Psychology Faculty Publications | Psychology | University of Memphis


Submissions from 2007

Latent semantic grammar induction: Context, projectivity, and prior distributions, Andrew M. Olney


Understanding and applying the dynamics of test practice and study practice, Philip I. Pavlik

Optimizing knowledge component learning using a dynamic structural model of practice, Philip I. Pavlik, Nora Presson, and Kenneth Koedinger


Toward Socially Intelligent Interviewing Systems, Natalie K. Person, Sidney D'Mello, and Andrew Olney


Is the delay discounting paradigm useful in understanding social anxiety?, Jennifer S. Rounds, J. Gayle Beck, and De Mond M. Grant


Psychosocial interventions for self-harm [5], M. D. Rudd


Predictors of motivation to change alcohol use among referred college students, Abigail E. Shealy, James G. Murphy, Brian Borsari, and Christopher J. Correia


Cocaine Exposure Causes Long-Term Increases in Impulsive Choice, Nicholas W. Simon, Ian A. Mendez, and Barry Setlow


When are tutorial dialogues more effective than reading?, Kurt VanLehn, Arthur C. Graesser, G. Tanner Jackson, Pamela Jordan, Andrew Olney, and Carolyn P. Rosé


The performance of two pathological gambling screens in college students, Jeremiah Weinstock, James P. Whelan, Andrew W. Meyers, and Claudia McCausland


Gambling behavior of student-athletes and a student cohort: What are the odds?, Jeremiah Weinstock, James P. Whelan, Andrew W. Meyers, and Jennifer M. Watson


Environmental correlates of gambling behavior in urban adolescents, Emerson M. Wickwire, James P. Whelan, Andrew W. Meyers, and David M. Murray


Perceived availability, risks, and benefits of gambling among college students, Emerson M. Wickwire, James P. Whelan, Rebecca West, Andrew Meyers, Claudia McCausland, and Jason Leullen


Erratum: Perceived availability, risks, and benefits of gambling among college students (Journal of Gambling Studies (2007) 23 (507)) DOI: 10.1007/s10899-007-9057-5), Emerson M. Wickwire, James P. Whelan, Rebecca West, Andrew Meyers, Claudia McCausland, and Jason Luellen


Caytaxin deficiency disrupts signaling pathways in cerebellar cortex, J. Xiao, S. Gong, and M. S. LeDoux


Effects of carbonic anhydrase VIII deficiency on cerebellar gene expression profiles in the wdl mouse, Jian Yan, Yan Jiao, Feng Jiao, John Stuart, Leah Rae Donahue, Wesley G. Beamer, Xinmin Li, and Bruce A. Roe

Submissions from 2006


Editorial - Focus on EEG research, Frank Andrasik


Editorial - Second focus on EEG research, Frank Andrasik


Biofeedback, Frank Andrasik and Carla Rime


"I'll never drink like that again": Characteristics of alcohol-related incidents and predictors of motivation to change in college students, Nancy P. Barnett, Abby L. Goldstein, James G. Murphy, Suzanne M. Colby, and Peter M. Monti


Rebound Effects Following Deliberate Thought Suppression: Does PTSD Make a Difference?, J. Gayle Beck, Berglind Gudmundsdottir, Sarah A. Palyo, Luana M. Miller, and De Mond M. Grant


What factors are associated with the maintenance of PTSD after a motor vehicle accident? The role of sex differences in a help-seeking population, J. Gayle Beck, Sarah A. Palyo, Mark A. Canna, Edward B. Blanchard, and Berglind Gudmundsdottir


Daily patterns of ethanol drinking in peri-adolescent and adult alcohol-preferring (P) rats, Richard L. Bell, Zachary A. Rodd, Helen J.K. Sable, Jonathon A. Schultz, Cathleen C. Hsu, Lawrence Lumeng, James M. Murphy, and William J. McBride


Broad cognitive abilities of children with mental retardation: An analysis of group and individual profiles, Renee Bergeron and Randy G. Floyd


Contextual assessment of problematic situations identified by insulin pump using adolescents and their parents, Kristoffer S. Berlin, W. Hobart Davies, Kristen E. Jastrowski, Anthony A. Hains, Elaine A. Parton, and Ramin Alemzadeh

Children's text comprehension: Effects of genre, knowledge, and text cohesion, Rachel Best, Yasuhiro Ozuru, Randy G. Floyd, and Danielle S. McNamara


Advances in the assessment of suicide risk, Craig J. Bryan and M. David Rudd


Screening for PTSD in motor vehicle accident survivors using the PSS-SR and IES, Scott F. Coffey, Berglind Gudmundsdottir, J. Gayle Beck, Sarah A. Palyo, and Luana Miller


