood and adolescence, Randy G. Floyd, Kevin S. McGrew, and Jeffrey J. Evans


Toward Assessing Traumatic Events and Stress Symptoms in Preschool Children From Low-Income Families, Sandra A. Graham-Bermann, Kathryn Howell, Janice Habarth, Sandhya Krishnan, Amy Loree, and Eric A. Bermann


The Structure of Distress Following Trauma: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder, De Mond M. Grant, J. Gayle Beck, Luana Marques, Sarah A. Palyo, and Joshua D. Clapp


Analysis of cerebellar function in Ube3a -deficient mice reveals novel genotype-specific behaviors, Detlef H. Heck, Yu Zhao, Snigdha Roy, Mark S. Ledoux, and Lawrence T. Reiter


Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Consequent to Motor Vehicle Collisions: Contributions from a Clinical Science, Edward J. Hickling, Eric R. Kuhn, and J. Gayle Beck


Ethical and Competent Care of Suicidal Patients: Contemporary Challenges, New Developments, and Considerations for Clinical Practice, David A. Jobes, M. David Rudd, James C. Overholser, and Thomas E. Joiner


Depressive symptoms induce paranoid symptoms in narcissistic personalities (but not narcissistic symptoms in paranoid personalities), Thomas E. Joiner, Scharles Petty, Marisol Perez, Natalie Sachs-Ericsson, and M. David Rudd


Effects of disasters on smoking and relapse: An exploratory study of hurricane katrina victims, Jennifer Q. Lanctot, Michelle B. Stockton, Fawaz Mzayek, Mary Read, Meghan McDevitt-Murphy, and Kenneth Ward

Slowly progressive gait disorder in a 45-year-old woman, Mark S. LeDoux


Midbrain acetylcholine and glutamate receptors modulate accumbal dopamine release, Deranda B. Lester, Anthony D. Miller, Tiffany D. Pate, and Charles D. Blaha


Further Validation of a Cigarette Purchase Task for Assessing the Relative Reinforcing Efficacy of Nicotine in College Smokers, James MacKillop, James G. Murphy, Lara A. Ray, Daniel T.A. Eisenberg, Stephen A. Lisman, J. Koji Lum, and David S. Wilson


Body size stigmatization: An examination of attitudes of african american preschool-age children attending head start, Allison S. Margulies, Randy G. Floyd, and Robin L. Hojnoski


Genetic mapping of vocalization to a series of increasing acute footshocks using B6.A consomic and B6.D2 congenic mouse strains, Douglas B. Matthews, Elissa J. Chesler, Melloni N. Cook, Jody Cockroft, Vivek M. Philip, and Dan Goldowitz


Acute mild footshock alters ethanol drinking and plasma corticosterone levels in C57BL/6J male mice, but not DBA/2J or A/J male mice, Douglas B. Matthews, A. Leslie Morrow, Todd O'Buckley, Timothy J. Flanigan, Raymond B. Berry, Melloni N. Cook, Guy Mittleman, and Dan Goldowitz


Long-term effects of prior cocaine exposure on Morris water maze performance, Ian A. Mendez, Karienn S. Montgomery, Candi L. LaSarge, Nicholas W. Simon, Jennifer L. Bizon, and Barry Setlow

Validation and decision accuracy of early numeracy skill indicators, Scott A. Methe, John M. Hintze, and Randy G. Floyd


Identifying key residues of sphinganine-1-phosphate lyase for function in vivo and in vitro, Debdyuti Mukhopadhyay, Kate S. Howell, Howard Riezman, and Guido Capitani


Unpacking the relationship between posttraumatic numbing and hyperarousal in a sample of help-seeking motor vehicle accident survivors: Replication and extension, Sarah A. Palyo, Josh D. Clapp, J. Gayle Beck, De Mond M. Grant, and Luana Marques


Using optimally selected drill practice to train basic facts, Philip Pavlik, Thomas Bolster, Sue Mei Wu, Ken Koedinger, and Brian MacWhinney


Using a Model to Compute the Optimal Schedule of Practice, Philip I. Pavlik and John R. Anderson

Using Item-type Performance Covariance to Improve the Skill Model of an Existing Tutor, Philip I. Pavlik, Hao Cen, Lili Wu, and Kenneth R. Koedinger


Developing smoking cessation programs for chronically ill teens: Lessons learned from research with healthy adolescent smokers, Leslie A. Robinson, Karen M. Emmons, Eric T. Moolchan, and Jamie S. Ostroff


Suicide warning signs in clinical practice, M. David Rudd


Core Competencies in Suicide Risk Assessment and Management: Implications for Supervision, M. David Rudd, Kelly C. Cukrowicz, and Craig J. Bryan


Teacher support of adherence for adolescents with type 1 diabetes: preferred teacher support behaviors and youths' perceptions of support., Amy F. Sato, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Anthony A. Hains, W. Hobart Davies, Melissa Kraemer Smothers, Lisa M. Clifford, and Ramin Alemzadeh


Hypomanic symptoms predict an increase in narcissistic and histrionic personality disorder features in suicidal young adults, Golan Shahar, Margaret Ann Scotti, M. David Rudd, and Thomas E. Joiner


The role of cysteine and cysteine-S conjugates as odour precursors in the flavour and fragrance industry, Christian Starkenmann, Myriam Troccaz, and Kate Howell


Gambling and health risk-taking behavior in a military sample, Timothy A. Steenbergh, James P. Whelan, Andrew W. Meyers, Robert C. Klesges, and Margaret DeBon


