Exercise, Sport & Movement Sciences Faculty Publications | Exercise, Sport & Movement Sciences | University of Memphis


Submissions from 2009

The potential role of Capsaicinoids in weight management, J. Richard Bloomer, E. Robert Canale, and H. Kelsey Fisher-Wellman

Nitric oxide stimulating dietary supplements: Where is the evidence? Nitric oxide supplements, Richard J. Bloomer


Effect of the dietary supplement Meltdown on catecholamine secretion, markers of lipolysis, and metabolic rate in men and women: A randomized, placebo controlled, cross-over study, Richard J. Bloomer, Robert E. Canale, Megan M. Blankenship, Kelley G. Hammond, Kelsey H. Fisher-Wellman, and Brian K. Schilling


Racial differences in postprandial oxidative stress with and without acute exercise, Richard J. Bloomer, Bradford Cole, and Kelsey H. Fisher-Wellman


Postprandial oxidative stress: Influence of sex and exercise training status, Richard J. Bloomer, David E. Ferebee, Kelsey H. Fisher-Wellman, John C. Quindry, and Brian K. Schilling


The role of exercise in minimizing postprandial oxidative stress in cigarette smokers, Richard J. Bloomer and Kelsey Fisher-Wellman


Postprandial oxidative stress in exercise trained and sedentary cigarette smokers, Richard J. Bloomer and Kelsey H. Fisher-Wellman


Systemic oxidative stress is increased to a greater degree in young, obese women following consumption of a high fat meal, Richard J. Bloomer and Kelsey H. Fisher-Wellman


Dietary supplement increases plasma norepinephrine, lipolysis, and metabolic rate in resistance trained men, Richard J. Bloomer, Kelsey H. Fisher-Wellman, Kelley G. Hammond, Brian K. Schilling, Adrianna A. Weber, and Bradford J. Cole


Erratum: Dietary supplement increases plasma norepinephrine, lipolysis, and metabolic rate in resistance trained men (Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2009) vol. 6 (4)), Richard J. Bloomer, Kelsey H. Fisher-Wellman, Kelley G. Hammond, Brian K. Schilling, Adrianna A. Weber, and Bradford J. Cole


Effect of oral acetyl L-carnitine arginate on resting and postprandial blood biomarkers in pre-diabetics, Richard J. Bloomer, Kelsey H. Fisher-Wellman, and Patrick S. Tucker


Effect of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid on resting and exercise-induced inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers: A randomized, placebo controlled, cross-over study, Richard J. Bloomer, Douglas E. Larson, Kelsey H. Fisher-Wellman, Andrew J. Galpin, and Brian K. Schilling


Oxidative stress in response to aerobic and anaerobic power testing: Influence of exercise training and carnitine supplementation, Richard J. Bloomer and Webb A. Smith


Glycine propionyl-L-carnitine modulates lipid peroxidation and nitric oxide in human subjects, Richard J. Bloomer, Lesley C. Tschume, and Webb A. Smith


Frequent expression of cd99 in anaplastic large cell lymphoma a clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of 160 cases, Daniel Buxton, Carlos E. Bacchi, Gabriela Gualco, Lawrence M. Weiss, Craig W. Zuppan, Edward H. Rowsell, Qin Huang, and Jun Wang


Complete absence of KSHV/HHV-8 in posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorders an immunohistochemical and molecular study of 52 cases, Wei Chen, Qin Huang, Craig W. Zuppan, Edward H. Rowsell, Jeffrey D. Cao, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Jun Wang


High frequency of clonal immunoglobulin receptor gene rearrangements in sporadic histiocytic/dendritic cell sarcomas, Wei Chen, Sean K. Lau, Dean Fong, Jun Wang, Endi Wang, Daniel A. Arber, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Qin Huang


Analysis of cancer mutation signatures in blood by a novel ultra-sensitive assay: Monitoring of therapy or recurrence in non-metastatic breast cancer, Zhenbin Chen, Jinong Feng, Carolyn H. Buzin, Qiang Liu, Lawrence Weiss, Kemp Kernstine, George Somlo, and Steve S. Sommer


Overlapping features between dedifferentiated liposarcoma and undifferentiated high-grade pleomorphic Sarcoma, Lawrance Chung, Sean K. Lau, Zhong Jiang, Sofia Loera, Victoria Bedel, Jianling Ji, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Peiguo G. Chu