Beyond the individual: A consideration of context for the development of aggression, Robert Cohen, Yeh Hsueh, Kathryn M. Russell, and Glen E. Ray


Respect, liking, and peer social competence in China and the United States., Robert Cohen, Yeh Hsueh, Zongkui Zhou, Miriam H. Hancock, and Randy Floyd


Reconceptualizing feeding and feeding disorders in interpersonal context: The case for a relational disorder, W. Hobart Davies, Ellyn Satter, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Amy F. Sato, Alan H. Silverman, Elizabeth A. Fischer, Joan C. Arvedson, and Colin D. Rudolph


Expecting the best: The relation between peer optimism and social competence, Daneen P. Deptula, Robert Cohen, and Leslie C. Phillipsen


Sarcoidosis-associated pulmonary hypertension: Outcome with long-term epoprostenol treatment, Kimberly A. Fisher, David M. Serlin, Kevin C. Wilson, Robert E. Walter, Jeffrey S. Berman, and Harrison W. Farber


Use of warning messages to modify gambling beliefs and behavior in a laboratory investigation, Kim Floyd, James P. Whelan, and Andrew W. Meyers


Cattell-Horn-Carroll cognitive ability profiles of poor comprehenders, Randy G. Floyd, Renee Bergeron, and Vincent C. Alfonso

Preliminary evidence of the technical adequacy of the preschool numeracy indicators, Randy G. Floyd, Robin Hojnoski, and Jennifer Key


Relations between the Woodcock-Johnson III clinical clusters and measures of executive functions from the Delis-Kaplan executive function system, Randy G. Floyd, Allison C. McCormack, Elizabeth L. Ingram, Amy E. Davis, Renee Bergeron, and Gloria Hamilton


When the heat is on: Romantic partner responses influence distress in socially anxious women, J. Gayle Beck, Joanne Davila, Sherry Farrow, and De Mond Grant


Attentional biases in social anxiety and dysphoria: Does comorbidity make a difference?, D. M. Grant and J. Gayle Beck


Attributions of adolescents with type 1 diabetes in social situations: Relationship with expected adherence, diabetes stress, and metabolic control, Anthony A. Hains, Kristoffer S. Berlin, W. Hobart Davies, Elaine A. Parton, and Ramin Alemzadeh


Metabolic profiling as a tool for revealing Saccharomyces interactions during wine fermentation, Kate S. Howell, Daniel Cozzolino, Eveline J. Bartowsky, Graham H. Fleet, and Paul A. Henschke


The role of discourse structure and response time in multimodal communication, Patrick Jeuniaux, Max M. Louwerse, and Xiangen Hu


Interleukin-10 and Th2 cytokines differentially regulate osteopontin expression in human monocytes and dendritic cells, Satoshi Konno, John A. Eckman, Beverly Plunkett, Xinfang Li, Jeffery S. Berman, John Schroeder, and Shau Ku Huang


Murine central and peripheral nervous system transcriptomes: Comparative gene expression, Mark S. LeDoux, Lijing Xu, Jianfeng Xiao, Brett Ferrell, Daniel L. Menkes, and Ramin Homayouni


Cognitively inspired NLP-based knowledge representations: Further explorations of latent semantic analysis, Max Louwerse, Zhiqiang Cai, Xiangen Hu, Matthew Ventura, and Patrick Jeuniaux


Warning signs for suicide on the internet: A descriptive study, Michael Mandrusiak, M. David Rudd, Thomas E. Joiner, Alan L. Berman, Kimberly A. Van Orden, and Tracy Witte


Alcohol-related and alcohol-free activity participation and enjoyment among college students: A behavioral theories of choice analysis, James G. Murphy, Nancy P. Barnett, and Suzanne M. Colby


Alcohol consumption, alcohol-related problems, and quality of life among college students, James G. Murphy, Carmen K. Hoyme, Suzanne M. Colby, and Brian Borsari


Relative reinforcing efficacy of alcohol among college student drinkers, James G. Murphy and James MacKillop


Asbestos exposure and serum osteopontin [13], Anthony W. O'Regan, David Serlin, and Jeffrey S. Berman


The right threshold value: What is the right threshold of cosine measure when using latent semantic analysis for evaluating student answers?, Phanni Penumatsa, Matthew Ventura, Arthur C. Graesser, Max Louwerse, Xiangen Hu, Zhiqiang Cai, and Donald R. Franceschetti


Pilot sample of very early onset bipolar disorder in a military population moderates the association of negative life events and non-fatal suicide attempt, Jeremy W. Pettit, Amber L. Paukert, Thomas E. Joiner, and M. David Rudd


