Exercise, Sport & Movement Sciences Faculty Publications | Exercise, Sport & Movement Sciences | University of Memphis


Submissions from 2018


The impact of different cross-training modalities on performance and injury-related variables in high school cross country runners, Max R. Paquette, Shelby A. Peel, Ross E. Smith, Mark Temme, and Jeffrey N. Dwyer


Deep brain stimulation enhances movement complexity during gait in individuals with Parkinson's disease, Douglas W. Powell, Sarah E. Blackmore, Melissa Puppa, Deranda Lester, Nicholas G. Murray, Rebecca J. Reed-Jones, and Rui Ping Xia


Changes in vertical and joint stiffness in runners with advancing age, Douglas W. Powell and D. S.Blaise Williams


Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)–associated lymphoid proliferations, a 2018 update, Sherif A. Rezk, Xiaohui Zhao, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Potential utility of a loaded treadmill protocol for tactical athletes, James T. Swearingen, Lawrence W. Weiss, Webb A. Smith, Mark D. Stephenson, and Brian K. Schilling


Small intestinal absorption of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and accumulation of the sulfur moiety in selected tissues of mice, Thomas Wong, Richard J. Bloomer, Rodney L. Benjamin, and Randal K. Buddington

Submissions from 2017


Effects of Toe-In and Wider Step Width in Stair Ascent with Different Knee Alignments, Hunter J. Bennett, Songning Zhang, Guangping Shen, Joshua T. Weinhandl, Max R. Paquette, Jeffrey Reinbolt, and Dawn P. Coe


Lower extremity joint work during acceleration, deceleration, and steady state running, D. S. Blaise Williams, Jonathan H. Cole, and Douglas W. Powell


Differential bone loss in mouse models of colon cancer cachexia, Andrea Bonetto, Joshua K. Kays, Valorie A. Parker, Ryan R. Matthews, Rafael Barreto, Melissa J. Puppa, Kyung S. Kang, and James A. Carson


Methylsulfonylmethane: Applications and safety of a novel dietary supplement, Matthew Butawan, Rodney L. Benjamin, and Richard J. Bloomer


Center of pressure profiles in unilateral compared to bilateral end-stage ankle osteoarthritis patients, Jonathan R. Gladish, Douglas W. Powell, Lindsey E. Allison, and Robin M. Queen


Effect of rest-pause vs. traditional bench press training on muscle strength, electromyography, and lifting volume in randomized trial protocols, J. Adam Korak, Max R. Paquette, Justin Brooks, Dana K. Fuller, and John M. Coons


Effects of L-carnitine supplementation on metabolic utilization of oxygen and lipid profile among trained and untrained humans, Jirakrit Leelarungrayub, Decha Pinkaew, Jakkrit Klaphajone, Wichai Eungpinichpong, and Richard J. Bloomer


Effects of methylsulfonylmethane supplementation on oxidative stress, muscle soreness, and performance variables following eccentric exercise, Daniel A. Melcher, Sang Rok Lee, Shelby A. Peel, Max R. Papaquette, and Richard J. Bloomer


Joint stiffness and running economy during imposed forefoot strike before and after a long run in rearfoot strike runners, Daniel A. Melcher, Max R. Paquette, Brian K. Schilling, and Richard J. Bloomer


ASB clinical biomechanics award winner 2016: Assessment of gaze stability within 24–48 hours post-concussion, Nicholas G. Murray, Nathan R. D'Amico, Douglas Powell, Megan E. Mormile, Katelyn E. Grimes, Barry A. Munkasy, Russell K. Gore, and Rebecca J. Reed-Jones


Impact of a long run on injury-related biomechanics with relation to weekly mileage in trained male runners, Max R. Paquette and Daniel A. Melcher


Soreness-related changes in three-dimensional running biomechanics following eccentric knee extensor exercise, Max R. Paquette, Shelby A. Peel, Brian K. Schilling, Dan A. Melcher, and Richard J. Bloomer


Computerized Agility Training Improves Change-of-Direction and Balance Performance Independently of Footwear in Young Adults, Max R. Paquette, Brian K. Schilling, Joshua D. Bravo, Shelby A. Peel, Yuhua Li, and Robert J. Townsend


