Psychology Faculty Publications | Psychology | University of Memphis


Submissions from 1993


Letter to the Editor, M. David Rudd


Diagnostic comorbidity in persons with suicidal ideation and behavior, M. D. Rudd, P. F. Dahm, and M. H. Rajab

Expansion of a cd8+ cd28- cell population in the blood and lung of hiv-positive patients, Jussi J. Saukkonen, Hardy Kornfeld, and Jeffrey S. Berman


Psychometric Analyses of the Leyton Obsessional Inventory in Patients With Obsessive-Compulsive and Other Anxiety Disorders, Melinda A. Stanley, Rita C. Prather, J. Gayle Beck, Timothy C. Brown, Alisha L. Wagner, and Michelle L. Davis

Submissions from 1992


The effects of caffine on panic patients: Response components of anxiety, J. Gayle Beck and M. Andrew Berisford


Pain profiles of patients with nonorganic chest pain: A preliminary report of the multidimensional pain inventory, J. Gayle Beck, Thomas J. Chase, M. Andrew Berisford, and Heinrich Taegtmeyer


Attention and memory for threat in panic disorder, J. Gayle Beck, Melinda A. Stanley, Patricia M. Averill, Laurie E. Baldwin, and Edwin A. Deagle


Airway eosinophils and lymphocytes in asthma. Birds of a feather?, J. S. Berman and P. F. Weller


Case 48-1992: An 82-Year-Old Man with Pulmonary Densities and a Mass in the Left Upper Abdominal Quadrant, Richard C. Cabot, Robert E. Scully, Eugene J. Mark, Eugene J. Mark, William F. Mcneely, Betty U. Mcneely, and J. S. Berman


The relation between cell migration and activation in inflammation: beyond adherence., S. Furfaro and J. S. Berman

Evidence for recent as well as long term activation of T cells migrating through endothelial cell monolayers in vitro, J. I. Masuyama, J. S. Berman, W. W. Cruikshank, C. Morimoto, and D. M. Center


Lyme neuroborreliosis manifesting as an intracranial mass lesion, Rhett Murray, Richard Morawetz, John Kepes, Taher El Gammal, and Mark Ledoux


Marital satisfaction and family stress as predictors of classroom behaviors, Chloee K. Poag, Robert Cohen, Scott W. Henggeler, Mary B. Summerville, and Glen E. Ray

Submissions from 1991


The effects of voluntary hyperventilation on patients with chest pain without coronary artery disease, J. Gayle Beck, M. Andrew Berisford, and Heinrich Taegtmeyer


Covariation of sexual desire and sexual arousal: The effects of anger and anxiety, Alan W. Bozman and J. Gayle Beck


Predicting changes in children's popularity: The role of family relations, Scott W. Henggeler, James J. Edwards, Robert Cohen, and Mary B. Summerville


Aspects of Idiom Interpretation: Comment on Nayak and Gibbs, Roger J. Kreuz and Arthur C. Graesser


Surgically treated cavernous angiomas of the brain stem: Report of two cases and review of the literature, Mark S. Ledoux, Patricia A. Aronin, and Gregory T. Odrezin


Spontaneous rupture of the stomach in an adult, Mark S. Ledoux, Michael J. Sillers, and Colby P. Atkins


Stabilization of the cervical spine in spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita, M. S. LeDoux, R. C. Naftalis, and P. A. Aronin


The effects of children's goal structures and performance feedback on mood, task choice, and task persistence, Andrea L. Nichols, James P. Whelan, and Andrew W. Meyers


Preventative mental health in disaster situations: ''Terror on the autobahn'', J. T. Pichot and M. D. Rudd


Performance enhancement in sport: A cognitive behavioral domain, James P. Whelan, Michael J. Mahoney, and Andrew W. Meyers


Topographic distribution of connections from the primary motor cortex to the corpus striatum in Aotus trivirgatus, Richard H. Whitworth, M. S. Ledoux's, and Harry J. Gould

