Psychology Faculty Publications | Psychology | University of Memphis


Submissions from 2002


Perceived burdensomeness and suicidality: Two studies on the suicide notes of those attempting and those completing suicide, Thomas E. Joiner, Jeremy W. Pettit, Rheeda L. Walker, Zachary R. Voelz, Jacqueline Cruz, M. David Rudd, and David Lester


Are only children missing out? Comparison of the peer-related social competence of only children and siblings, Katherine M. Kitzmann, Robert Cohen, and Rebecca L. Lockwood


Asymmetries in the use of verbal irony, Roger J. Kreuz and Kristen E. Link


Heavy drinking among college students is influenced by anxiety sensitivity, gender, and contexts for alcohol use, Steven R. Lawyer, Rhonda S. Karg, James G. Murphy, and F. Dudley McGlynn


Abnormal spontaneous and harmaline-stimulated Purkinje cell activity in the awake genetically dystonic rat, Mark S. Ledoux and Joan F. Lorden


Family stress and children's rejection by peers: Do siblings provide a buffer?, Rebecca L. Lockwood, Noni K. Gaylord, Katherine M. Kitzmann, and Robert Cohen


The Dodo bird verdict is alive and well - Mostly, Lester Luborsky, Robert Rosenthal, Louis Diguer, Tomasz P. Andrusyna, Jeffrey S. Berman, Jill T. Levitt, David A. Seligman, and Elizabeth D. Krause


Intraclass correlation among measures related to cigarette use by adolescents: Estimates from an urban and largely African American cohort, David M. Murray, Catherine M. Alfano, Susan M. Zbikowski, Lynne S. Padgett, Leslie A. Robinson, and Robert Klesges


Abnormal pulmonary granuloma formation in osteopontin-deficient mice, Anthony W. O'Regan, Jason M. Hayden, Steven Body, Lucy Liaw, Niall Mulligan, Margo Goetschkes, and Jeffrey S. Berman


The effect of unfractionated heparin on circulating lymphocyte counts and subsets in humans, Anthony W. O'Regan, Jonathan Sadeh, and Jeffrey S. Berman


Characteristics of adolescents caught with cigarettes at school: Implementations for developing smoking cessation programs, Brant W. Riedel, Leslie A. Robinson, Robert C. Klesges, and Bonnie McLain-Allen


What motivates adolescent smokers to make a quit attempt?, Brant W. Riedel, Leslie A. Robinson, Robert C. Klesges, and Bonnie McLain-Allen


The relationship between socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and cigarette smoking in urban adolescents, Isabel C. Scarinci, Leslie A. Robinson, Catherine M. Alfano, Susan M. Zbikowski, and Robert C. Klesges


Measures of self-efficacy and optimism in older adults with generalized anxiety, Melinda A. Stanley, Diane M. Novy, Derek R. Hopko, J. Gayle Beck, Patricia M. Averill, and Alan C. Swann


Development and validation of the Gamblers' Beliefs Questionnaire, Timothy A. Steenbergh, Andrew W. Meyers, Ryan K. May, and James P. Whelan


Risk factors for smoking among adolescents with asthma, Susan M. Zbikowski, Robert C. Klesges, Leslie A. Robinson, and Catherine M. Alfano


Molecular cloning and expression of rat torsinA in the normal and genetically dystonic (dt) rat, Philipp Ziefer, Joanne Leung, Tara Razzano, Christo Shalish, Mark S. LeDoux, Joan F. Lorden, Laurie Ozelius, and Xandra O. Breakefield

Submissions from 2001


Is psychotherapy more effective when therapists disclose information about themselves?, Marna S. Barrett and Jeffrey S. Berman


Postscript closing editorial comments, J. Gayle Beck


Specificity of stroop interference in patients with pain and PTSD, J. Gayle Beck, Jennifer B. Freeman, Jillian C. Shipherd, Jessica L. Hamblen, and Jeffery M. Lackner


Response to repeated CO2 in individuals with elevated anxiety sensitivity: Replication with 20% CO2, J. G. Beck and M. S. Wolf


Mapping of quantitative trait loci with knockout/congenic strains, V. J. Bolivar, M. N. Cook, and L. Flaherty


Anxiety-related behaviors in the elevated zero-maze are affected by genetic factors and retinal degeneration, Melloni N. Cook, Robert W. Williams, and Lorraine Flaherty