Corrigendum to: Computerized Agility Training Improves Change-of-Direction and Balance Performance Independently of Footwear in Young Adults (Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, (2017), 88, 1, (44-51), 10.1080/02701367.2016.1252031), Max R. Paquette, Brian K. Schilling, Joshua D. Bravo, Shelby A. Peel, Yuhua Li, and Robert J. Townsend


Foot contact angle variability during a prolonged run with relation to injury history and habitual foot strike pattern, M. R. Paquette, C. E. Milner, and D. A. Melcher


Contributions to leg stiffness in high- compared with low-arched athletes, Douglas W. Powell, Max R. Paquette, and D. S.Blaise Williams


Examining Changes to Center of Pressure during the First Trials of Wii Gameplay, Rebecca Reed-Jones, Laura Carvalho, Chelsey Sanderson, William Montelpare, Nicholas Murray, and Douglas Powell


The effects of gaze stabilization on gait parameters in individuals with Parkinson's disease, Rebecca J. Reed-Jones and Douglas W. Powell


β2-adrenergic receptor maladaptations to high power resistance exercise overreaching, A. J. Sterczala, A. C. Fry, L. Z.F. Chiu, B. K. Schilling, L. W. Weiss, and J. X. Nicoll

Submissions from 2016


Constraining eye movement in individuals with Parkinson’s disease during walking turns, V. N.Pradeep Ambati, Fabricio Saucedo, Nicholas G. Murray, Douglas W. Powell, and Rebecca J. Reed-Jones


Consistency of lower-body dimensions using surface landmarks and simple measurement tools, Johnpaul Caia, Lawrence W. Weiss, Loren Z.F. Chiu, Brian K. Schilling, and Max R. Paquette


Do Lower-Body Dimensions and Body Composition Explain Vertical Jump Ability?, Johnpaul Caia, Lawrence W. Weiss, Loren Z.F. Chiu, Brian K. Schilling, Max R. Paquette, and George E. Relyea


Lower limb kinematics and metabolic cost during elliptical exercises and treadmill running, Stephanie Chester, Audrey Zucker-Levin, Daniel A. Melcher, Shelby A. Peel, Richard J. Bloomer, and Max R. Paquette


Intestinal adaptations to a combination of different diets with and without endurance exercise, Janice L. Daniels, Richard J. Bloomer, Marie van der Merwe, Samantha L. Davis, Karyl K. Buddington, and Randal K. Buddington


Self-Reported Physical Tasks and Exercise Training in Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Teams, Matthew R. Davis, Richard L. Easter, Jonathan M. Carlock, Lawrence W. Weiss, Elizabeth A. Longo, Lisa M. Smith, J. Jay Dawes, and Brian K. Schilling


Eccentric contraction-induced myofiber growth in tumor-bearing mice, Justin P. Hardee, Joshua E. Mangum, Song Gao, Shuichi Sato, Kimbell L. Hetzler, Melissa J. Puppa, Dennis K. Fix, and James A. Carson


Comparison of ankle kinematics and ground reaction forces between prospectively injured and uninjured collegiate cross country runners, Daniel J. Kuhman, Max R. Paquette, Shelby A. Peel, and Daniel A. Melcher


Ankle and knee kinetics between strike patterns at common training speeds in competitive male runners, Daniel Kuhman, Daniel Melcher, and Max R. Paquette


Consumption of star fruit juice on pro-inflammatory markers and walking distance in the community dwelling elderly, Jirakrit Leelarungrayub, James J. Laskin, Richard J. Bloomer, and Decha Pinkaew


A preliminary study on the effects of star fruit consumption on antioxidant and lipid status in elderly Thai individuals, Jirakrit Leelarungrayub, Araya Yankai, Decha Pinkaew, Rungthip Puntumetakul, James J. Laskin, and Richard J. Bloomer


Pseudouridine synthase 1 deficient mice, a model for Mitochondrial Myopathy with Sideroblastic Anemia, exhibit muscle morphology and physiology alterations, Joshua E. Mangum, Justin P. Hardee, Dennis K. Fix, Melissa J. Puppa, Johnathon Elkes, Diego Altomare, Yelena Bykhovskaya, and Dean R. Campagna