Submissions from 1990


Panic symptoms in chest pain without coronary artery disease: A comparison with panic disorder, J. Gayle Beck, M. Andrew Berisford, Heinrich Taegtmeyer, and Alixandre Bennett


Lymphocytes in the lung: should we continue to exalt only BALT?, J. S. Berman


Lymphocyte recruitment to the lung, J. S. Berman, D. J. Beer, A. C. Theodore, H. Kornfeld, J. Bernardo, and D. M. Center


An outpatient treatment alternative for suicidal youth, Steven E. Gutstein and M. David Rudd


Peer relations of hearing-impaired adolescents, Scott W. Henggeler, Sylvia M. Watson, and James P. Whelan


The adaptation of hearing parents of hearing-impaired youths, S. W. Henggeler, S. M. Watson, J. P. Whelan, and C. M. Malone


Psychotherapy for the treatment of depression: A comprehensive review of controlled outcome research, Leslie A. Robinson, Jeffrey S. Berman, and Robert A. Neimeyer


An Integrative Model of Suicidal Ideation, M. David Rudd


Family functioning and the social adaptation of hearing-impaired youths, Sylvia M. Watson, Scott W. Henggeler, and James P. Whelan


Effects of a waking schedule on primary enuretic children treated with full-spectrum home training., J. P. Whelan and A. C. Houts

Submissions from 1989


Chest pain without coronary artery disease: An exploratory comparison with panic disorder, J. Gayle Beck, Heinrich Taegtmeyer, M. Andrew Berisford, and Alixandre Bennett


A developmental analysis of the influence of body weight on the sociometry of children, Robert Cohen, Robert C. Klesges, Mary Summerville, and Andrew W. Meyers


Respiratory muscle fatigue from functional upper airway obstruction, J. I. Couser and J. S. Berman


Thalamic and extrathalamic connections of the dysgranular unresponsive zone in the grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), H. J. Gould, R. H. Whitworth, and M. S. LeDoux


Commonality of diagnostic categories for students assessed on the K-ABC and WISC-R, William B. Jennings, Roger Bennett, Troy Cole, Kathy Gibson, Gregory Meeks, and Robert Cohen


How to Be Sarcastic: The Echoic Reminder Theory of Verbal Irony, Roger J. Kreuz and Sam Glucksberg


Clinical Outcome of Group Therapies for Depression, Robert A. Neimeyer, Leslie A. Robinson, Jeffrey S. Berman, and Radwan F. Haykal


The Prevalence of Suicidal Ideation among College Students, M. David Rudd

Pain profiles in patients with chest pain and normal coronary arteries, H. Taegtmeyer, J. G. Beck, A. Bennett, and M. A. Berisford

Submissions from 1988


Physiological and symptom responses to hyperventilation: A comparison of frequent and infrequent panickers, J. Gayle Beck and Susan K. Scott


Correlates of daily impairment in COPD, J. G. Beck, S. K. Scott, R. B. Teague, F. I. Perez, and G. A. Brown


Lymphocyte motility and lymphocyte chemoattractant factors, Jeffrey S. Berman, William W. Cruikshank, Dennis J. Beer, Hardy Kornfeld, John Bernardo, Arthur C. Theodore, and David M. Center


Systemic Crisis Intervention as a Response to Adolescent Crises: An Outcome Study, STEVEN E. GUTSTEIN, M. DAVID RUDD, J. CHRISTOPHER GRAHAM, and LINDA L. RAYHA


Use of dietary fiber and stimulus control to treat retentive encopresis: A multiple baseline investigation, Arthur C. Houts, Michael W. Mellon, and James P. Whelan


Lymphocyte activation by HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein, Hardy Kornfeld, William W. Cruikshank, Stephen W. Pyle, Jeffrey S. Berman, and David M. Center


Problem-solving ability and response to feedback in peer-nominated mildly depressed children, Suzanne C. Perkins, Andrew W. Meyers, and Robert Cohen