Keratin expression in endocrine organs and their neoplasms, Peiguo G. Chu, Sean K. Lau, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Intestinal type of mucinous borderline tumor arising from mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of kidney, Peiguo G. Chu, Sean K. Lau, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Zhong Jiang


Assessment of low prostate weight as a determinant of a higher positive margin rate after laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: A prospective pathologic study of 1,500 cases, Peiguo G. Chu, Sean K. Lau, Lawrence M. Weiss, Mark Kawachi, Jeffrey Yoshida, Christopher Ruel, Rebecca Nelson, Laura Crocitto, and Timothy Wilson


A protective role for early oral exposures in the etiology of young adult Hodgkin lymphoma, Wendy Cozen, Ann S. Hamilton, Peng Zhao, Muhammad T. Salam, Dennis M. Deapen, Bharat N. Nathwani, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Thomas M. Mack


Repeated bout effect is absent in resistance trained men: An electromyographic analysis, Michael J. Falvo, Brian K. Schilling, Richard J. Bloomer, and Webb A. Smith


Oxidative stress and antioxidant defense mechanisms linked to exercise during cardiopulmonary and metabolic disorders, Kelsey Fisher-Wellman, Heather K. Bell, and Richard J. Bloomer


Acute exercise and oxidative stress: A 30 year history, Kelsey Fisher-Wellman and Richard J. Bloomer


Macronutrient specific postprandial oxidative stress: Relevance to the development of insulin resistance, Kelsey Fisher-Wellman and Richard J. Bloomer


Composite lymphoma: EBV-positive classic Hodgkin lymphoma and peripheral T-cell lymphoma: A case report, Gabriela Gualco, Lucimara Chioato, Anke Van Den Berg, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Carlos E. Bacchi


Primary and secondary T-cell lymphomas of the breast: Clinico-pathologic features of 11 cases, Gabriela Gualco, Lucimara Chioato, William J. Harrington, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Carlos E. Bacchi


Analysis of human T-cell lymphotropic virus in CD25+ anaplastic large cell lymphoma in children, Gabriela Gualco, Lucimara Chioato, Lawrence M. Weiss, William J. Harrington, and Carlos E. Bacchi


Frequent expression of multiple myeloma 1/interferon regulatory factor 4 in Burkitt lymphoma, Gabriela Gualco, Eduardo M. Queiroga, Lawrence M. Weiss, Claudete E.N. Klumb, William J. Harrington, and Carlos E. Bacchi


Nodal diffuse large B-cell lymphomas in children and adolescents: Immunohistochemical expression patterns and c-MYC translocation in relation to clinical outcome, Gabriela Gualco, Lawrence M. Weiss, William J. Harrington, and Carlos E. Bacchi


Frequent expression of glypican-3 in Merkel cell carcinoma: An immunohistochemical study of 55 cases, Huiying He, Weigang Fang, Xiyong Liu, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Peiguo G. Chu


The Weiss system for evaluating adrenocortical neoplasms: 25 years later, Sean K. Lau and Lawrence M. Weiss


Myxoid solitary fibrous tumor: A clinicopathologic study of three cases, Sean K. Lau, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Peiguo G. Chu


Acute exercise does not attenuate postprandial oxidative stress in prediabetic women, Courtnee E. Melton, Patrick S. Tucker, Kelsey H. Fisher-Wellman, Brian K. Schilling, and Richard J. Bloomer


Effects of unstable surface training on measures of balance in older adults, Brian K. Schilling, Michael J. Falvo, Robyn E. Karlage, Lawrence W. Weiss, Corey A. Lohnes, and Loren Z.F. Chiu


Impaired leg extensor strength in individuals with Parkinson disease and relatedness to functional mobility, Brian K. Schilling, Robyn E. Karlage, Mark S. LeDoux, Ronald F. Pfeiffer, Lawrence W. Weiss, and Michael J. Falvo


Human Merkel cell polyomavirus infection I. MCV T antigen expression in Merkel cell carcinoma, lymphoid tissues and lymphoid tumors, Masahiro Shuda, Reety Arora, H. J. Kwun, Huichen Feng, Ronit Sarid, María Teresa Fernández-Figueras, Yanis Tolstov, Ole Gjoerup, Mahesh M. Mansukhani, Steven H. Swerdlow, Preet M. Chaudhary, John M. Kirkwood, Michael A. Nalesnik, Jeffrey A. Kant, Lawrence M. Weiss, Patrick S. Moore, and Yuan Chang


