Exercise, Sport & Movement Sciences Faculty Publications | Exercise, Sport & Movement Sciences | University of Memphis


Submissions from 1993


Cytogenetic studies of composite lymphomas: Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma and other B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, Marilyn L. Slovak, Lawrence M. Weiss, Bharat N. Nathwani, Leslie Bernstein, and Alexandra M. Levine


Epstein—barr virus‐containing t‐cell lymphoma presents with hemophagocytic syndrome mimicking malignant histiocytosis, Ih‐Jen ‐J Su, Yung‐Hisang ‐H Hsu, Ming‐Tse ‐T Lin, Ann‐Lii ‐L Cheng, Chiu‐Hwa ‐H Wang, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Epstein-Barr virus and Reed-Sternberg-like cells in chronic lymphocytic leukemia [2], W. Y.W. Tsang, J. K.C. Chan, C. S. Ng, H. Momose, and L. M. Weiss


The search for the optimal immunohistochemical panel for the diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma, Lawrence M. Weiss and Hector Battifora

Assessment of clonality in lymphoid proliferations, L. M. Weiss and D. V. Spagnolo

Submissions from 1992

Characterization of the topography of Epstein-Barr virus infection in human immunodeficiency virus-associated lymphoid tissues., D. A. Arber, D. Shibata, Y. Y. Chen, and L. M. Weiss


PEC and Sugar, F. Bonetti, M. Pea, G. Martignoni, G. Zamboni, M. J. Gaffey, S. E. Mills, R. J. Zarbo, and L. M. Weiss


Erratum: Lymphoepitheliomalike carcinoma of the skin: A case report with immunophenotype analysis and in situ hybridization for Epstein-Barr viral genome (The American Journal of Surgical Pathology (1992) 16:9 (909-913)), K. A. Carr, S. M. Bulengo-Ransby, L. M. Weiss, and B. J. Nickoloff


Lymphoepitheliomalike carcinoma of the skin: A case report with immunophenotypic analysis and in situ hybridization for Epstein-Barr viral genome, K. A. Carr, S. Bulengo, L. M. Weiss, and B. J. Nickoloff

Association of Epstein-Barr virus with human neoplasia., M. J. Gaffey and L. M. Weiss


Adrenal cortical neoplasms in children [1], E. P. Hawkins, P. T. Cagle, L. J. Medeiros, and L. M. Weiss


Hodgkin's disease and Epstein-Barr virus, H. Herbst, G. Pallesen, L. M. Weiss, G. Delsol, R. F. Jarrett, E. Steinbrecher, H. Stein, S. Hamilton-Dutoit, and P. Brousset


Localization of Epstein-Barr viral genomes in angiocentric immunoproliferative lesions, L. J. Medeiros, E. S. Jaffe, Y. Y. Chen, and L. M. Weiss


New developments in the pathologic diagnosis of adrenal cortical neoplasms. A review, L. J. Medeiros and L. M. Weiss


Chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma with Reed- Sternberg-like cells and possible transformation to Hodgkin's disease: Mediation by Epstein-Barr virus, H. Momose, E. S. Jaffe, S. S. Shin, Y. Y. Chen, and L. M. Weiss


Lobular capillary hemangioma: An immunohistochemical study including steroid hormone receptor status, G. E. Nichols, M. J. Gaffey, S. E. Mills, and L. M. Weiss

Detection of Epstein-Barr virus genome in Ki-1 (CD30)-positive, large-cell anaplastic lymphomas using the polymerase chain reaction, C. W. Ross, J. A. Schlegelmilch, T. M. Grogan, L. M. Weiss, B. Schnitzer, and C. A. Hanson

Epstein-Barr virus-associated gastric adenocarcinoma, D. Shibata and L. M. Weiss

Molecular biologic studies of Hodgkin's disease, Lawrence M. Weiss and Karen L. Chang


Frequency of Epstein-Barr viral DNA in 'Western' sinonasal and Waldeyer's ring non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, L. M. Weiss, M. J. Gaffey, Y. Y. Chen, and H. F. Frierson


Detection and localization of Epstein-Barr viral genomes in angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy and angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy- like lymphoma, L. M. Weiss, E. S. Jaffe, X. F. Liu, Y. Y. Chen, D. Shibata, and L. J. Medeiros


Detection of enteroviral RNA in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy and other human cardiac tissues, L. M. Weiss, X. F. Liu, K. L. Chang, and M. E. Billingham


The contribution of elaborative processing to the contextual interference effect, David L. Wright, Yuhua Li, and Chad Whitacre

Submissions from 1991


Herpes simplex lymphadenitis, M. J. Gaffey, J. M. Ben-Ezra, and L. M. Weiss


Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma with osteoclast-like giant cells: A clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural study, M. J. Gaffey, E. E. Lack, M. L. Christ, and L. M. Weiss