Short-term pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate administration attenuates cachexia-induced alterations to muscle and liver in ApcMin/+ mice, Aditi A. Narsale, Melissa J. Puppa, Justin P. Hardee, Brandon N. VanderVeen, Reilly T. Enos, E. Angela Murphy, and James A. Carson


Changes in resting mitogen-activated protein kinases following resistance exercise overreaching and overtraining, Justin X. Nicoll, Andrew C. Fry, Andrew J. Galpin, Adam J. Sterczala, Donald B. Thomason, Christopher A. Moore, Lawrence W. Weiss, and Loren Z.F. Chiu


Electromyographic analysis of riding posture during the bicycling start moment, Johnny Padulo, Luca Paolo Ardigò, Mirjana Milić, and Douglas William Powell


High- compared to low-arched athletes exhibit smaller knee abduction moments in walking and running, Douglas W. Powell, Samantha Andrews, Cris Stickley, and D. S.Blaise Williams


Arch structure is associated with unique joint work, relative joint contributions and stiffness during landing, Douglas W. Powell, Robin M. Queen, and D. S.Blaise Williams


Athletes who train on unstable compared to stable surfaces exhibit unique postural control strategies in response to balance perturbations, D. S.Blaise Williams, Nicholas G. Murray, and Douglas W. Powell


Quantification of neural reflex and muscular intrinsic contributions to parkinsonian rigidity, Rui Ping Xia, Anburaj Muthumani, Zhi Hong Mao, and Douglas W. Powell

Submissions from 2015


Influence of a d-aspartic acid/sodium nitrate/vitamin d3 dietary supplement on physiological parameters in middle-aged men: A pilot study, Richard J. Bloomer, Trint A. Gunnels, Ryan G. Moran, and Johnhenry M. Schriefer


Comparison of a restricted and unrestricted vegan diet plan with a restricted omnivorous diet plan on health-specific measures, Richard J. Bloomer, Trint A. Gunnels, and John Henry M. Schriefer


Clinical safety assessment of oral higenamine supplementation in healthy, young men, R. J. Bloomer, J. M. Schriefer, and T. A. Gunnels


Best practices in diagnostic immunohistochemistry: Workup of cutaneous lymphoid lesions in the diagnosis of primary cutaneous lymphoma, Rajan Dewar, Aleodor Alexandru Andea, Joan Guitart, Daniel A. Arber, and Lawrence M. Weiss


The immediate effect of atlanto-axial high velocity thrust techniques on blood flow in the vertebral artery: A randomized controlled trial, Jonathan W. Erhardt, Brett A. Windsor, Roger Kerry, Chris Hoekstra, Douglas W. Powell, Ann Porter-Hoke, and Alan Taylor


Effects of footwear condition on maximal jumping performance, John R. Harry, Max R. Paquette, Johnpaul Caia, Robert J. Townsend, Lawrence W. Weiss, and Brian K. Schilling


Sex differences in the relationship of IL-6 signaling to cancer cachexia progression, Kimbell L. Hetzler, Justin P. Hardee, Melissa J. Puppa, Aditi A. Narsale, Shuichi Sato, J. Mark Davis, and James A. Carson


Cognitive performance and mood following ingestion of a theacrine-containing dietary supplement, caffeine, or placebo by young men and women, Daniel J. Kuhman, Keanan J. Joyner, and Richard J. Bloomer


A kinematic method to detect foot contact during running for all foot strike patterns, Clare E. Milner and Max R. Paquette


Liver inflammation and metabolic signaling in ApcMin/+ mice: The role of cachexia progression, Aditi A. Narsale, Reilly T. Enos, Melissa J. Puppa, Saurabh Chatterjee, E. Angela Murphy, Raja Fayad, Majorette O. Pena, and J. Larry Durstine


Modifications in activation of lower limb muscles as a function of initial foot position in cycling, Johnny Padulo, Douglas W. Powell, Luca P. Ardigò, and Davide Viggiano


Greater step widths reduce internal knee abduction moments in medial compartment knee osteoarthritis patients during stair ascent, Max R. Paquette, Gary Klipple, and Songning Zhang


An 8-week reactive balance training program in older healthy adults: A preliminary investigation, Max R. Paquette, Yuhua Li, Joseph Hoekstra, and Joshua Bravo