CD3-positive large B-cell lymphoma, Jun Wang, Chen Chen, Sean Lau, Ravi I. Raghavan, Edward H. Rowsell, Jonathan Said, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Qin Huang


Serosal Membranes, Lawrence M. Weiss


Soft Tissues, Lawrence M. Weiss


Adrenal Gland, Lawrence M. Weiss and Sean K. Lau

Submissions from 2008


Chapter 1 Effect Of Exercise On Oxidative Stress Biomarkers, Richard J. Bloomer


Blood oxidative stress biomarkers: influence of sex, exercise training status, and dietary intake, Richard J. Bloomer and Kelsey H. Fisher-Wellman


Effect of resistance training on blood oxidative stress in Parkinson disease, Richard J. Bloomer, Brian K. Schilling, Robyn E. Karlage, Mark S. Ledoux, Ronald F. Pfeiffer, and Jonathan Callegari


Postprandial oxidative stress is exacerbated in cigarette smokers, Richard J. Bloomer, Adrienne D. Solis, Kelsey H. Fisher-Wellman, and Webb A. Smith


Distinction of hepatocellular carcinoma from benign hepatic mimickers using Glypican-3 and CD34 immunohistochemistry, Wanda M.P. Coston, Sofia Loera, Sean K. Lau, Shin Ishizawa, Zhong Jiang, Chin Lee Wu, Yun Yen, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Peiguo G. Chu


A 4-week choice foot speed and choice reaction training program improves agility in previously non-agility trained, but active men and women, Andrew J. Galpin, Yuhua Li, Corey A. Lohnes, and Brian K. Schilling


Expression of p63 in anaplastic large cell lymphoma but not in classical Hodgkin's lymphoma, Gabriela Gualco, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Carlos E. Bacchi


Expression of CD56 and WT1 in ovarian stroma and ovarian stromal tumors, Huiying He, Daniel J. Luthringer, Pei Hui, Sean K. Lau, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Peiguo G. Chu


Hodgkin disease/lymphoma, Richard T. Hoppe, Ranjana Hira Advani, Richard F. Ambinder, Philip J. Bierman, Clara D. Bloomfield, Kristie Blum, Bouthaina Dabaja, Benjamin Djulbegovic, Andres Forero, Leo I. Gordon, Francisco J. Hernandez-Ilizaliturri, Melissa M. Hudson, Mark S. Kaminski, Gena Love, David G. Maloney, David Mansur, Peter M. Mauch, Joseph O. Moore, Russell J. Schilder, Lawrence M. Weiss, Jane N. Winter, Joachim Yahalom, and Andrew D. Zelenetz


A rapid, one step assay for simultaneous detection of FLT3/ITD and NPM1 mutations in AML with normal cytogenetics, Qin Huang, Wengang Chen, Karl K. Gaal, Marilyn L. Slovak, Anthony Stein, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Kinetic comparison of free weight and machine power cleans, R. Murry Jones, Andrew C. Fry, Lawrence W. Weiss, Stephen J. Kinzey, and Christopher A. Moore


Effects of modified short-leg walkers on ground reaction force characteristics, Maria Keefer, Jon King, Douglas Powell, John H. Krusenklaus, and Songning Zhang


Immunohistochemical expression of Langerin in Langerhans cell histiocytosis and non-Langerhans cell histiocytic disorders, Sean K. Lau, Peiguo G. Chu, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Inertial loading during gait evokes unique neuromuscular adaptations in old adults, Douglas Powell, Paul DeVita, and Tibor Hortobagyi


Viral studies in Burkitt lymphoma: Association with Epstein-Barr virus but not HHV-8, Eduardo M. Queiroga, Gabriela Gualco, Lucimara Chioato, William J. Harrington, Iguaracyra Araujo, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Carlos E. Bacchi


Burkitt lymphoma in Brazil is characterized by geographically distinct clinicopathologic features, Eduardo M. Queiroga, Gabriela Gualco, Lawrence M. Weiss, Dirk P. Dittmer, Iguaracyra Araujo, Claudette E.N. Klumb, William J. Harrington, and Carlos E. Bacchi