Relaxation Techniques and Guided Imagery, Carla Rime and Frank Andrasik


Changes in Adolescents' Sources of Cigarettes, Leslie A. Robinson, William T. Dalton, and Leslie M. Nicholson


Ethnic differences in predictors of adolescent smoking onset and escalation: A longitudinal study from 7th to 12th grade, Leslie A. Robinson, David M. Murray, Catherine M. Alfano, Susan M. Zbikowski, Jonathan L. Blitstein, and Robert C. Klesges


Suicidality in clinical practice: Anxieties and answers, M. David Rudd


Warning signs for suicide: Theory, research, and clinical applications, M. David Rudd, Alan L. Berman, Thomas E. Joiner, Matthew K. Nock, Morton M. Silverman, Michael Mandrusiak, Kimberly Van Orden, and Tracy Witte


The case against no-suicide contracts: The commitment to treatment statement as a practice alternative, M. David Rudd, Michael Mandrusiak, and Thomas E. Joiner


The emotional impact and ease of recall of warning signs for suicide: A controlled study, M. David Rudd, Michael Mandrusiak, Thomas E. Joiner, Alan L. Berman, Kimberly A. Van Orden, and Daniel Hollar


The Elaboration and Evolution of CBT: A Familiar Foundation and Creative Application With Chronic Pain, M. David Rudd, Ben Williams, and David Trotter


Effects of naltrexone on the acquisition of alcohol intake in male and female periadolescent and adult alcohol-preferring (P) rats, Helen J.K. Sable, Richard L. Bell, Zachary A. Rodd, and William J. McBride


Alterations in DRH and DRL performance in rats developmentally exposed to an environmental PCB mixture, Helen J.K. Sable, Brian E. Powers, Victor C. Wang, John J. Widholm, and Susan L. Schantz

Executive function following developmental exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs): What animal models have told us, Helen J.K. Sable and Susan L. Schantz


Interleukin-1β induces osteopontin expression in pulmonary fibroblasts, David M. Serlin, Ping Ping Kuang, Mangalalaxmy Subramanian, Anthony O'Regan, Xinfang Li, Jeffrey S. Berman, and Ronald H. Goldstein


In severely suicidal young adults, hopelessness, depressive symptoms, and suicidal ideation constitute a single syndrome, Golan Shahar, Liad Bareket, M. David Rudd, and Thomas E. Joiner


Post-training amphetamine administration enhances memory consolidation in appetitive Pavlovian conditioning: Implications for drug addiction, Nicholas W. Simon and Barry Setlow


Responding to and treating negative interpersonal processes in suicidal depression, Nadia E. Stellrecht, Thomas E. Joiner, and M. David Rudd


Modulation of volatile thiol and ester aromas by modified wine yeast, Jan H. Swiegers, Robyn Willmott, Alana Hill-Ling, Dimitra L. Capone, Kevin H. Pardon, Gordon M. Elsey, Kate S. Howell, and Miguel A. de Barros Lopes


A test of the effectiveness of a list of suicide warning signs for the public, Kimberly A. Van Orden, Thomas E. Joiner, Daniel Hollar, M. David Rudd, Michael Mandrusiak, and Morton M. Silverman


Subdivisions of inferior temporal cortex in squirrel monkeys make dissociable contributions to visual learning and memory, Rosalyn E. Weller, Mark S. LeDoux, Lisa M. Toll, Michelle K. Gould, R. Alan Hicks, and James E. Cox


Optimization of a multinomial model for investigating hallucinations and delusions with source monitoring, Todd S. Woodward, Mahesh Menon, Xiangen Hu, and Richard S.E. Keefe


Opposite functions of histamine H1 and H2 receptors and H3 receptor in substantia nigra pars reticulata, Fu Wen Zhou, Jian Jun Xu, Yu Zhao, Mark S. LeDoux, and Fu Ming Zhou

Submissions from 2005


Cognitive aspects of anxiety and depression in the elderly, J. Gayle Beck


Group cognitive behavioral treatment for PTSD: Treatment of motor vehicle accident survivors, J. Gayle Beck and Scott F. Coffey


Cystic fibrosis disclosure may minimize risk of negative peer evaluations, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Daniel A. Sass, W. Hobart Davies, Matthew D. Jandrisevits, and Anthony A. Hains


Brief report: Parent perceptions of hypoglycemic symptoms of youth with diabetes; disease disclosure minimizes risk of negative evaluations, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Daniel A. Sass, W. Hobart Davies, Shawna Reupert, and Anthony A. Hains


