Psychology Faculty Publications | Psychology | University of Memphis


Submissions from 1998


Severe bilateral tremor in a liver transplant recipient taking cyclosporine, Mark S. LeDoux, Lora J. McGill, William A. Pulsinelli, Ronald F. Pfeiffer, Günther Deuschl, Andrew Siderowf, Roger Kurlan, and Kapil Sethi


Single-unit activity of cerebellar nuclear cells in the awake genetically dystonic rat, M. S. LeDoux, D. C. Hurst, and J. F. Lorden

Abnormal cerebellar output in the genetically dystonic rat., M. S. LeDoux and J. F. Lorden

A major chromosomal locus influences behavioral hyperactivity in rat, M. P. Moisan, H. Courvoisier, M. N. Cook, and P. Mormède


Gender and ethnic differences in young adolescents' sources of cigarettes, Leslie A. Robinson, Robert C. Klesges, and Susan M. Zbikowski


An integrative conceptual and organizational framework for treating suicidal behavior, M. David Rudd


The assessment, management, and treatment of suicidality: Toward clinically informed and balanced standards of care, M. David Rudd and Thomas Joiner


The role of symptom induction in the treatment of panic and anxiety: Identifiable domains, conditional properties, and treatment targets, M. David Rudd and Thomas Joiner


An integrative conceptual framework for assessing and treating suicidal behavior in adolescents, M. David Rudd and Thomas E. Joiner


A Method for Exploring the Effects of Attrition in Randomized Experiments with Dichotomous Outcomes, William R. Shadish, Xiangen Hu, Renita R. Glaser, Richard Kownacki, and Seok Wong


Psychometric properties of the MSPSS in older adults, M. A. Stanley, J. G. Beck, and B. J. Zebb


The foundations and architecture of autotutor, Peter Wiemer-Hastings, Arthur C. Graesser, Stan Franklin, Max Garzon, Barry Gholson, Doug Hacker, Xiangen Hu, and Roger Kreuz


Parent and peer evaluations of the social competence of children with mild asthma, Susan M. Zbikowski and Robert Cohen


Worry versus anxiety: Is there really a difference?, Barbara J. Zebb and J. Gayle Beck

Submissions from 1997


Repeated exposure to interoceptive cues: Does habituation of fear occur in panic disorder patients? A preliminary report, J. Gayle Beck and Jillian C. Shipherd


How does interoceptive exposure for panic disorder work? An uncontrolled case study, J. Gayle Beck, Jillian C. Shipherd, and Barbara J. Zebb


EEG patterns and chronic fatigue syndrome, Katherine M. Billiot, Thomas H. Budzynski, and Frank Andrasik


Sex and strain influence the effect of ethanol on central monoamines, Ericka M. Boone, Melloni N. Cook, X. Hou, and Byron C. Jones


Quantitative discourse psychology, Arthur C. Graesser, Shane S. Swamer, and Xiangen Hu


Race and sex as factors in children's sociometric ratings and friendship choices, James A. Graham and Robert Cohen


Perfectionism, perceived weight status, and bulimic symptoms: Two studies testing a diathesis-stress model, Thomas E. Joiner, M. David Rudd, Todd F. Heatherton, and Norman B. Schmidt


The modified scale for suicidal ideation: Factors of suicidality and their relation to clinical and diagnostic variables, Thomas E. Joiner, M. David Rudd, and M. Hasan Rajab


Chronic dieting and the belief that smoking controls body weight in a biracial, population-based adolescent sample, Robert C. Klesges, Vanessa E. Elliott, and Leslie A. Robinson


Blink reflex to supraorbital nerve stimulation in the cat, Mark S. LeDoux, Joan F. Lorden, Angela D. Weir, and Jason M. Smith

Paroxysmal kinesigenic dystonia associated with a medullary hemorrhage., M. S. LeDoux


