Exercise, Sport & Movement Sciences Faculty Publications | Exercise, Sport & Movement Sciences | University of Memphis


Submissions from 2006


Composite recurrent Hodgkin lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: One clone, two faces, Qin Huang, Sharon P. Wilczynski, Karen L. Chang, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Contextual interference effect on acquisition and retention of pistol-shooting skills, Gaye J. Keller, Yuhua Li, Lawrence W. Weiss, and George E. Relyea


Immunohistochemical expression of estrogen receptor in pulmonary adenocarcinoma, Sean K. Lau, Peiguo G. Chu, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Sustentaculoma: Report of a case of a distinctive neoplasm of the adrenal medulla, Sean K. Lau, Stephen G. Romansky, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Schwannoma of the adrenal gland: Report of two cases, Sean K. Lau, Dominic V. Spagnolo, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Prolymphocytoid transformation of follicular lymphoma with coexpression of CD5 and CD10, Sean K. Lau, Lawrence M. Weiss, Yibin Zhang, and Qin Huang


Hodgkin lymphoma-like posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder (HL-like PTLD) simulates monomorphic B-cell PTLD both clinically and pathologically, Sean D. Pitman, Qin Huang, Craig W. Zuppan, Edward H. Rowsell, Jeffrey D. Cao, Jesus G. Berdeja, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Jun Wang


The impact of sex and exercise duration on growth hormone secretion, Laurie Wideman, Leslie Consitt, Jim Patrie, Brenda Swearingin, Richard Bloomer, Paul Davis, and Arthur Weltman


Ground reaction force and 3D biomechanical characteristics of walking in short-leg walkers, Songning Zhang, Kurt G. Clowers, and Douglas Powell


Comparison of ancillary studies in the detection of residual disease in plasma cell myeloma in bone marrow, Xiaohui Zhao, Qin Huang, Marilyn Slovak, and Lawrence Weiss

Submissions from 2005


Energy cost of moderate-duration resistance and aerobic exercise, Richard J. Bloomer


Astaxanthin supplementation does not attenuate muscle injury following eccentric exercise in resistance-trained men, Richard J. Bloomer, Andrew Fry, Brian Schilling, Loren Chiu, Naruhiro Hori, and Lawrence Weiss


Effects of acute aerobic and anaerobic exercise on blood markers of oxidative stress, Richard J. Bloomer, Allan H. Goldfarb, Laurie Wideman, Michael J. McKenzie, and Leslie A. Consitt


Incidental and concurrent malignant lymphomas discovered at the time of prostatectomy and prostate biopsy: A study of 29 cases, Peiguo G. Chu, Qin Huang, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Immunohistochemical staining in the diagnosis of pancreatobiliary and ampulla of Vater adenocarcinoma: Application of CDX2, CK17, MUC1, and MUC2, Peiguo G. Chu, Roderich E. Schwarz, Sean K. Lau, Yun Yen, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Prevention of early renal disease, dyslipidaemia and lipid peroxidation in STZ-diabetic rats by LR-9 and LR-74, novel AGE inhibitors, James Lester Figarola, Steven Scott, Sofia Loera, Bixin Xi, Timothy Synold, Lawrence Weiss, and Samuel Rahbar


Adrenocortical carcinoma: Many questions remain unanswered, Jordan L. Geller, Richard B. Mertens, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Combined antioxidant treatment effects on blood oxidative stress after eccentric exercise, Allan H. Goldfarb, Richard J. Bloomer, and Michael J. Mckenzie


An aggressive extranodal NK-cell lymphoma arising from indolent NK-cell lymphoproliferative disorder, Qin Huang, Karen L. Chang, Karl K. Gaal, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Lack of association of cytomegalovirus with human brain tumors, Sean K. Lau, Yuan Yuan Chen, Wen Gang Chen, Don J. Diamond, Adam N. Mamelak, John A. Zaia, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Adrenocortical neoplasms, Sean K. Lau and Lawrence M. Weiss


Primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the uterus presenting solely as an endometrial polyp, Jon Rittenbach, Jeffrey D. Cao, Lawrence M. Weiss, Edward H. Rowsell, Wilson Chick, and Jun Wang


Myosin heavy chain isoform expression and in vivo isometric performance: A regression model, Brian K. Schilling, Andrew C. Fry, Loren Z.F. Chiu, and Lawrence W. Weiss


Myosin heavy chain isoform expression: Influence on isoinertial and isometric performance, Brian K. Schilling, Andrew C. Fry, Lawrence W. Weiss, and Loren Z.F. Chiu


The effect of female athletes' perceptions of their coaches' behaviors on their perceptions of the motivational climate, Stagey L. Smith, Mary D. Fry, Corinna A. Ethington, and Yuhua Li