Lower limb joint angular position and muscle activity during elliptical exercise in healthy young men, Max R. Paquette, Audrey Zucker-Levin, Paul DeVita, Joseph Hoekstra, and David Pearsall


Athletes trained using stable compared to unstable surfaces exhibit distinct postural control profiles when assessed by traditional and nonlinear measures, Douglas W. Powell and D. S.Blaise Williams

Submissions from 2014


Acute effects of static stretching on bench press power and velocity in adolescent male athletes, Matthew Andre, Andrew Fry, Ernest McLellan, Lawrence Weiss, and Christopher Moore


An Overview of Carnitine, Richard J. Bloomer, Tyler M. Farney, and Matthew J. McAllister


Influence of acute exercise of varying intensity and duration on postprandial oxidative stress, Robert E. Canale, Tyler M. Farney, Cameron G. McCarthy, and Richard J. Bloomer


Maximal strength, power, and aerobic endurance adaptations to concurrent strength and sprint interval training, Gregory S. Cantrell, Brian K. Schilling, Max R. Paquette, and Zsolt Murlasits


Nitrate ingestion: A review of the health and physical performance effects, William T. Clements, Sang Rok Lee, and Richard J. Bloomer


Kansas squat test: A reliable indicator of short-term anaerobic power, Andrew C. Fry, Rebecca A. Kudrna, Michael J. Falvo, Richard J. Bloomer, Christopher A. Moore, Brian K. Schilling, and Lawrence W. Weiss


Gait biomechanics of a second generation unstable shoe, Jacob K. Gardner, Songning Zhang, Max R. Paquette, Clare E. Milner, and Elizabeth Brock


The effect of radiation dose on mouse skeletal muscle remodeling, Justin P. Hardee, Melissa J. Puppa, Dennis K. Fix, Song Gao, Kimbell L. Hetzler, Ted A. Bateman, and James A. Carson


Muscle activation during various hamstring exercises, Matt J. McAllister, Kelley G. Hammond, Brian K. Schilling, Lucas C. Ferreria, Jacob P. Reed, and Lawrence W. Weiss


Molecular characteristics of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in human immunodeficiency virus-infected and -uninfected patients in the pre-highly active antiretroviral therapy and pre-rituximab era, Lindsay M. Morton, Clara J. Kim, Lawrence M. Weiss, Kishor Bhatia, Myles Cockburn, Debra Hawes, Sophia S. Wang, Cindy Chang, Sean F. Altekruse, Eric A. Engels, and Wendy Cozen


Reliability and validity evidence of multiple balance assessments in athletes with a concussion, Nicholas Murray, Anthony Salvatore, Douglas Powell, and Rebecca Reed-Jones


Effects of increased step width on frontal plane knee biomechanics in healthy older adults during stair descent, Max R. Paquette, Songning Zhang, Clare E. Milner, Jeffrey T. Fairbrother, and Jeffrey A. Reinbolt


Does increasing step width alter knee biomechanics in medial compartment knee osteoarthritis patients during stair descent?, Max R. Paquette, Songning Zhang, Clare E. Milner, and Gary Klipple


Parkinson's disease is associated with greater regularity of repetitive voluntary movements, Douglas W. Powell, Anburaj Muthumani, and Ruiping Xia


Ankle work and dynamic joint stiffness in high- compared to low-arched athletes during a barefoot running task, Douglas W. Powell, D. S.Blaise Williams, Brett Windsor, Robert J. Butler, and Songning Zhang


Skeletal muscle glycoprotein 130's role in Lewis lung carcinoma-induced cachexia, Melissa J. Puppa, Song Gao, Aditi A. Narsale, and James A. Carson


Cachectic skeletal muscle response to a novel bout of low-frequency stimulation, Melissa J. Puppa, E. Angela Murphy, Raja Fayad, Gregory A. Hand, and James A. Carson


Clinical assessment of balance in adults with concussion, Rebecca J. Reed-Jones, Nicholas G. Murray, and Douglas W. Powell


Quercetin supplementation attenuates the progression of cancer cachexia in ApcMin/+ mice, Kandy T. Velázquez, Reilly T. Enos, Aditi A. Narsale, Melissa J. Puppa, J. Mark Davis, E. Angela Murphy, and James A. Carson