A chemoattractant cytokine associated with granulomas in tuberculosis and silicosis, Gerard J. Nau, Patrick Guilfoile, Geoffrey L. Chupp, Jeffrey S. Berman, Sue J. Kim, Hardy Kornfeld, and Richard A. Young


Children's evaluations of provocation between peers, Glen E. Ray and Robert Cohen


Relating aggressive and victimization behaviors to children's sociometric status and friendships, Glen E. Ray, Robert Cohen, Mary E. Secrist, and Melissa K. Duncan


Ethnic and Gender Differences in Risk Factors for Smoking Onset, Leslie A. Robinson and Robert C. Klesges


Predictors of risk for different stages of adolescent smoking in a biracial sample, Leslie A. Robinson, Robert C. Klesges, Susan M. Zbikowski, and Renita Glaser

What's in a name..., M. D. Rudd


Countertransference and the therapeutic relationship: A cognitive perspective, M. D. Rudd and T. Joiner


In vitro transendothelial migration of blood T lymphocytes from HIV-infected individuals, Jussi J. Saukkonen, Susanna Furfaro, Kathleen M. Mahoney, Robert M. Strieter, Marie Burdick, Erica A. Wright, Harvey Kornfeld, and Jeffrey S. Berman


Parents' use of nonliteral language with preschool children, Marie A. Sell, Roger J. Kreuz, and Lori Coppenrath


Evidence that therapy works in clinically representative conditions, William R. Shadish, Ana M. Navarro, Paul Crits-Christoph, Anthony F. Jorm, Michael T. Nietzel, Leslie Robinson, Martin Svartberg, and Georg E. Matt

Submissions from 1996


Characteristics of generalized anxiety disorder in older adults: A descriptive study, J. Gayle Beck, Melinda A. Stanley, and Barbara J. Zebb

Chemotactic activity of mycobacterial lipoarabinomannans for human blood T lymphocytes in vitro, Jeffrey S. Berman, Robin L. Blumenthal, Hardy Kornfeld, Jennifer A. Cook, William W. Cruikshank, Mary W. Vermeulen, Delphi Chatterjee, and John T. Belisle


The Development of Occupational Aspirations and Expectations among Inner-City Boys, Thomas D. Cook, Mary B. Church, Subira Ajanaku, William R. Shadish, Jeong Ran Kim, and Robert Cohen


Behavior Segmentation by Boys as a Function of Aggressiveness and Prior Information, Mary Lynne Courtney and Robert Cohen


Biological activity of interleukin-16 [4], W. Crulkshank, H. Kornfeld, J. Berman, G. Chupp, J. Keane, and D. Center


Cluster analysis of MCMI scores of suicidal psychiatric patients: Four personality profiles, Thomas E. Ellis, M. David Rudd, M. Hasan Rajab, and Thomas E. Wehrly


Fearful responding to repeated CO2 inhalation: A preliminary investigation, J. Gayle Beck, Jillian C. Shipherd, and Barbara J. Zebb

Disentangling the interrelations between hopelessness, loneliness, and suicidal ideation, Thomas E. Joiner and M. David Rudd


Toward a categorization of depression-related psychological constructs, Thomas E. Joiner and M. David Rudd


Effect of exposure to novelty on brain monoamines in C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice, Byron C. Jones, Hou Xu, and Melloni N. Cook


An evaluation of a television-delivered behavioral weight loss program: Are the ratings acceptable?, Andrew W. Meyers, Teresa J. Graves, James P. Whelan, and Deborah R. Barclay

Cognitive behavioral strategies in athletic performance enhancement., A. W. Meyers, J. P. Whelan, and S. M. Murphy


Children's self-discrepancies and peer relationships, Elizabeth C. Rubin, Robert Cohen, David A. Houston, and Jill Cockrel

The role of no-suicide agreements in the treatment of suicidal ideation and behavior: a comment., M. D. Rudd