Aberrant expression of CD7 in myeloblasts is highly associated with de novo acute myeloid leukemias with FLT3/ITD mutation, Veronica Rausei-Mills, Karen L. Chang, Karl K. Gaal, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Qin Huang


Indeterminate cell tumor: A rare dendritic neoplasm, Sherif A. Rezk, Dominic V. Spagnolo, Russell K. Brynes, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Effect of glycine propionyl-L-carnitine on aerobic and anaerobic exercise performance, Webb A. Smith, Andrew C. Fry, Lesley C. Tschume, and Richard J. Bloomer


Can exercise minimize postprandial oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes?, Patrick S. Tucker, Kelsev Fisher-Wellman, and Richard J. Bloomer

Submissions from 2007


Relationship of jumping and agility performance in female volleyball athletes, Jacque L. Barnes, Brian K. Schilling, Michael J. Falvo, Lawrence W. Weiss, Andrea K. Creasy, and Andrew C. Fry


Successful application of a direct detection slide-based sequential phenotype/genotype assay using archived bone marrow smears and paraffin embedded tissue sections, Victoria Bedell, Stephen J. Forman, Karl Gaal, Vinod Pullarkat, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Marilyn L. Slovak


Decreased blood antioxidant capacity and increased lipid peroxidation in young cigarette smokers compared to nonsmokers: Impact of dietary intake, Richard J. Bloomer


The role of nutritional supplements in the prevention and treatment of resistance exercise-induced skeletal muscle injury, Richard J. Bloomer


Physical work-induced oxidative stress is exacerbated in young cigarette smokers, Richard J. Bloomer, Andrea K. Creasy, and Webb A. Smith


Prior exercise and antioxidant supplementation: Effect on oxidative stress and muscle injury, Richard J. Bloomer, Michael J. Falvo, Brian K. Schilling, and Webb A. Smith


Protein carbonyls are acutely elevated following single set anaerobic exercise in resistance trained men, Richard J. Bloomer, Andrew C. Fry, Michael J. Falvo, and Christopher A. Moore


Glycine propionyl-L-carnitine increases plasma nitrate/nitrite in resistance trained men, Richard J. Bloomer, Webb A. Smith, and Kelsey H. Fisher-Wellman


Plasma protein carbonyl response to increasing exercise duration in aerobically trained men and women, R. J. Bloomer, P. G. Davis, L. A. Consitt, and L. Wideman


The effect of exercise type on immunofunctional and traditional growth hormone, Leslie A. Consitt, Richard J. Bloomer, and Laurie Wideman


Efficacy of prior eccentric exercise in attenuating impaired exercise performance after muscle injury in resistance trained men, Michael J. Falvo, Brian K. Schilling, Richard J. Bloomer, Webb A. Smith, and Andrea C. Creasy


Gender comparisons of exercise-induced oxidative stress: Influence of antioxidant supplementation, Allan H. Goldfarb, Michael J. McKenzie, and Richard J. Bloomer


Clinical outcome of incidental pelvic node malignant B-cell lymphomas discovered at the time of radical prostatectomy, Huiying He, Liang Cheng, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Peiguo G. Chu


Promoter hypermethylation of multiple genes in primary gastric lymphoma, Qin Huang, Xiaobo Su, Lingbao Ai, Michelle Li, Chun Yang Fan, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Clinical and pathologic analysis of 16 cases of relapsed chronic myeloid leukemia after stem cell transplantation, Qin Huang, Yaping Wu, David S. Snyder, Karen L. Chang, Marilyn L. Slovak, Karl K. Gaal, Joycelynne M. Palmer, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Distinct clonal origins of systemic mastocytosis and associated B-cell lymphoma, Young Kim, Lawrence M. Weiss, Yuan Yuan Chen, and Vinod Pullarkat


Low frequency of BK virus in prostatic adenocarcinomas, Sean K. Lau, Simon F. Lacey, Yuan Yuan Chen, Wen Gang Chen, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Calcifying fibrous tumor of the adrenal gland, Sean K. Lau and Lawrence M. Weiss


Association of intratubular seminoma and intratubular embryonal carcinoma with invasive testicular germ cell tumors, Sean K. Lau, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Peiguo G. Chu