Osteopontin as a means to cope with environmental insults: Regulation of inflammation, tissue remodeling, and cell survival, David T. Denhardt, Masaki Noda, Anthony W. O'Regan, Dubravko Pavlin, and Jeffrey S. Berman


Worry content reported by older adults with and without generalized anxiety disorder, G. J. Diefenbach, M. A. Stanley, and J. G. Beck


Examination of the hamilton scales in assessment of anxious older adults: A replication and extension, Gretchen J. Diefenbach, Melinda A. Stanley, J. Gayle Beck, Diane M. Novy, Patricia M. Averill, and Alan C. Swann


Psychometric properties of measures of behavioral inhibition with preschool-age children: Implications for assessment of children at risk for ADHD, R. G. Floyd and E. A. Kirby


Teaching with the help of talking heads, Arthur C. Graesser, Xiangen Hu, and Natalie Person


Extending General Processing Tree Models to Analyze Reaction Time Experiments, Xiangen Hu


The relation of self-hatred and suicidality in people with schizophrenia-spectrum symptoms, Thomas E. Joiner, Faruk Gencoz, Tulin Gencoz, Gerald I. Metalsky, and M. David Rudd


Can positive emotion influence problem-solving attitudes among suicidal adults?, Thomas E. Joiner, Jeremy W. Pettit, Marisol Perez, Andrea B. Burns, Tulin Gencoz, Faruk Gencoz, and M. David Rudd


For suicidal young adults with comorbid depressive and anxiety disorders, problem-solving treatment may be better than treatment as usual, Thomas E. Joiner, Zachary R. Voelz, and M. David Rudd


Regulation of the tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine β-hydroxylase genes by the transcription factor AP-2, Hee Sun Kim, Seok Jong Hong, Mark S. Ledoux, and Kwang Soo Kim

Parasympathetic innervation of the meibomian glands in rats, M. S. LeDoux, Q. Zhou, R. B. Murphy, M. L. Greene, and P. Ryan


Factors that influence the perception of feedback delivered by a pedagogical agent, Kristen E. Link, Roger J. Kreuz, and Arthur C. Graesser


Examining careers in sport psychology: Who is working and who is making money?, Andrew W. Meyers, Jennifer K. Coleman, James P. Whelan, and Robyn S. Mehlenbeck

Delayed reward and cost discounting, James G. Murphy, Rudy E. Vuchinich, and Cathy A. Simpson


Relative efficacy of a brief motivational intervention for college student drinkers, J. G. Murphy, J. J. Duchnick, R. E. Vuchinich, J. W. Davison, R. S. Karg, A. M. Olson, A. F. Smith, and T. T. Coffey


Relationships between the anxiety sensitivity index, the suffocation fear scale, and responses to CO2 inhalation, Jillian C. Shipherd, J. Gayle Beck, and Patricia J. Ohtake


Assessing older adults with generalized anxiety: A replication and extension, Melinda A. Stanley, Diane M. Novy, Stacey L. Bourland, J. Gayle Beck, and Patricia M. Averill


The course of post-crisis suicidal symptoms: How and for whom is suicide "cathartic"?, Rheeda L. Walker, Thomas E. Joiner, and M. David Rudd

Submissions from 2000


Posttraumatic stress disorder in older adults: A conceptual review, Patricia M. Averill and J. Gayle Beck


Do panic symptom profiles influence response to a hypoxic challenge in patients with panic disorder? A preliminary report, J. Gayle Beck, Jillian C. Shipherd, and Patricia Ohtake


The effectiveness of peer mediation in a low-ses rural elementary school, Stephen K. Bell, Jennifer K. Coleman, Adam Anderson, James P. Whelan, and Cherie Wilder


List of transgenic and knockout mice: Behavioral profiles, Valerie Bolivar, Melloni Cook, and Lorraine Flaherty


Quality of life in older adults with generalized anxiety disorder, S. L. Bourland, M. A. Stanley, A. G. Snyder, D. M. Novy, J. G. Beck, P. M. Averill, and A. C. Swann


AutoTutor: A human tutoring simulation with an animated pedagogical interface, Scotty D. Craig, Xiangen Hu, Barry Gholson, William Marks, and Arthur C. Graesser


Transcribing oral discourse: A survey and a model system, Richard A. Dressier and Roger J. Kreuz


Cognitive Interference for Trauma Cues in Sexually Abused Adolescent Girls with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Jennifer B. Freeman and J. Gayle Beck