T-cell/histiocyte-rich large B-cell lymphoma displays a heterogeneity similar to diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: A clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular study of 30 cases, Jun Wang, Nora C.J. Sun, Yuan Yuan Chen, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Pathology of the adrenal, Lawrence M. Weiss


Adrenal pseudocysts, Yaping Wu, Karen L. Chang, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Oxidative stress response in normal and antioxidant supplemented rats to a downhill run: Changes in blood and skeletal muscles, Tongjian You, Allan H. Goldfarb, Richard J. Bloomer, Linh Nguyen, Xin Sha, and Michael J. McKenzie

Submissions from 2004


CD117 expression in mesothelioma, Daniel A. Arber, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Robert B. West


Adrenocortical oncocytic tumors: Report of 10 cases and review of the literature, Michele Bisceglia, Ornella Ludovico, Antonio Di Mattia, David Ben-Dor, Judith Sandbank, Gianandrea Pasquinelli, Sean K. Lau, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Anaerobic exercise and oxidative stress: A review, Richard J. Bloomer and Allan H. Goldfarb


Effects of antioxidant therapy in women exposed to eccentric exercise, Richard J. Bloomer, Allan H. Goldfarb, Michael J. McKenzie, Tonjian You, and Linh Nguyen


Measurement of resistance exercise force expression, Loren Z.F. Chiu, Brian K. Schilling, Andrew C. Fry, and Lawrence W. Weiss


Intraneural synovial sarcoma: Two cases, Peiguo G. Chu, Jean Benhattar, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Kathleen Meagher-Villemure


Epstein-Barr virus plays no role in the tumorigenesis of small-cell carcinoma of the lung, Peiguo G. Chu, Lisa Cerilli, Yuan Yuan Chen, Stacey E. Mills, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Immunohistochemical characterization of signet-ring cell carcinomas of the stomach, breast, and colon, Peiguo G. Chu and Lawrence M. Weiss


Effect of microhydrin® on blood lactate, protein carbonyls, and glutathione status in rats before and after aerobic exercise, Allan H. Goldfarb, Richard J. Bloomer, and Michael J. McKenzie


Skeletal muscle and hormonal adaptations to circuit weight training in untrained men, Matthew P. Harber, Andrew C. Fry, Martyn R. Rubin, Jason C. Smith, and Lawrence W. Weiss


Promoter hypermethylation and protein expression of the p16 gene: Analysis of 43 cases of B-cell primary gastric lymphomas from China, Qin Huang, Lingbao Ai, Zackery Y. Zhang, Chun Yang Fan, and Lawrence M. Weiss


KSHV/HHV8-associated Lymphoma Simulating Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, Qin Huang, Karen L. Chang, Karl K. Gaal, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder with a component of acinar/tubular type differentiation simulating prostatic adenocarcinoma, Qin Huang, Peiguo G. Chu, Sean K. Lau, and Lawrence M. Weiss


CD163: A specific marker of macrophages in paraffin-embedded tissue samples, Sean K. Lau, Peiguo G. Chu, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Differential expression of MUC1, MUC2, and MUC5AC in carcinomas of various sites: An immunohistochemical study, Sean K. Lau, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Peiguo G. Chu


Usefulness of immunohistochemistry in delineating renal spindle cell tumours. A retrospective study of 31 cases, J. Wang, L. M. Weiss, B. Hu, P. Chu, C. Zuppan, D. Felix, V. Rausei-Mills, and D. R. Chase


Strength/power augmentation subsequent to short-term training abstinence, Lawrence W. Weiss, Larry E. Wood, Andrew C. Fry, Richard B. Kreider, George E. Relyea, Daryl B. Bullen, and Pamela D. Grindstaff

Submissions from 2003


Does resistance training stimulate cardiac muscle hypertrophy?, Richard J. Bloomer


Can nutritional supplements reduce exercise-induced skeletal muscle damage?, Richard J. Bloomer and Allan H. Goldfarb


Histiocytic lesions involving the bone marrow, Karen L. Chang, Karl K. Gaal, Qin Huang, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Postactivation Potentiation Response in Athletic and Recreationally Trained Individuals, Loren Z.F. Chiu, Andrew C. Fry, Lawrence W. Weiss, Brian K. Schilling, Lee E. Brown, and Stacey L. Smith


Expression of T/NK-cell and plasma cell antigens in nonhematopoietic epithelioid neoplasms: An immunohistochemical study of 447 cases, Peiguo G. Chu, Daniel A. Arber, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Hepatocyte antigen as a marker of intestinal metaplasia, Peiguo G. Chu, Zhong Jiang, and Lawrence M. Weiss

Muscle Fiber and Performance Adaptations to Resistance Exercise with MyoVive, Colostrum or Casein and Whey Supplementation, Andrew C. Fry, Brian K. Schilling, Loren Z.F. Chiu, Lawrence W. Weiss, Richard B. Kreider, and Christopher J. Rasmussen


