Exercise, Sport & Movement Sciences Faculty Publications | Exercise, Sport & Movement Sciences | University of Memphis


Submissions from 1986

Clonal T-cell populations in angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy and angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy-like lymphoma, L. M. Weiss, J. G. Strickler, R. F. Dorfman, S. J. Horning, R. A. Warnke, and J. Sklar

The immunopathology of cutaneous lymphomas: Immunophenotypic and immunogenotypic characteristics, G. S. Wood, L. M. Weiss, R. A. Warnke, and J. Sklar

Submissions from 1985

Most null large cell lymphomas are B lineage neoplasms, M. L. Cleary, M. J. Trela, L. M. Weiss, R. Warnke, and J. Sklar


Gastrointestinal lymphomas. Immunohistochemical studies on the cell of origin, W. W. Grody, J. G. Magidson, L. M. Weiss, E. Hu, H. A. Warnke, and K. J. Lewin


Follicular and diffuse mixed small-cleaved and large-cell lymphoma. A clinicopathologic study, E. Hu, L. M. Weiss, R. T. Hoppe, and S. J. Horning


Nonimmune hydrops fetalis: A challenge in perinatal pathology, Mahpareh Mostoufi-Zadeh, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Shirley G. Driscoll


Canine neuroendocrine carcinoma. A tumor resembling histiocytoma, B. J. Nickoloff, J. Hill, and L. M. Weiss

AIDS and Hodgkin's disease., S. L. Schoeppel, R. T. Hoppe, R. F. Dorfman, S. J. Horning, T. G. Chew, L. M. Weiss, and A. C. Collier


Hodgkin's disease in homosexual men with generalized lymphadenopathy, S. L. Schoeppel, R. T. Hoppe, R. F. Dorfman, S. J. Horning, A. C. Collier, T. G. Chew, and L. M. Weiss

Practical approach to the immunodiagnosis of lymphomas emphasizing differential diagnosis., R. A. Warnke and L. M. Weiss


The Use of b-Mode Ultrasound for Measuring Subcutaneous Fat Thickness On the Upper Arms, Lawrence W. Weiss and Frank C. Clark

Morphologic and immunologic characterization of 50 peripheral T-cell lymphomas, L. M. Weiss, G. S. Crabtree, R. V. Rouse, and R. A. Warnke

Frequent immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor gene rearrangements in 'histiocytic' neoplasms, L. M. Weiss, M. J. Trela, M. L. Cleary, R. R. Turner, R. A. Warnke, and J. Sklar


Follicular lymphoma with blastic conversion: A report of two cases with confirmation by immunoperoxidase studies on bone marrow sections, L. M. Weiss and R. A. Warnke


T-cell signet-ring cell lymphoma. A histologic, ultrastructural, and immunohistochemical study of two cases, L. M. Weiss, G. S. Wood, and R. F. Dorfman

Immunophenotypic differences between dermatopathic lymphadenopathy and lymph node involvement in mycosis fungoides, L. M. Weiss, G. S. Wood, and R. A. Warnke


Non-Hodgkins' lymphomas of the lung. A study of 19 cases emphasizing the utility of frozen section immunologic studies in differential diagnosis, L. M. Weiss, S. A. Yousem, and R. A. Warnke


Ultrasonic protocols for separately measuring subcutaneous fat and skeletal muscle thickness in the calf area, L. W. Weiss and F. C. Clark


Primary mediastinal non-Hodgkin's lymphomas: A morphologic and immunologic study of 19 cases, S. A. Yousem, L. M. Weiss, and R. A. Warnke

Submissions from 1984


Keratin proteins and carcinoembryonic antigen in synovial sarcomas: An immunohistochemical study of 24 cases, Joseph M. Corson, Lawrence M. Weiss, Susan P. Banks-Schlegel, and Geraldine S. Pinkus




Ultrastructural distinctions between adult pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcomas, pleomorphic liposarcomas, and pleomorphic malignant fibrous histiocytomas, Lawrence M. Weiss and Michael J. Warhol


Comparative histologic study of 43 metastasizing and nonmetastasizing adrenocortical tumors, L. M. Weiss


The use of B-mode ultrasound for measuring the thickness of skeletal muscle at two upper leg sites, L. W. Weiss

Ultrasonic measurement of subcutaneous fat on the upper leg, L. W. Weiss

Submissions from 1983


Keratin proteins in synovial sarcoma., J. M. Corson, L. M. Weiss, S. P. Banks-Schlegel, and G. S. Pinkus


Disseminated Aspergillus ustus infection following cardiac surgery, L. M. Weiss and W. A. Thiemke


Capsule dermatopathology: Malignant cellular infiltrates of the skin with foamy cytoplasm, L. Weiss and G. F. Murphy


Medullary carcinoma arising in a thyroid with Hashimoto's disease, L. M. Weiss, D. S. Weinberg, and M. J. Warhol

Submissions from 1981


Colon epithelium. Iv. human colon carcinogenesis. changes in human colon mucosa adjacent to and remote from carcinomas of the colon, A. K.M. Shamsuddin, L. Weiss, P. C. Phelps, and B. F. Trump

Submissions from 1975

Atheromatous embolism (with cutaneous manifestations resembling polyarteritis nodosa), W. B. Reed, R. Anderson, L. Weiss, and R. Harris