QUAID: A questionnaire evaluation aid for survey methodologists, Arthur C. Graesser, Katja Wiemer-Hastings, Roger Kreuz, Peter Wiemer-Hastings, and Kent Marquis


An Experimental Examination of the Cohesion-Performance Relationship in an Interactive Team Sport, Frederick G. Grieve, James P. Whelan, and Andrew W. Meyers


Generalized anxiety disorder in older adults: Examining the relation between clinician severity ratings and patient self-report measures, Derek R. Hopko, Stacey L. Bourland, Melinda A. Stanley, J. Gayle Beck, Diane M. Novy, Patricia M. Averill, and Alan C. Swann


Parameters of suicidal crises vary as a function of previous suicide attempts in youth inpatients, Thomas E. Joiner, M. David Rudd, Mark R. Rouleau, and Karen Dineen Wagner


Intensity and duration of suicidal crises vary as a function of previous suicide attempts and negative life events, Thomas E. Joiner and M. David Rudd


Ethnic differences in patterns and correlates of age of initiation in a population of Air Force recruits, Harry A. Lando, C. Keith Haddock, Leslie A. Robinson, Robert C. Klesges, and G. Wayne Talcott


Tularemia presenting with ataxia, Mark S. LeDoux


Osteopontin expression correlates with clinical outcome in patients with mycobacterial infection, Gerard J. Nau, Geoffrey L. Chupp, Jean François Emile, Emmanuelle Jouanguy, Jeffrey S. Berman, Jean Laurent Casanova, and Richard A. Young


Osteopontin: A key cytokine in cell-mediated and granulomatous inflammation, Anthony O'Regan and Jeffrey S. Berman


Osteopontin (Eta-I) in cell-mediated immunity: Teaching an old dog new tricks, Anthony W. O'Regan, Gerard J. Nau, Geoffrey L. Chupp, and Jeffrey S. Berman

Osteopontin augments CD3-mediated interferon-γ and CD40 ligand expression by T cells, which results in IL-12 production from peripheral blood mononuclear cells, A. W. O'Regan, J. M. Hayden, and J. S. Berman


Decision-making bias in psychotherapy: Effects of hypothesis source and accountability, Angela M. Pfeiffer, James P. Whelan, and Joel M. Martin

Children's evaluations of peer group entry and limited resource situations, Glen E. Ray and Robert Cohen

The suicidal mode: A cognitive-behavioral model of suicidality, M. David Rudd

Personality types and suicidal behavior: An exploratory study, M. David Rudd, Thomas E. Ellis, M. Hasan Rajab, and Thomas Wehrly


Measures of depression in older adults with generalized anxiety disorder: A psychometric evaluation, Allison G. Snyder, Melinda A. Stanley, Diane M. Novy, Patricia M. Averill, and J. Gayle Beck


Anxiety disorders, Melinda A. Stanley and J. Gayle Beck


Stability of aggressive behaviors and children's peer relationships, Debbie M. Warman and Robert Cohen

Submissions from 1999


Turning 30: Grown-up at last, J. G. Beck


Exaggerated anxiety is not unique to CO2 in panic disorder: A comparison of hypercapnic and hypoxic challenges, J. Gayle Beck, Patricia J. Ohtake, and Julian C. Shipherd


Response patterns to repeated CO2 inhalation in individuals with high anxiety sensitivity, J. Gayle Beck, Jillian C. Shipherd, and Juliana Read


AutoTutor: A simulation of a human tutor, Arthur C. Graesser, Katja Wiemer-Hastings, Peter Wiemer-Hastings, and Roger Kreuz


Multinomial processing tree models: An implementation, Xiangen Hu


GPT.EXE: A powerful tool for the visualization and analysis of general processing tree models, Xiangen Hu and Glenn A. Phillips


Physiological hyperarousal: Construct validity of a central aspect of the tripartite model of depression and anxiety, Thomas E. Joiner, Aaron T. Beck, M. David Rudd, Robert A. Steer, Norman B. Schmidt, and Salvatore J. Catanzaro


The case for a hierarchical, oblique, and bidimensional structure of loneliness, Thomas E. Joiner, Salvatore J. Catanzaro, M. David Rudd, and M. Hasan Rajab


Agreement between self- and clinician-rated suicidal symptoms in a clinical sample of young adults: Explaining discrepancies, Thomas E. Joiner, M. David Rudd, and M. Hasan Rajab