Clear cell tumor of the lung: Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural evidence of melanogenesis, M. J. Gaffey, S. E. Mills, R. J. Zarbo, L. M. Weiss, and A. M. Gown


Similar outcome of treatment of B-cell and T-cell diffuse large-cell lymphomas: The Stanford experience, L. W. Kwak, M. Wilson, L. M. Weiss, R. Doggett, R. F. Dorfman, R. A. Warnke, and S. J. Horning


Carcinomas with metaplasia and sarcomas of the breast, W. C. Pitts, V. A. Rojas, M. J. Gaffey, R. V. Rouse, J. Esteban, H. F. Frierson, R. L. Kempson, and L. M. Weiss

The systemic distribution of Epstein-Barr virus genomes in fatal post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorders: An in situ hybridization study, P. S. Randhawa, R. Jaffe, A. J. Demetris, M. Nalesnik, T. E. Starzl, Y. Y. Chen, and L. M. Weiss


Ber-EP4 antibody as a discriminant in the differential diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma versus adenocarcinoma, K. Sheibani, S. S. Shin, J. Kezirian, and L. M. Weiss

Association of Epstein-Barr virus with undifferentiated gastric carcinomas with intense lymphoid infiltration: Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma, D. Shibata, M. Tokunaga, Y. Uemura, E. Sato, S. Tanaka, and L. M. Weiss


Epstein-Barr virus in benign lymph node biopsies from individuals infected with the human immunodeficiency virus is associated with concurrent or subsequent development of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, D. Shibata, L. M. Weiss, B. N. Nathwani, R. K. Brynes, and A. M. Levine


Infectious mononucleosis: Diagnosis by in situ hybridization in two cases with atypical features, S. S. Shin, G. J. Berry, and L. M. Weiss


Metaplastic carcinomas and sarcomas of the breast [3], E. S. Wargotz, H. J. Norris, L. M. Weiss, W. C. Pitts, M. J. Gaffey, H. F. Frierson, J. Esteban, and R. L. Kempson


The obtuse nature of muscular strength: The contribution of rest to its development and expression, Lawrence W. Weiss

Epstein-Barr virus and Hodgkin's disease: A correlative in situ hybridization and polymerase chain reaction study, L. M. Weiss, Y. Y. Chen, X. F. Liu, and D. Shibata


Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma and its relationship to Epstein-Barr virus, L. M. Weiss, M. J. Gaffey, and D. Shibata

Immunocytochemical characterization of a monoclonal antibody directed against mitochondria reactive in paraffin-embedded sections., L. M. Weiss, M. J. Gaffey, M. J. Warhol, P. Mehta, S. M. Bonsib, E. Bruder, E. Santos, and L. J. Mederios

Detection of coxsackievirus B3 RNA in myocardial tissues by the polymerase chain reaction, L. M. Weiss, L. A. Movahed, M. E. Billingham, and M. L. Cleary

Submissions from 1990


Cellular DNA profiles of benign and malignant adrenocortical tumors, E. S. Cibas, L. J. Medeiros, D. S. Weinberg, A. B. Gelb, and L. M. Weiss


Unusual variants of adrenal pseudocysts with intracystic fat, myelolipomatous metaplasia, and metastatic carcinoma, M. J. Gaffey, S. E. Mills, L. J. Medeiros, and L. M. Weiss


Oligoclonal T cell receptor gene rearrangements in blood lymphocytes of patients with acute Epstein-Barr virus-induced infectious mononucleosis, J. G. Strickler, L. A. Movahed, K. J. Gajl-Peczalska, C. A. Horwitz, R. D. Brunning, and L. M. Weiss


Spindle cell neoplasms of lymph nodes of probable reticulum cell lineage. True reticulum cell sarcoma?, L. M. Weiss, G. J. Berry, R. F. Dorfman, P. Banks, E. Kaiserling, J. Curtis, J. Rosai, and R. A. Warnke


In situ hybridization studies for viral nucleic acids in heart and lung allograft biopsies, L. M. Weiss, L. A. Movahed, G. J. Berry, and M. E. Billingham

Detection of immunoglobulin light-chain mRNA in lymphoid tissues using a practical in situ hybridization method, L. M. Weiss, L. A. Movamhed, Y. Y. Chen, S. S. Shin, R. M. Stroup, N. Bui, P. Estess, and J. M. Bindl

Submissions from 1989

Disseminated histoplasmosis diagnosed by fine needle aspiration biopsy of the adrenal gland. A case report, C. J. Anderson, W. C. Pitts, and L. M. Weiss


Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of the lung, A. E. Butler, T. V. Colby, L. Weiss, and C. Lombard


