Psychology Faculty Publications | Psychology | University of Memphis


Submissions from 2005


The comprehension of ostensible speech acts, Kristen E. Link and Roger J. Kreuz

Multi-hierarchy documents clustering based on LSA space dimensionality character, Yunfeng Liu, Huan Qi, Xiang'en Hu, Zhiqiang Cai, and Jianmin Dai

Application of LSA space's dimension character in document multi-hierarchy clustering, Yun Feng Liu, Huan Qi, Xiang En Hu, Zhi Qiang Cai, Jian Min Dai, and Li Zhu

The embodiment of amodal symbolic knowledge representations, Max Louwerse, Zhiqiang Cai, Xiangen Hu, Matthew Ventura, and Patrick Jeuniaux


The use of the trauma symptom inventory in the assessment of PTSD symptoms, Meghan E. McDevitt-Murphy, Frank W. Weathers, and Jennifer W. Adkins


Use of the personality assessment inventory in assessment of posttraumatic stress disorder in women, Meghan E. McDevitt-Murphy, Frank W. Weathers, Jennifer W. Adkins, and Jennifer B. Daniels


Using behavioral theories of choice to predict drinking outcomes following a brief intervention, James G. Murphy, Suzanne M. Colby, Christopher J. Correia, and Rudy E. Vuchinich


Drink and be merry? Gender, life satisfaction, and alcohol consumption among college students, James G. Murphy, Meghan E. McDevitt-Murphy, and Nancy P. Barnett

An orthonormal basis for entailment, Andrew Olney and Zhiqiang Cai


An orthonormal basis for topic segmentation in tutorial dialogue, Andrew Olney and Zhiqiang Cai


Development of a clinical guide to enhance care for suicidal patients, Mark S. Oordt, M. David Rudd, David A. Jobes, Vincent P. Fonseca, Christine N. Runyan, John B. Stea, Rick L. Campise, and G. Wayne Talcott


Is the concept of "repression" useful for the understanding chronic PTSD?, Sarah A. Palyo and J. Gayle Beck


Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, pain, and perceived life control: Associations with psychosocial and physical functioning, Sarah A. Palyo and J. Gayle Beck


Practice and forgetting effects on vocabulary memory: An activation-based model of the spacing effect, Philip I. Pavlik and John R. Anderson


Cattell-Horn-Carroll broad cognitive ability profiles of low math achievers, Briley E. Proctor, Randy G. Floyd, and Renee B. Shaver


Effects of ethanol drinking on central nervous system functional activity of alcohol-preferring rats, Helen J.K. Sable, Zachary A. Rodd, Richard L. Bell, Jonathan A. Schultz, Larry Lumeng, and William J. McBride


The role of thought suppression in posttraumatic stress disorder, Jillian C. Shipherd and J. Gayle Beck


Neuroimaging of rodent and primate models of alcoholism: Initial reports from the Integrative Neuroscience Initiative on Alcoholism, Edith V. Sullivan, Helen J.K. Sable, Wendy N. Strother, David P. Friedman, April Davenport, Heather Tillman-Smith, Robert A. Kraft, and Christopher Wyatt


A comparison of tobacco-related risk factors between adolescents with and without cancer, Vida L. Tyc, Shelly Lensing, James Klosky, Shesh N. Rai, and Leslie Robinson


Cognitive-behavioral therapy for late-life generalized anxiety disorder: Who gets better?, Julie Loebach Wetherell, Derek R. Hopko, Gretchen J. Diefenbach, Patricia M. Averill, J. Gayle Beck, Michelle G. Craske, Margaret Gatz, and Diane M. Novy


Comparison of compensation and capitalization models when treating suicidality in young adults, La Ricka R. Wingate, Kimberly A. Van Orden, Thomas E. Joiner, Foluso M. Williams, and M. David Rudd


Caytaxin deficiency causes generalized dystonia in rats, Jianfeng Xiao and Mark S. LeDoux

Submissions from 2004

Physical activity in relation to all-site and lung cancer incidence and mortality in current and former smokers, Catherine M. Alfano, Robert C. Klesges, David M. Murray, Deborah J. Bowen, Anne McTiernan, Mark W.Vander Weg, Leslie A. Robinson, and Brenda Cartmel


Psychometric properties of the posttraumatic cognitions inventory (PTCI): A replication with motor vehicle accident survivors, J. Gayle Beck, Scott F. Coffey, Sarah A. Palyo, Berglind Gudmundsdottir, Luana M. Miller, and Craig R. Colder


Altered bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis in osteopontin-deficient mice, Jeffrey S. Berman, David Serlin, Xinfang Li, Geoffrey Whitley, John Hayes, David C. Rishikof, Dennis A. Ricupero, and Lucy Liaw