Scientizing and routinizing the assessment of suicidality in outpatient practice, Thomas E. Joiner, Rheeda L. Walker, M. David Rudd, and David A. Jobes


Tag questions and common ground effects in the perception of verbal irony, Roger J. Kreuz, Max A. Kassler, Lori Coppenrath, and Bonnie McLain Allen


Age of initiation, smoking patterns, and risk in a population of working adults, Harry A. Lando, Dzung T. Thai, David M. Murray, Leslie A. Robinson, Robert W. Jeffery, Nancy E. Sherwood, and Deborah J. Hennrikus


The Researcher's Own Therapy Allegiances: A "Wild Card" in Comparisons of Treatment Efficacy, Lester Luborsky, Louis Diguer, David A. Seligman, Robert Rosenthal, Elizabeth D. Krause, Suzanne Johnson, Gregory Halperin, and Monica Bishop

Attenuated host resistance against Mycobacterium bovis BCG infection in mice lacking osteopontin, G. J. Nau, L. Liaw, G. L. Chupp, J. S. Berman, B. L.M. Hogan, and R. A. Young

Osteopontin is associated with T cells in sarcoid granulomas and has T cell adhesive and cytokine-like properties in vitro, Anthony W. O'Regan, Geoffrey L. Chupp, John A. Lowry, Margo Goetschkes, Niall Mulligan, and Jeffrey S. Berman


The role of evaluator-victim relationships in children's evaluations of peer provocation, Glen E. Ray, Mary Norman, Cyril J. Sadowski, and Robert Cohen


Preventing cigarette use in a bi-ethnic population: Results of the Memphis Smoking Prevention Program, Leslie A. Robinson, Robert C. Klesges, Marian C. Levy, and Susan M. Zbikowski


The outpatient treatment of suicidality: An integration of science and recognition of its limitations, M. David Rudd, David A. Jobes, Thomas E. Joiner, and Cheryl A. King


Costimulation of CD28- T cells through CD3 and β1-integrins induces a limited Th1 cytokine response, J. J. Saukkonen, A. Tantri, and J. Berman


Differentiating symptoms of anxiety and depression in older adults: Distinct cognitive and affective profiles?, Anne M. Shapiro, John E. Roberts, and J. Gayle Beck


The effects of suppressing trauma-related thoughts on women with rape-related posttraumatic stress disorder, Jillian C. Shipherd and J. Gayle Beck

Submissions from 1998


Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback: Editorial comments, F. Andrasik


Managing editor's comments, J. G. Beck


The utility of the fear survey Schedule-III: An extended replication, J. Gayle Beck, Cheryl N. Carmin, and Nathan J. Henninger

Tissue and T cell distribution of precursor and mature IL-16, Geoffrey L. Chupp, Eric A. Wright, David Wu, Margaret Vallen-Mashikian, William W. Cruikshank, David M. Center, Hardy Kornfeld, and Jeffrey S. Berman


Linkage mapping of α3, α5, and β4 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors to rat chromosome 8, Melloni N. Cook, André Ramos, Hélène Courvoisier, and Marie Pierre Moisan


Ethanol modulates cocaine-induced behavioral change in inbred mice, Melloni N. Cook, Daphne D. Ware, Ericka M. Boone, Xu Hou, Andrew C. Morse, Cheryl L. Reed, V. Gene Erwin, and Byron C. Jones


The effect of achievement orientation on response to success and failure in pediatric cancer patients, T. David Elkin, James P. Whelan, Andrew W. Meyers, Sean Phipps, and Renita R. Glaser


Verification of Statements about Story Worlds That Deviate from Normal Conceptions of Time: What Is True about Einstein's Dreams?, Arthur C. Graesser, Max A. Kassler, Roger J. Kreuz, and Bonnie McLain-Allen


Overview of special issue on adolescent suicide: Risk, assessment, and treatment, Jr Joiner and M. D. Rudd


Is smoking associated with lower body mass in adolescents?: A large- scale biracial investigation, Robert C. Klesges, Leslie A. Robinson, and Susan M. Zbikowski


The relationship between smoking and body weight in a population of young military personnel, Robert C. Klesges, Susan M. Zbikowski, C. Keith Haddock, G. Wayne Talcott, Harry A. Lando, and Leslie A. Robinson


Serotonergic modulation of eye blinks in cat and monkey, Mark S. LeDoux, Joan F. Lorden, Jason M. Smith, and Lawrence E. Mays