Relationships among suicide ideators, attempters, and multiple attempters in a young-adult sample, M. David Rudd, Thomas Joiner, and M. Hasan Rajab


Millon clinical multiaxial inventory profiles and maladjustment in the military: Preliminary findings, M. David Rudd and David T. Orman


Effectiveness of an outpatient intervention targeting suicidal young adults: Preliminary results, M. David Rudd, M. Hasan Rajab, David T. Orman, Thomas Joiner, David A. Stulman, and Wayne Dixon


Patterns of change during cognitive behavioral treatment for panic disorder, Melinda A. Stanley, J. Gayle Beck, Patricia M. Averill, Laurie E. Baldwin, Edwin A. Deagle, and Jenny G. Stadler


Treatment of generalized anxiety in older adults: A preliminary comparison of cognitive-behavioral and supportive approaches, Melinda A. Stanley, J. Gayle Beck, and Jill Dewitt Glassco


Psychometric properties of four anxiety measures in older adults, Melinda A. Stanley, J. Gayle Beck, and Barbara J. Zebb

Submissions from 1995


Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder: An Overview, J. Gayle Beck


Gender differences in sexual desire: The effects of anger and anxiety, J. Gayle Beck and Alan W. Bozman


Migration of distinct subsets of CD8+ blood T cells through endothelial cell monolayers in vitro, J. S. Berman, K. Mahoney, J. J. Saukkonen, and J. I. Masuyama

The lymphocyte chemoattractant factor, D. M. Center, J. S. Berman, H. Kornfeld, A. C. Theodore, and W. W. Cruikshank


A measurement-theoretic analysis of the fuzzy logic model of perception, Court S. Crowther, William H. Batchelder, and Xiangen Hu


Specificity of the beck depression inventory and the confounding role of comorbid disorders in a clinical sample, M. David Rudd and M. Hasan Rajab


The Effect of Smoking and Light Activity on Metabolism in Men, Cynthia M. Hultquist, Andrew W. Meyers, James P. Whelan, Robert C. Klesges, Holmes Peacher-Ryan, and Margaret W. DeBon


Negative Attributional Style for Interpersonal Events and the Occurrence of Severe Interpersonal Disruptions as Predictors of Self‐Reported Suicidal Ideation, Thomas E. Joiner and M. David Rudd


SPECT abnormalities in generalized dystonia, Mark S. LeDoux, S. Lane Rutledge, James M. Mountz, and Jaykrishna T. Darji


Selective elimination of cerebellar output in the genetically dystonic rat, Mark S. LeDoux, Joan F. Lorden, and Jareen Meinzen-Derr


Children's awareness of which peers like them and which peers dislike them, Christine D. MacDonald and Robert Cohen


The impact of a wayfinder's goal on learning a new environment: Different types of spatial knowledge as goals, Joseph P. Magliano, Robert Cohen, Gary L. Allen, and James R. Rodrigue


Pragmatics and Pedagogy: Conversational Rules and Politeness Strategies May Inhibit Effective Tutoring, Natalie K. Person, Roger J. Kreuz, Rolf A. Zwaan, and Arthur C. Graesser


Aggressors and their victims: Toward a contextual framework for understanding children′s aggressor-victim relationships, Karen A. Pierce and Robert Cohen


Help Negation After Acute Suicidal Crisis, M. David Rudd, Thomas E. Joiner, and M. Hasan Rajab


Memory Remediation After Severe Closed Head Injury: Notebook Training Versus Supportive Therapy, Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe, John F. Fahy, James P. Whelan, and Charles J. Long

Submissions from 1994


Instructional control of female sexual responding, J. Gayle Beck and Laurie E. Baldwin


Comparison of Cognitive Therapy and Relaxation Training for Panic Disorder, J. Gayle Beck, Melinda A. Stanley, Laurie E. Baldwin, Edwin A. Deagle, and Patricia M. Averill