Epithelial-lined (true) cyst of the adrenal gland: A case report, L. Jeffrey Medeiros, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Austin L. Vickery


Presence of cytoadhesins (IIb-IIIa-like glycoproteins) on human metastatic melanomas but not on benign melanocytes, B. C. McGregor, J. L. McGregor, L. M. Weiss, G. S. Wood, C. H. Hu, H. Boukerche, and R. A. Warnke


Numbers of host 'helper' T cells and proliferating cells predict survival in diffuse small-cell lymphomas, L. J. Medeiros, L. J. Picker, A. B. Gelb, J. G. Strickler, S. W. Brain, L. M. Weiss, S. J. Horning, and R. A. Warnke


Small lymphocytic lymphoma, W. H. Morrison, R. T. Hoppe, L. M. Weiss, V. J. Picozzi, and S. J. Horning


SUP-HD1: A new Hodgkin's disease-derived cell line with lymphoid features produces interferon-γ, L. Naumovski, P. J. Utz, S. K. Bergstrom, R. Morgan, A. Molina, J. J. Toole, B. E. Glader, P. McFall, L. M. Weiss, R. Warnke, and S. D. Smith


Osteogenesis imperfecta. The position of substitution for glycine by cysteine in the triple helical domain of the Proα1(I) chains of type I collagen determines the clinical phenotype, B. J. Starman, D. Eyre, H. Charbonneau, M. Harrylock, M. A. Weis, L. Weiss, J. M. Graham, and P. H. Byers


Detection of clonal T-cell receptor gene rearrangements in the peripheral blood of patients with mycosis fungoides/Sezary syndrome, Lawrence M. Weiss, Gary S. Wood, Eddie Hu, Elizabeth A. Abel, Richard T. Hoppe, and Jeffrey Sklar


Viral infections., L. M. Weiss, M. E. Billingham, and R. L. Kempson


Pathologic features of prognostic significance in adrenocortical carcinoma, L. M. Weiss, L. J. Medeiros, and A. L. Vickery

In situ demonstration of Epstein-Barr viral genomes in viral-associated B cell lymphoproliferations, L. M. Weiss and L. A. Movahed


Analysis of lymphoepithelioma and lymphoepithelioma-like carcinomas for Epstein-Barr viral genomes by in situ hybridization, L. M. Weiss, L. A. Movahed, A. E. Butler, S. A. Swanson, H. F. Frierson, P. H. Cooper, T. V. Colby, and S. E. Mills

Submissions from 1988


Malignant lymphoma presenting as pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia: A report of two cases, D. L. Krasne, R. A. Warnke, and L. M. Weiss


An immunoperoxidase study of renal cell carcinomas: Correlation with nuclear grade, cell type, and histologic pattern, L. Jeffrey Medeiros, Sara A. Michie, Danna E. Johnson, Roger A. Warnke, and Lawrence M. Weiss

Expression of lymphocyte homing receptor antigen in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, L. J. Picker, L. J. Medeiros, L. M. Weiss, R. A. Warnke, and E. C. Butcher

Fine needle aspiration biopsy of lymph nodes., W. C. Pitts and L. M. Weiss


Human thymomas: Evidence of immunohistologically defined normal and abnormal microenvironmental differentiation, Robert V. Rouse and Lawrence M. Weiss


Applications of antigen receptor gene rearrangements to the diagnosis and characterization of lymphoid neoplasms, J. Sklar and L. M. Weiss


Intermediate lymphocytic lymphoma: An immunophenotypic study with comparison to small lymphocytic lymphoma and diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma, John G. Strickler, L. Jeffrey Medeiros, Cedith M. Copenhaver, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Roger A. Warnke


Large-cell hematolymphoid neoplasms of uncertain lineage, Lawrence M. Weiss, Louis J. Picker, Cedith M. Copenhaver, Roger A. Warnke, and Jeffrey Sklar

Absence of clonal beta and gamma T-cell receptor gene rearrangements in a subset of peripheral T-cell lymphomas, L. M. Weiss, L. J. Picker, T. M. Grogan, R. A. Warnke, and J. Sklar

Leukocyte common antigen expression in lymphomas., L. M. Weiss and R. A. Warnke

Gene rearrangement studies in lymphoproliferative disorders of skin., L. M. Weiss, G. S. Wood, B. J. Nickoloff, and J. Sklar


Effects of heavy-resistance triceps surae muscle training on strength and muscularity of men and women, L. W. Weiss, F. C. Clark, and D. G. Howard

Submissions from 1987


Quantitation and estimation of lymphocyte subsets in tissue sections. Comparison with flow cytometry, C. F. Garcia, L. M. Weiss, J. Lowder, C. Komoroske, M. P. Link, R. Levy, and R. A. Warnke


Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma containing both B and T cell clones, E. Hu, L. M. Weiss, R. Warnke, and J. Sklar


Low-grade renal cell carcinoma: A clinicopathologic study of 53 cases, L. J. Medeiros, A. B. Gelb, and L. M. Weiss

'Well-differentiated' lymphocytic neoplasms. Immunologic findings correlated with clinical presentation and morphologic features, L. J. Medeiros, J. G. Strickler, L. J. Picker, A. B. Gelb, L. M. Weiss, and R. A. Warnke

Discordant expression of CD3 and T-cell receptor beta-chain antigens in T-lineage lymphomas, L. J. Picker, M. B. Brenner, L. M. Weiss, S. D. Smith, and R. A. Warnke

Immunophenotypic criteria for the diagnosis of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, L. J. Picker, L. M. Weiss, L. J. Medeiros, G. S. Wood, and R. A. Warnke

Diagnostic molecular biology of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas., J. L. Sklar, L. M. Weiss, and M. L. Cleary

Necrosis in lymph nodes., J. G. Strickler, R. A. Warnke, and L. M. Weiss


Monoclonal antibodies reactive in routinely processed tissue sections of malignant lymphoma, with emphasis on T-cell lymphomas, John G. Strickler, Lawrence M. Weiss, Cedith M. Copenhaver, Jane Bindl, Robin McDaid, David Buck, and Roger Warnke

B-cell malignant lymphomas: an immunologic perspective., R. A. Warnke and L. M. Weiss

Mammographic appearance of inflammatory carcinoma in the male breast, Laurence M. Weiss, Linda S. Durhan, Michael J. Esposito, Kyum S. Pyun, and Louis Meyer


The authors reply, Lawrence M. Weiss, Roger Warnke, and Jeffrey Sklar


Three protocols for measuring subcutaneous fat thickness on the upper extremities, Lawrence W. Weiss and Frank C. Clark


Expression of Tac antigen by non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, L. M. Weiss, S. A. Michie, L. J. Medeiros, J. G. Strickler, C. F. Garcia, and R. A. Warnke

Epstein-Barr viral DNA in tissues of Hodgkin's disease, L. M. Weiss, J. G. Strickler, R. A. Warnke, D. T. Purtilo, and J. Sklar

Clonal T-cell populations in pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta (Mucha-Habermann disease), L. M. Weiss, G. S. Wood, L. W. Ellisen, T. C. Reynolds, and J. Sklar


Upper extremity assessment of muscularity in young children, L. W. Weiss

Subcutaneous fat measurements of the leg using three protocols, L. W. Weiss and F. C. Clark

Ultrasonic measurement of upper-arm skeletal muscle thickness., L. W. Weiss and F. C. Clark

Submissions from 1986


Autologous pericardium versus a xenograft substitute in myocardial wound healing, Robbin G. Cohen, William M. DeCampli, Lawrence M. Weiss, Vernon J. Henderson, Vincent A. Gaudiani, William Goodson, Margaret E. Billingham, and D. Craig Miller


Treatment of lymphoblastic lymphoma in adults, C. N. Coleman, V. J. Picozzi, R. S. Cox, K. McWhirter, L. M. Weiss, J. R. Cohen, K. P. Yu, and S. A. Rosenberg


Small noncleaved cell lymphoma: An immunophenotypic study of 18 cases and comparison with large cell lymphoma, Carlos F. Garcia, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Roger A. Warnke

Follicular large cell lymphoma. An immunophenotype study, C. F. Garcia, R. A. Warnke, and L. M. Weiss


Cutaneous follicular lymphoma, C. F. Garcia, L. M. Weiss, R. A. Warnke, and G. S. Wood


Clinical and phenotypic diversity of T cell lymphomas, S. J. Horning, L. M. Weiss, G. S. Crabtree, and R. A. Warnke


Nonimmune hydrops fetalis: A challenge in perinatal pathology, Mahpareh Mostoufi Zadeh, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Shirley G. Driscoll


Leu-6-expressing cells in lymph nodes: Dendritic cells phenotypically similar to interdigitating cells, Lawrence M. Weiss, Jay H. Beckstead, Roger A. Warnke, and Gary S. Wood


Immunoglobulin gene rearrangements in Hodgkin's disease, Lawrence M. Weiss, John G. Strickler, Eddie Hu, Roger A. Warnke, and Jeffrey Sklar


Two assessments of upper-extremity subcutaneous fat in young children, Lawrence W. Weiss


Lymphoblastic lymphoma: An immunophenotype study of 26 cases with comparison to T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, L. M. Weiss, J. M. Bindl, J. Picozzi, M. P. Link, and R. A. Warnke