Muscle fiber characteristics of competitive power lifters, Andrew C. Fry, Jesse M. Webber, Lawrence W. Weiss, Matthew P. Harber, Mark Vaczi, and Nancy A. Pattison


Epstein-Barr Virus Infection Is Not Associated with Fibroadenomas of the Breast in Immunosuppressed Patients after Organ Transplantation, Sean K. Lau, Yuan Yuan Chen, Gerald J. Berry, Samuel A. Yousem, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Effect of Rest Interval Length on Repeated 1 Repetition Maximum Back Squats, Michael E. Matuszak, Andrew C. Fry, Lawrence W. Weiss, Travis R. Ireland, and Marvin M. McKnight


Single-Cell Immunohistochemical Mutation Load Assay (SCIMLA) Using Human Paraffin-Embedded Tissues, Gudrun Schlake, Qiang Liu, Ernst Heinmöller, Kathleen A. Hill, Lawrence Weiss, and Steve S. Sommer


Optimal Post-Training Abstinence for Maximal Strength Expression, Lawrence W. Weiss, Harvey D. Coney, and Frank C. Clark

Submissions from 2002


Differences in imagery content and imagery ability between high and low confident track and field athletes, Cherie L. Abma, Mary D. Fry, Yuhua Li, and George Relyea


Recurrent B-cell neoplasms after Rituximab therapy: An immunophenotypic and genotypic study, Peiguo G. Chu, Yuan Yuan Chen, Arturo Molina, Daniel A. Arber, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Hepatocyte antigen as a marker of hepatocellular carcinoma: An immunohistochemical comparison to carcinoembryonic antigen, CD10, and alpha-fetoprotein, Peiguo G. Chu, Shin Ishizawa, Emerald Wu, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Expression of cytokeratin 5/6 in epithelial neoplasms: An immunohistochemical study of 509 cases, Peiguo G. Chu and Lawrence M. Weiss


Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen (EBNA)-1 carboxy-terminal and EBNA-4 sequence polymorphisms in nasal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma in the United States, Karl Gaal, Lawrence M. Weiss, Wen Gang Chen, Yuan Yuan Chen, and Daniel A. Arber


Toward efficient analysis of mutations in single cells from ethanol-fixed, paraffin-embedded, and immunohistochemically stained tissues, Ernst Heinmöller, Qiang Liu, Yuan Sun, Gudrun Schlake, Kathleen A. Hill, Larry M. Weiss, and Steve S. Sommer


Rehearsal of task variations and contextual interference effect in a field setting, Yuhua Li and Rogerio Pereira Lima


Long-term survival after radical operations for cancer treatment-induced sarcomas: How two survivors invite reflection on oncologic treatment concepts, Roderich E. Schwarz, Georg Hillebrand, Elizabeth A. Peralta, David Z.J. Chu, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Diagnostic utility of bilateral bone marrow examination: Significance of morphologic and ancillary technique study in malignancy, Jun Wang, Lawrence M. Weiss, Karen L. Chang, Marilyn L. Slovak, Karl Gaal, Stephen J. Forman, and Daniel A. Arber


Explosive strength deficit as a predictor of vertical jumping performance, Lawrence W. Weiss, Andrew C. Fry, and George E. Relyea

Submissions from 2001


Inflammatory pseudotumor and follicular dendritic cell tumor [3], D. A. Arber, L. M. Weiss, W. Cheuk, and J. K.C. Chan


Post-Training Massage: A Review for Strength and Power Athletes, Loren Z. Chiu, Lawrence W. Weiss, and Andrew C. Fry


Utility of CD10 in distinguishing between endometrial stromal sarcoma and uterine smooth muscle tumors: An immunohistochemical comparison of 34 cases, Peiguo G. Chu, Daniel A. Arber, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Karen L. Chang


No significant association of Epstein-Barr virus infection with invasive breast carcinoma, P. G. Chu, K. L. Chang, Y. Y. Chen, W. G. Chen, and L. M. Weiss


Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with spindle cell features [1], Y. Nozawa, J. Wang, L. M. Weiss, S. Kikuchi, H. Hakozaki, and M. Abe


Variations of dose and electrode spacing for rat breast cancer electrochemical treatment, Ru Long Ren, Nayana Vora, Frank Yang, Jeff Longmate, Warner Wang, Helen Sun, Jian Ren Li, Lawrence Weiss, Cecil Staud, John A. McDougall, and Chung Kwang Chou


The Effects of High-Intensity Exercise on a 10-Second Sprint Cycle Test, J. Chadwick Smith, Andrew C. Fry, Lawrence W. Weiss, Yuhua Li, and Stephen J. Kinzey


Large solitary fibrous tumor of the kidney: Report of two cases and review of the literature, Jun Wang, Daniel A. Arber, Kenneth Frankel, and Lawrence M. Weiss