A review of the Beck Youth Inventories of Emotional and Social Impairment, Jillayne E. Bose-Deakins and Randy G. Floyd


The Collaborative Cross, a community resource for the genetic analysis of complex traits, Gary A. Churchill, David C. Airey, Hooman Allayee, Joe M. Angel, Alan D. Attie, Jackson Beatty, Willam D. Beavis, and John K. Belknap


Aggressive, rejected, and delinquent children and adolescents: A comparison of their friendships, Daneen P. Deptula and Robert Cohen


Do you hear what I hear? Experimental measurement of the perceptual salience of acoustically manipulated vowel variants by Southern speakers in Memphis, TN, Valerie Fridland, Kathryn Bartlett, and Roger Kreuz


AutoTutor: A tutor with dialogue in natural language, Arthur C. Graesser, Shulan Lu, George Tanner Jackson, Heather Hite Mitchell, Mathew Ventura, Andrew Olney, and Max M. Louwerse


Coh-metrix: analysis of text on cohesion and language, Arthur C. Graesser, Danielle S. McNamara, Max M. Louwerse, and Zhiqiang Cai


The impact of conversational navigational guides on the learning, use, and perceptions of users of a Web site, Art Graesser, G. Tanner Jackson, Matthew Ventura, James Mueller, Xiangen Hu, and Natalie Person


Understanding the pattern of PTSD symptomatology: A comparison of between versus within-group approaches, Berglind Gudmundsdottir and J. Gayle Beck


Quality of life and post trauma symptomatology in motor vehicle accident survivors: The mediating effects of depression and anxiety, Berglind Gudmundsdottir, J. Gayle Beck, Scott F. Coffey, Luana Miller, and Sarah A. Palyo


Variation in 4-mercapto-4-methyl-pentan-2-one release by Saccharomyces cerevisiae commercial wine strains, Kate S. Howell, Jan H. Swiegers, Gordon M. Elsey, Tracey E. Siebert, Eveline J. Bartowsky, Graham H. Fleet, Isak S. Pretorius, and Miguel A. De Barros Lopes


Microsatellite PCR profiling of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains during wine fermentation, K. S. Howell, E. J. Bartowsky, G. H. Fleet, and P. A. Henschke


A National Survey of Trainee Impairment in Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychology Doctoral Programs and Internships, Steven K. Huprich and M. David Rudd


Human use regulatory affairs advisor (HURAA): Learning about research ethics with intelligent learning modules, Xiangen Hu and Arthur C. Graesser


Is There a Window of Heightened Suicide Risk if Patients Gain Energy in the Context of Continued Depressive Symptoms?, Thomas E. Joiner, Jeremy W. Pettit, and M. David Rudd


Do men and women differ in their use of nonliteral language when they talk about emotions?, Kristen E. Link and Roger J. Kreuz


Is psychotherapy good for your health?, Lester Luborsky, Ramaris E. German, Louis Diguer, Jeffrey S. Berman, Daniel Kirk, Marna S. Barrett, and Ellen Luborsky


A Comparison of Personalized Feedback for College Student Drinkers Delivered with and without a Motivational Interview, James G. Murphy, Trisha A. Benson, Rudy E. Vuchinich, Mary M. Deskins, David Eakin, Amanda M. Flood, Meghan E. McDevitt-Murphy, and Ohiana Torrealday


Kindling and behavioral sensitization: Are they relevant to recurrent suicide attempts?, Jeremy W. Pettit, Thomas E. Joiner, and M. David Rudd


Recent advances in animal models of alcohol craving and relapse, Zachary A. Rodd, Richard L. Bell, Helen J.K. Sable, James M. Murphy, and William J. McBride


Cognitive therapy for suicidality: An integrative, comprehensive, and practical approach to conceptualization, M. David Rudd


Introduction to the special issue, M. David Rudd


University counseling centers: Looking more and more like community clinics, M. David Rudd


Childhood diagnoses and later risk for multiple suicide attempts, M. David Rudd, Thomas E. Joiner, and Harold Rumzek


Effects of chronic naltrexone treatment in rats on place preference and locomotor activation after acute administration of cocaethylene or ethanol plus cocaine, Helen J.K. Sable, Sasha L. White, and Rhea E. Steinpreis


A framework of synthesizing tutoring conversation capability with web-based distance education courseware, Ki Sang Song, Xiangen Hu, Andrew Olney, and Arthur C. Graesser


Combining computational models of short essay grading for conceptual physics problems, M. J. Ventura, D. R. Franchescetti, P. Pennumatsa, A. C. Graesser, G. T. Jackson, X. Hu, and Z. Cai