Submissions from 2013


Both a traditional and modified Daniel Fast improve the cardio-metabolic profile in men and women, Rick J. Alleman, Innocence C. Harvey, Tyler M. Farney, and Richard J. Bloomer


Safety profile of caffeine and 1,3-dimethylamylamine supplementation in healthy men, Richard J. Bloomer, T. M. Farney, I. C. Harvey, and R. J. Alleman


Acute plasma volume change with high-intensity sprint exercise, Richard J. Bloomer and Tyler M. Farney


Cissus quadrangularis reduces joint pain in exercise-trained men: a pilot study., Richard J. Bloomer, Tyler M. Farney, Cameron G. McCarthy, and Sang Rok Lee


Women experience lower postprandial oxidative stress compared to men, Richard J. Bloomer and Sang Rok Lee


Influence of acute coffee consumption on postprandial oxidative stress, Richard J. Bloomer, John F. Trepanowski, and Tyler M. Farney


Plasma glycerol during the acute post-exercise recovery period: Influence of exercise intensity, R. J. Bloomer and T. M. Farney


Biological pathways impacting cancer survival: Exercise as a countermeasure for the development and progression of cachexia, James A. Carson and Melissa J. Puppa


Overexpression of miR-26a-2 in human liposarcoma is correlated with poor patient survival, D. H. Lee, S. Amanat, C. Goff, L. M. Weiss, J. W. Said, N. B. Doan, A. Sato-Otsubo, S. Ogawa, C. Forscher, and H. P. Koeffler


Acute oral intake of a higenamine-based dietary supplement increases circulating free fatty acids and energy expenditure in human subjects, Sang Rok Lee, Johnhenry M. Schriefer, Trint A. Gunnels, Innocence C. Harvey, and Richard J. Bloomer


Effect of grip width on electromyographic activity during the upright row, Matthew J. Mcallister, Brian K. Schilling, Kelley G. Hammond, Lawrence W. Weiss, and Tyler M. Farney


High-fat feeding, but not strenuous exercise, increases blood oxidative stress in trained men, Cameron G. McCarthy, Tyler M. Farney, Robert E. Canale, Michael E. Dessoulavy, and Richard J. Bloomer


A Paradigm of Uphill Running, Johnny Padulo, Douglas Powell, Raffaele Milia, and Luca Paolo Ardigò


EMG amplitude of the biceps femoris during jumping compared to landing movements, Johnny Padulo, Alessandra Tiloca, Douglas Powell, Giampietro Granatelli, Antonino Bianco, and Antonio Paoli


Acute effects of barefoot, minimal shoes and running shoes on lower limb mechanics in rear and forefoot strike runners, Max Robert Paquette, Songning Zhang, and Lucas Dahl Baumgartner


A comparison of two multisegment foot models in Highand low-arched athletes, Douglas W. Powell, D. S. Blaise Williams, and Robert J. Butler


Constraining eye movement when redirecting walking trajectories alters turning control in healthy young adults, V. N. Pradeep Ambati, Nicholas G. Murray, Fabricio Saucedo, Douglas W. Powell, and Rebecca J. Reed-Jones


Follicular dendritic cells: Origin, function, and different disease-associated patterns, Sherif A. Rezk, Bharat N. Nathwani, Xiaohui Zhao, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Physiological and pharmacokinetic effects of oral 1,3-dimethylamylamine administration in men., Brian K. Schilling, Kelley G. Hammond, Richard J. Bloomer, Chaela S. Presley, and Charles R. Yates


A new device for simulating athlete-to-surface interactions on natural and synthetic turf, Adam W. Thoms, James T. Brosnan, Max R. Paquette, Songning Zhang, and John C. Sorochan


Reliability of Goniometry-Based Q-Angle, Lawrence Weiss, Bradley DeForest, Kelley Hammond, Brian Schilling, and Lucas Ferreira


Testosterone regulation of Akt/mTORC1/FoxO3a signaling in skeletal muscle, James P. White, Song Gao, Melissa J. Puppa, Shuichi Sato, Stephen L. Welle, and James A. Carson