Cytokine binding to CD4+ inflammatory cells: Implications for asthma, David M. Center, Hardy Kornfeld, Min Je Wu, Melissa Falvo, Arthur C. Theodore, John Bernardo, Jeffrey S. Berman, and William W. Cruikshank


Classroom Peer Relations of Children Participating in a Pull-Out Enrichment Program, Robert Cohen, Melissa Duncan, and Sheila L. Cohen


Preschoolers' evaluations of physical disabilities: A consideration of attitudes and behavior, Robert Cohen, Laura A. Nabors, and Karen A. Pierce


Problem-Solving Appraisal, Hopelessness, and Suicide Ideation: Evidence for a Mediational Model, Wayne A. Dixon, P. Paul Heppner, and M. David Rudd


Behavioral assessment and treatment of panic disorder: Current status, future directions, J. Gayle Beck


Effectiveness of Psychological and Pharmacological Treatments for Nocturnal Enuresis, Arthur C. Houts, Jeffrey S. Berman, and Hillel Abramson


Binding kinetics of ATP gamma S35 on cultured primary tracheal surface epithelial cells., K. C. Kim, Q. X. Zheng, A. K. Wilson, B. C. Lee, and J. S. Berman


Inferior olive serotonin and norepinephrine levels during development in the genetically dystonie rat, Mark S. Ledoux, Joan F. Lorden, and Jeff M. Ervin

Neurenteric cyst or teratomatous cyst [6], Y. Morita, R. Hes, M. S. LeDoux, O. M. Faye-Petersen, and S. VandenBerg


Becoming comfortable with an adult with an orthopedic handicap: Preschool children's behaviors in context, Laura A. Nabors, Robert Cohen, and Sam B. Morgan


Inferring what the student knows in one-to-one tutoring: The role of student questions and answers, Natalie K. Person, Arthur C. Graesser, Joseph P. Magliano, and Roger J. Kreuz


Why do people use figurative language?, Richard M. Roberts and Roger J. Kreuz




The Form and Function of Speech Act Exchanges in Children's Dyadic interactions, Marie A. Sell, Robert Cohen, Arthur C. Graesser, Melissa K. Duncan, Glen E. Ray, Christine D. Macdonald, and Michelle Crain

Submissions from 1993


Examining the contexts of children’s classroom behaviors: The influence of teacher control, Marla E. Ayers, Robert Cohen, and Glen E. Ray


Corrigenda: Attention and memory for threat in panic disorder (Behaviour research and therapy, (1992) 30/6 (619-629)), J. G. Beck, M. A. Stanley, P. M. Averill, L. E. Baldwin, and E. A. Deagle


Mechanisms of lymphocyte accumulation in pulmonary disease, D. M. Center, J. S. Berman, H. Kornfeld, A. C. Theodore, and W. W. Cruikshank


A Theory of Inference Generation During Text Comprehension, Arthur C. Graesser and Roger J. Kreuz


The assumptions behind questions in letters to advice columnists, Roger J. Kreuz and Arthur C. Graesser


The empirical study of figurative language in literature, Roger J. Kreuz and Richard M. Roberts


When collaboration fails: Consequences of pragmatic errors in conversation, Roger J. Kreuz and Richard M. Roberts


Spinal cord stimulation for the failed back syndrome, Mark S. Ledoux and Keith H. Langford


Focal dystonia secondary to cavernous angioma of the basal ganglia: Case report and review of the literature, Mark S. Ledoux and Joan F. Lorden


Cerebellectomy eliminates the motor syndrome of the genetically dystonic rat, Mark S. LeDoux, Joan F. Lorden, and Jeff M. Ervin


Lumbosacral neurenteric cyst in an infant. Case report, M. S. LeDoux, O. M. Faye-Petersen, P. A. Aronin, Y. N. Vaid, and R. M. Pitts


Nonstandard Discourse and Its Coherence, Richard M. Roberts and Roger J. Kreuz


Social support and suicide., M. D. Rudd