Behavioral Assessment of Gambling: An Application of the Timeline Followback Method, Jeremiah Weinstock, James P. Whelan, and Andrew W. Meyers


Empirically informed approaches to topics in suicide risk assessment, La Ricka R. Wingate, Thomas E. Joiner, Rheeda L. Walker, M. David Rudd, and David A. Jobes


Developmental expression of rat torsinA transcript and protein, Jianfeng Xiao, Suzhen Gong, Yu Zhao, and Mark S. LeDoux

Submissions from 2003


The nature and identification of quantitative trait loci: A community's view, Oduola Abiola, Joe M. Angel, Philip Avner, Alexander A. Bachmanov, John K. Belknap, Beth Bennett, Elizabeth P. Blankenhorn, and David A. Blizard


Epilepsia partialis continua mistaken for Parkinson's disease, Kefah Al-Hayk and Mark S. LeDoux


Development of an interview for anxiety-relevant interpersonal styles: Preliminary support for convergent and discriminant validity, J. Gayle Beck and Joanne Davila


PTSD and Emotional Distress Symptoms Measured after a Motor Vehicle Accident: Relationships with Pain Coping Profiles, J. Gayle Beck, Berglind Gudmundsdottir, and Jillian C. Shipherd


Differentiating anxiety and depression in older adults with generalized anxiety disorder, J. Gayle Beck, Diane M. Novy, Gretchen J. Diefenbach, Melinda A. Stanley, Patricia M. Averill, and Alan C. Swann


Rapid progression to regular cigarette smoking among nonsmoking adolescents: Interactions with gender and ethnicity, Jonathan L. Blitstein, Leslie A. Robinson, David M. Murray, Robert C. Klesges, and Susan M. Zbikowski


A prospective evaluation of the relationships between smoking dosage and body mass index in an adolescent, biracial cohort, Theodore V. Cooper, Robert C. Klesges, Leslie A. Robinson, and Susan M. Zbikowski


An Experimental Analysis of Children's Dislike of Aggressors and Victims, Mary Lynne Courtney, Robert Cohen, Daneen P. Deptula, and Katherine M. Kitzmann


Localization of preganglionic neurons that innervate choroidal neurons of pterygopalatine ganglion, Sherry Cuthbertson, Mark S. LeDoux, Seth Jones, Julia Jones, Qihong Zhou, Suzhen Gong, Patrick Ryan, and Anton Reiner


'Minor GAD': Characteristics of subsyndromal GAD in older adults, Gretchen J. Diefenbach, Derek R. Hopko, Sarah Feigon, Melinda A. Stanley, Diane M. Novy, J. Gayle Beck, and Patricia M. Averill


Vicarious learning: Effects of overhearing dialog and monologue-like discourse in a virtual tutoring session, David M. Driscoll, Scotty D. Craig, Barry Gholson, Matthew Ventura, Xiangen Hu, and Arthur C. Graesser


Behavior rating scales for assessment of emotional disturbance: A critical review of measurement characteristics, Randy G. Floyd and Jillayne E. Bose


Relations between measures of cattell-horn-carroll (CHC) cognitive abilities and mathematics achievement across the school-age years, Randy G. Floyd, Jeffrey J. Evans, and Kevin S. McGrew


Immunohistochemical detection of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP), Suzhen Gong and Mark S. LeDoux


Blink-related sensorimotor anatomy in the rat, Suzhen Gong, Qihong Zhou, and Mark S. LeDoux


Assessing worry in older adults: Confirmatory factor analysis of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire and psychometric properties of an abbreviated model, Derek R. Hopko, Melinda A. Stanley, Deborah L. Reas, Julie Loebach Wetherell, J. Gayle Beck, Diane M. Novy, and Patricia M. Averill

A revised algorithm for latent semantic analysis, Xiangen Hu, Zhiqiang Cai, Max Louwerse, Andrew Olney, Phanni Penumatsa, and Art Graesser


Modeling student performance to enhance the pedagogy of autoTutor, Tanner Jackson, Eric Mathews, King Ip Lin, Andrew Olney, and Art Graesser


Worst-point suicidal plans: A dimension of suicidality predictive of past suicide attempts and eventual death by suicide, Thomas E. Joiner, Robert A. Steer, Gregory Brown, Aaron T. Beck, Jeremy W. Pettit, and M. David Rudd


Problem-solving and cognitive scars in mood and anxiety disorders: The sting of mania, Thomas E. Joiner, Kathleen D. Vohs, M. David Rudd, Norman B. Schmidt, and Jeremy W. Pettit