D2-40 immunohistochemistry in the differential diagnosis of seminoma and embryonal carcinoma: A comparative immunohistochemical study with KIT (CD117) and CD30, Sean K. Lau, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Peiguo G. Chu


Effects of extended Tai Chi intervention on balance and selected motor functions of the elderly, Yuhua Li, Cheri N. Devault, and Sharon Van Oteghen


Acute effects of augmented eccentric loading on jump squat performance, Christopher A. Moore, Lawrence W. Weiss, Brian K. Schilling, Andrew C. Fry, and Li Yuhua


Challenges in array comparative genomic hybridization for the analysis of cancer samples, Norma J. Nowak, Jeffrey Miecznikowski, Stephen R. Moore, Daniel Gaile, Dolores Bobadilla, David D. Smith, Kemp Kernstine, Stephen J. Forman, Paulette Mhawech-Fauceglia, Mary Reid, Daniel Stoler, Thom Loree, Nestor Rigual, Maureen Sullivan, Lawrence M. Weiss, David Hicks, and Marilyn L. Slovak


Epstein-Barr virus-associated lymphoproliferative disorders, Sherif A. Rezk and Lawrence M. Weiss


Peripheral blood hematopoietic stem cell mobilization and collection efficacy is not an independent prognostic factor for autologous stem cell transplantation, Shirong Wang, Auayporn Nademanee, Dajun Qian, Andrew Dagis, Hyun Soon Park, Joy Fridey, Eileen Smith, David Snyder, George Somlo, Anthony Stein, Joseph Rosenthal, Peter Falk, Neil Kogut, Joycelynne Palmer, Karl Gaal, Young Kim, Ravi Bhatia, Shan Yuan, Candace Kay, Lawrence Weiss, and Stephen Forman


Erratum: Valproic acid monotherapy leads to CR in a patient with refractory diffuse large B cell lymphoma (Leukemia and Lymphoma (2007) vol. 48 (6) (1216-1218)), Jasmine Zain, Arnold Rotter, Lawrence Weiss, Stephen Forman, and Mark H. Kirschbaum


Valproic acid monotherapy leads to CR in a patient with refractory diffuse large B cell lymphoma [1], Jasmine Zain, Arnold Rotter, Lawrence Weiss, Stephen Forman, and Mark H. Kirschbaum

Submissions from 2006


Oxidative stress response in trained men following repeated squats or sprints, Richard J. Bloomer, Michael J. Falvo, Andrew C. Fry, Brian K. Schilling, Webb A. Smith, and Christopher A. Moore


Oxidative stress response to aerobic exercise: Comparison of antioxidant supplements, Richard J. Bloomer, Allan H. Goldfarb, and Michael J. McKenzie


Lineage determination of CD20- B-cell neoplasms: An immunohistochemical study, Peiguo G. Chu, Sofia Loera, Qin Huang, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Review of exercise-induced muscle injury: Relevance for athletic populations, Michael J. Falvo and Richard J. Bloomer


Techniques and considerations for determining isoinertial upper-body power, Michael J. Falvo, Brian K. Schilling, and Lawrence W. Weiss


Effect of a liquid multivitamin/mineral supplement on anaerobic exercise performance, Andrew C. Fry, Richard J. Bloomer, Michael J. Falvo, Chris A. Moore, Brian K. Schilling, and Lawrence W. Weiss


β2-Adrenergic receptor downregulation and performance decrements during high-intensity resistance exercise overtraining, Andrew C. Fry, Brian K. Schilling, Lawrence W. Weiss, and Loren Z.F. Chiu


Pigmented adrenocortical carcinoma: Case report and review, Jordan L. Geller, Paul C. Azer, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Richard B. Mertens


Hodgkin disease/lymphoma: Clinical practice guidelines in oncology™, Richard T. Hoppe, Ranjana Hira Advani, Philip J. Bierman, Clara D. Bloomfield, Francis Buadi, Benjamin Djulgegovic, Andres Forero, Leo I. Gordon, Francisco J. Hernandez-Ilizaliturri, Mark S. Kaminski, Gena Love, David G. Maloney, Peter M. Mauch, Joseph O. Moore, Russell J. Schilder, Lawrence Weiss, Jane N. Winter, Joachim Yahalom, and Andrew D. Zelenetz


Extranodal rosai-dorfman disease involving the bone marrow, Qin Huang, Karen L. Chang, and Lawrence M. Weiss