Multiple-joint velocity-spectrum strength/power development consequent to repetition manipulation, L. W. Weiss and G. E. Relyea


Pulmonary Langerhans' cell histiocytosis: Molecular analysis of clonality, Samuel A. Yousem, Thomas V. Colby, Yuan Yuan Chen, Wen Gang Chen, and Lawrence M. Weiss

Submissions from 2000


Varying Neural and Hypertrophic Influences in a Strength Program, Richard J. Bloomer and Jeffrey C. Ives


Effects of meal form and composition on plasma testosterone, cortisol, and insulin following resistance exercise, R. J. Bloomer, G. A. Sforzo, and B. A. Keller


Immunohistochemical detection of CD10 in paraffin sections of hematopoietic neoplasms: A comparison with flow cytometry detection in 56 cases, P. G. Chu, K. L. Chang, L. M. Weiss, and D. A. Arber


Cytokeratin 7 and Cytokeratin 20 expression in epithelial neoplasms: A survey of 435 cases, P. Chu, E. Wu, and L. M. Weiss


Impaired Performances with Excessive High-Intensity Free-Weight Training, Andrew C. Fry, Jesse M. Webber, Lawrence W. Weiss, Mary D. Fry, and Yuhua Li


Effects of exercise and weight loss on mental stress-induced cardiovascular responses in individuals with high blood pressure, Anastasia Georgiades, Andrew Sherwood, Elizabeth C.D. Gullette, Michael A. Babyak, Alan Hinderliter, Robert Waugh, Damon Tweedy, and Linda Craighead


An assessment of the attention demands during random- and blocked-practice schedules, Yuhua Li and David L. Wright


Keratin immunohistochemistry detects clinically significant metastases in bone marrow biopsy specimens in women with lobular breast carcinoma, Mark H. Lyda, Merry Tetef, Nora H. Carter, David Ikle, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Daniel A. Arber


Immunoreactivity for epithelial and neuroendocrine antibodies are useful in the differential diagnosis of lung carcinomas, Mark H. Lyda and Lawrence M. Weiss


The use of archival bone marrow specimens in detecting B-Cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas using polymerase chain reaction methods, Tetsuro Nagasaka, Raymond Lai, Yuan Yuan Chen, Wengang Chen, Daniel A. Arber, Karen L. Chang, and Lawrence M. Weiss

Coexisting thymic and gastric lymphomas of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues in a patient with Sjogren syndrome, Tetusuro Nagasaka, Raymond Lai, Tomoko Harada, Yuan Yuan Chen, Wen Gang Chen, Daniel A. Arber, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Epstein-Barr virus and hodgkin’s disease, Lawrence M. Weiss


Gross measures of exercise-induced muscular hypertrophy, Lawrence W. Weiss, Harvey D. Coney, and Frank C. Clark


Comparative Effects of Deep Versus Shallow Squat and Leg-Press Training on Vertical Jumping Ability and Related Factors, Lawrence W. Weiss, Andrew C. Fry, Larry E. Wood, George E. Relyea, and Charlie Melton


Functional submersion technique for assessing volume, Lawrence W. Weiss, Travis R. Ireland, Amy A. Friedman, Andrew C. Fry, and Yuhua Li

Submissions from 1999


Peripheral T-cell lymphoma with Toutonlike tumor giant cells associated with HIV infection: Report of two cases, Daniel A. Arber, Karen L. Chang, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Recommendations for reporting of tumors of the adrenal cortex and medulla, Frederic B. Askin, Louis P. Dehner, David L. Page, Lawrence M. Weiss, and Ernest E. Lack


EBNA-1 gene sequences in Brazilian and American patients with Hodgkin's disease, Karen L. Chang, Yuan Yuan Chen, Wen Gang Chen, Kazuhiko Hayashi, Carlos Bacchi, Maura Bacchi, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen (EBNA)-4 mutation in EBV- associated malignancies in three different populations, Peiguo G. Chu, Karen L. Chang, Wen Gang Chen, Yuan Yuan Chen, Darryl Shibata, Kazukiko Hayashi, Carlos Bacchi, Maura Bacchi, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Nasal glomus tumors: Report of two cases with emphasis on immunohistochemical features and differential diagnosis, Peiguo G. Chu, Karen L. Chang, Agnes Y. Wu, and Lawrence M. Weiss


Frequency of CD43 expression in non-Hodgkin lymphoma: A survey of 742 cases and further characterization of rare CD43+ follicular lymphomas, Raymond Lai, Lawrence M. Weiss, Karen L. Chang, and Daniel A. Arber

Lymphoepithelial cyst of the pancreas: No evidence for Epstein-Barr virus-related pathogenesis, Roderich E. Schwarz and Lawrence M. Weiss