Effects of General and Broad Cognitive Abilities on Mathematics Achievement, Gordon E. Taub, Randy G. Floyd, Timothy Z. Keith, and Kevin S. McGrew


Effects of Chronic Estradiol Treatment on Delayed Spatial Alternation and Differential Reinforcement of Low Rates of Responding, Victor C. Wang, Helen J.K. Sable, Young H. Ju, Clinton D. Allred, William G. Helferich, Donna L. Korol, and Susan L. Schantz


College students' gambling behavior: When does it become harmful?, Jeremiah Weinstock, James P. Whelan, and Andrew Meyers


Environmental correlates of gambling behavior among college students: A partial application of problem behavior theory to gambling, Emerson M. Wickwire, James P. Whelan, Andrew W. Meyers, Claudia McCausland, Jason Luellen, and Adrienne Studaway


Abnormal motor function and dopamine neurotransmission in DYT1 ΔGAG transgenic mice, Yu Zhao, Michael DeCuypere, and Mark S. LeDoux


Glial elements contribute to stress-induced torsinA expression in the CNS and peripheral nervous system, Y. Zhao, J. Xiao, M. Ueda, Y. Wang, M. Hines, T. S. Nowak, and M. S. LeDoux

Submissions from 2007


Efficacy of counselor vs. computer-delivered intervention with mandated college students, Nancy P. Barnett, James G. Murphy, Suzanne M. Colby, and Peter M. Monti


Assessment and Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder After a Motor Vehicle Collision: Empirical Findings and Clinical Observations, J. Gayle Beck and Scott F. Coffey


Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for PTSD Symptoms After a Road Accident: An Uncontrolled Case Series, J. Gayle Beck, Sarah A. Palyo, Eliot H. Winer, Brad E. Schwagler, and Eu Jin Ang


Predictors of alcohol use during the first year of college: Implications for prevention, Brian Borsari, James G. Murphy, and Nancy P. Barnett


Cognitive errors, symptom severity, and response to cognitive behavior therapy in older adults with generalized anxiety disorder, Donald D. Caudle, Ashley C. Senior, Julie Loebach Wetherell, Howard M. Rhoades, J. G. Beck, Mark E. Kunik, A. Lynn Snow, and Nancy L. Wilson


Neurobehavioral mutants identified in an ENU-mutagenesis project, Melloni N. Cook, Jonathan P. Dunning, Ronald G. Wiley, Elissa J. Chesler, Dabney K. Johnson, Darla R. Miller, and Dan Goldowitz


Neuroanatomical substrates for paroxysmal dyskinesia in lethargic mice, Rajiv Devanagondi, Kiyoshi Egami, Mark S. LeDoux, Ellen J. Hess, and H. A. Jinnah


Drinking in conjunction with sexual experiences among at-risk college student drinkers, Abby L. Goldstein, Nancy P. Barnett, C. Teal Pedlow, and James G. Murphy


Does anxiety sensitivity predict symptoms of panic, depression, and social anxiety?, De Mond M. Grant, J. Gayle Beck, and Joanne Davila


Do interpersonal features of social anxiety influence the development of depressive symptoms?, Demond M. Grant, J. Gayle Beck, Sherry M. Farrow, and Joanne Davila


Attributions of adolescents with type 1 diabetes related to performing diabetes care around friends and peers: The moderating role of friend support, Anthony A. Hains, Kristoffer S. Berlin, W. Hobart Davies, Melissa K. Smothers, Amy F. Sato, and Ramin Alemzadeh


The efficacy of personal construct therapy: A comprehensive review, Jason M. Holland, Robert A. Neimeyer, Joseph M. Currier, and Jeffrey S. Berman


Nogo receptor 1 (RTN4R) as a candidate gene for schizophrenia: Analysis using human and mouse genetic approaches, Ruby Hsu, Abigail Woodroffe, Wen Sung Lai, Melloni N. Cook, Jun Mukai, Jonathan P. Dunning, Douglas J. Swanson, and J. Louw Roos


Disclosure of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder may minimize risk of social rejection, Kristen E. Jastrowski, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Amy F. Sato, and W. Hobart Davies


The Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale (BADS): Psychometric properties and factor structure, Jonathan W. Kanter, Patrick S. Mulick, Andrew M. Busch, Kristoffer S. Berlin, and Christopher R. Martell


Treatment of pathological gambling using a guided self-change approach, Damon Lipinski, James P. Whelan, and Andrew W. Meyers


A behavioral economic measure of demand for alcohol predicts brief intervention outcomes, James MacKillop and James G. Murphy


Impact of Tourette Syndrome: A preliminary investigation of the effects of disclosure on peer perceptions and social functioning, Brook A. Marcks, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Douglas W. Woods, and W. Hobart Davies


The utility of the PAI and the MMPI-2 for discriminating PTSD, depression, and social phobia in trauma-exposed college students, Meghan E. McDevitt-Murphy, Frank W. Weathers, Amanda M. Flood, David E. Eakin, and Trisha A. Benson


Anchors away [19], Ross K. Morgan and Jeffrey S. Berman


Gender Moderates the Relationship Between Substance-Free Activity Enjoyment and Alcohol Use, James G. Murphy, Nancy P. Barnett, Abby L. Goldstein, and Suzanne M. Colby


Behavioral economic approaches to reduce college student drinking, James G. Murphy, Christopher J. Correia, and Nancy P. Barnett