Parents' versus children's perceptions of interparental conflict as predictors of children's friendship quality, Katherine M. Kitzmann and Robert Cohen


Use of nicotine replacement therapy in adolescent smokers and nonsmokers, Lisa M. Klesges, Karen C. Johnson, Grant Somes, Susan Zbikowski, and Leslie Robinson


Secondary cervical dystonia associated with structural lesions of the central nervous system, Mark S. LeDoux and Kimberly A. Brand


IFN-γ induction of osteopontin expression in human monocytoid cells, Xinfang Li, Anthony W. O'Regan, and Jeffrey S. Berman


Are some psychotherapies much more effective than others?, Lester Luborsky, Robert Rosenthal, Louis Diguer, Tomasz P. Andrusyna, Jill T. Levitt, David A. Seligman, Jeffrey S. Berman, and Elizabeth D. Krause


The gambling self-efficacy questionnaire: An initial psychometric evaluation, Ryan K. May, James P. Whelan, Timothy A. Steenbergh, and Andrew W. Meyers


Further dissection of a genomic locus associated with behavioral activity in the Wistar-Kyoto hyperactive rat, an animal model of hyperkinesis, M. P. Moisan, B. Llamas, M. N. Cook, and P. Mormède


The Gene for Acute Sarcoidosis?, Anthony W. O'Regan and Jeffrey S. Berman


Dropped head presentation of mitochondrial myopathy, Fazal Rahim, Devanshi Gupta, Tulio E. Bertorini, and Mark S. LeDoux


The reliability and predictive value of adolescents' reports of initial reactions to smoking, Brant W. Riedel, Jonathan L. Blitstein, Leslie A. Robinson, David M. Murray, and Robert C. Klesges


Ethnic differences in smoking withdrawal effects among adolescents, Brant W. Riedel, Leslie A. Robinson, Robert C. Klesges, and Bonnie McLain-Allen

"Start to stop": Results of a randomised controlled trial of a smoking cessation programme for teens, L. A. Robinson, M. W. Vander Weg, B. W. Riedel, R. C. Klesges, and B. McLain-Allen


A Preliminary Examination of Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Chronic Pain Patients: A Case Study, Jillian C. Shipherd, J. Gayle Beck, Jessica L. Hamblen, Jeffrey M. Lackner, and Jennifer B. Freeman


Cognitive-behavioral treatment of late-life generalized anxiety disorder, Melinda A. Stanley, J. Gayle Beck, Diane M. Novy, Patricia M. Averill, Alan C. Swann, Gretchen J. Diefenbach, and Derek R. Hopko


On the communicative function of exaggeration: How to be a million times clearer, Craig O. Stewart and Roger J. Kreuz


Cloning, developmental regulation and neural localization of rat ε-sarcoglycan, Jianfeng Xiao and Mark S. LeDoux

Submissions from 2002


Adolescent reports of physician counseling for smoking., Catherine M. Alfano, Susan M. Zbikowski, Leslie A. Robinson, Robert C. Klesges, and Isabel C. Scarinci


Impact of diabetes disclosure on perceptions of eating and self-care behaviors, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Daniel A. Sass, W. Hobart Davies, and Anthony A. Hains


Behavioral differences among 129 substrains: Implications for knockout and transgenic mice, Melloni N. Cook, Valerie J. Bolivar, Melanie P. McFadyen, and Lorraine Flaherty


Erratum: Behavioral differences among 129 substrains: Implications for knock-out and transgenic mice (Behavioral Neuroscience (2002) 116:4 (600-611)), Melloni N. Cook, Valerie J. Bolivar, Melanie P. McFadyen, and Lorraine Flaherty


Anxiety in the elevated zero-maze is augmented in mice after repeated daily exposure, Melloni N. Cook, Martha Crounse, and Lorraine Flaherty


Is social anxiety associated with impairment in close relationships? A preliminary investigation, Joanne Davila and J. Gayle Beck

The relations between measures of Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) cognitive abilities and reading achievement during childhood and adolescence, Jeffrey J. Evans, Randy G. Floyd, Kevin S. McGrew, and Maria H. Leforgee


Learning about the ethical treatment of human subjects in experiments on a web facility with a conversational agent and ITS components, Arthur C. Graesser, Xiangen Hu, Natalie K. Person, Craig Stewart, Joe Toth, G. Tanner Jackson, Suresh Susarla, and Matthew Ventura


Improving comprehension through discourse processing, Arthur C. Graesser, Natalie K. Person, and Xiangen Hu


The incremental validity of passive-aggressive personality symptoms rivals or exceeds that of other personality symptoms in suicidal outpatients, Thomas E. Joiner and M. David Rudd