Psychosocial interventions with type 1 and 2 diabetes patients, Glenn M. Callaghan, Jennifer A. Gregg, Enrique Ortega, and Kristoffer S. Berlin

The AutoTutor 3 architecture: A software architecture for an expandable, high-availability ITS, Patrick Chipman, Andrew Olney, and Arthur C. Graesser


A new measure of children's optimism and pessimism: The youth life orientation test, Sydney Ey, Wendy Hadley, Deanna Nuttbrock Allen, Shawna Palmer, James Klosky, Daneen Deptula, Jay Thomas, and Robert Cohen

Are cattell-horn-carroll broad ability composite scores exchangeable across batteries?, Randy G. Floyd, Renee Bergeron, Allison C. McCormack, Janice L. Anderson, and Gabrielle L. Hargrove-Owens

Measurement properties of indirect assessment methods for functional behavioral assessment: A review of research, Randy G. Floyd, Robin L. Phaneuf, and Susan M. Wilczynski


Making sense of variation: Pleasantness and education ratings of Southern vowel variants, Valerie Fridland, Kathryn Bartlett, and Roger Kreuz


Predictive and treatment validity of life satisfaction and the Quality of Life Inventory, Michael B. Frisch, Michelle P. Clark, Steven V. Rouse, M. David Rudd, Jennifer K. Paweleck, Andrew Greenstone, and David A. Kopplin


Cerebral cortical control of orbicularis oculi motoneurons, Suzhen Gong, Michael Decuypere, Yu Zhao, and Mark S. LeDoux


Auto tutor: An intelligent tutoring system with mixed-initiative dialogue, Arthur C. Graesser, Patrick Chipman, Brian C. Haynes, and Andrew Olney


Question asking and eye tracking during cognitive disequilibrium: comprehending illustrated texts on devices when the devices break down, Arthur C. Graesser, Shulan Lu, Brent A. Olde, Elisa Cooper-Pye, and Shannon Whitten


Auto tutor: A cognitive system that simulates a tutor through mixed-initiative dialogue, Arthur C. Graesser, Andrew Olney, Brian C. Haynes, and Patrick Chipman

AutoTutor's coverage of expectations during tutorial dialogue, Art Graesser, Andrew Olney, Matthew Ventura, and G. Tanner Jackson

Upending the uncanny valley, David Hanson, Andrew Olney, Ismar A. Pereira, and Marge Zielke


Impairment of specific episodic memory processes by sub-psychotic doses of ketamine: The effects of levels of processing at encoding and of the subsequent retrieval task, Garry D. Honey, Rebekah A.E. Honey, Sam R. Sharar, Danielle C. Turner, Edith Pomarol-Clotet, Dharshan Kumaran, Jon S. Simons, and Xiangen Hu


Genetic determinants of volatile-thiol release by Saccharomyces cerevisiae during wine fermentation, Kate S. Howell, Mathias Klein, Jan H. Swiegers, Yoji Hayasaka, Gordon M. Elsey, Graham H. Fleet, Peter B. Høj, and Isak S. Pretorius


Carbonic anhydrase-related protein VIII deficiency is associated with a distinctive lifelong gait disorder in waddles mice, Yan Jiao, Jian Yan, Yu Zhao, Leah Rae Donahue, Wesley G. Beamer, Xinmin Li, Bruce A. Roe, and Mark S. LeDoux


Rodent models for dystonia research: Characteristics, evaluation, and utility, H. A. Jinnah, Ellen J. Hess, Mark S. LeDoux, Nutan Sharma, Mark G. Baxter, and Mahlon R. DeLong


Four studies on how past and current suicidality relate even when "everything but the kitchen sink" is covaried, Thomas E. Joiner, Yeates Conwell, Kathleen Kara Fitzpatrick, Tracy K. Witte, Norman B. Schmidt, Marcelo T. Berlim, Marcelo P.A. Fleck, and M. David Rudd


Formulation and Characterization of an experimental PCB mixture designed to mimic human exposure from contaminated fish, Paul J. Kostyniak, Larry G. Hansen, John J. Widholm, Rich D. Fitzpatrick, James R. Olson, Jennifer L. Helferich, Kyung Ho Kim, and Helen J.K. Sable


Alcohol Misure in Adolescents: Individual Differences, Prevention, Identification and Intervention, Rebecca Lebeau-Craven, Holly Sindelar, James Murphy, and Nancy E. Barnett


Animal models and the science of movement disorders, Mark LeDoux


Harmaline tremor, Mark LeDoux

Movement disorders, Mark LeDoux


The genetically dystonic rat, Mark LeDoux