A community survey of panic, Rhonda A. Salge, J. Gayle Beck, and Ann C. Logan


Structural and functional characterization of the human T lymphocyte receptor for insulin-like growth factor I in vitro, V. F. Tapson, M. Boni-Schnetzler, P. F. Pilch, D. M. Center, and J. S. Berman

Submissions from 1987


Shock Threat and Sexual Arousal: The Role of Selective Attention, Thought Content, and Affective States, J. Gayle Beck, David H. Barlow, David K. Sakheim, and Daniel J. Abrahamson


Teen contraception: A review of perspectives on compliance, J. Gayle Beck and Dana K. Davies


Frequent and infrequent panic:. A comparison of cognitive and autonomic reactivity, J. Gayle Beck and Susan K. Scott

Chemotactic activity of porcine insulin for human T lymphocytes in vitro, J. S. Berman and D. M. Center


Comparison of Multisystemic Therapy and Parent Training in the Brief Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect, Molly Brunk, Scott W. Henggeler, and James P. Whelan

Lymphokine activation of T4+ T lymphocytes and monocytes, W. W. Cruikshank, J. S. Berman, A. C. Theodore, J. Bernardo, and D. M. Center


Filmed Versus Live Delivery of Full-Spectrum Home Training for Primary Enuresis: Presenting the Information Is Not Enough, Arthur C. Houts, James P. Whelan, and J. Keith Peterson


The subjective familiarity of English homophones, Roger J. Kreuz


Interhemispheric connections of the somatosensory cortex in the rabbit, M. S. Ledoux, R. H. Whitworth, and H. J. Gould


Effects of a stress management course on grades and health of first-year medical students, Ronald G. Nathan, Frances E. Nixon, Leslie A. Robinson, Lee Bairnsfather, John H. Allen, and Mary Hack


Distinguishing between organogenic and psychogenic erectile dysfunction, David K. Sakheim, David H. Barlow, Daniel J. Abrahamson, and J. Gayle Beck


Contraceptive use among high-risk adolescents, Peggy B. Smith, J. Gayle Beck, and Dana Davies


Third-Party Payment and the Outcome of Psychotherapy, Carol Yoken and Jeffrey S. Berman

Submissions from 1986


Introduction, J. G. Beck


The effects of anxiety and attentional focus on sexual responding-II. Cognitive and affective patterns in erectile dysfunction, J. Gayle Beck and David H. Barlow


The effects of anxiety and attentional focus on sexual responding-I. Physiological patterns in erectile dysfunction, J. Gayle Beck and David H. Barlow


A Proposed Model for the Accumulation of Helper /Inducer Lymphocytes in Sarcoidosis: The Role of Lymphocyte Subset‐specific Chemoattractant Lymphokines, JEFFREY S. BERMAN, DENNIS J. BEER, JOHN BERNARDO, HARDY KORNFELD, and DAVID M. CENTER


Easing the transition to kindergarten: The Affective and Cognitive Effects of Different Spatial Familiarization Experiences, Robert Cohen, Judith A. Goodnight, Chloee K. Poag, Sheila Cohen, Gerry T. Nichol, and Patricia Worley


Self-generated distraction in erectile dysfunction: The role of attentional processes, J. Gayle Beck


Context Can Constrain Lexical Access. Implications for Models of Language Comprehension, Sam Glucksberg, Roger J. Kreuz, and Susan H. Rho


Prevention of relapse in full-spectrum home training for primary enuresis: A components analysis, Arthur C. Houts, J. Keith Peterson, and James P. Whelan

Submissions from 1985


The effects of attentional focus and partner responsiveness on sexual responding: Replication and extension, Daniel J. Abrahamson, David H. Barlow, J. Gayle Beck, David K. Sakheim, and John P. Kelly


Effects of distraction on sexual responding in functional and dysfunctional men, Daniel J. Abrahamson, David H. Barlow, David K. Sakheim, J. Gayle Beck, and Robert Athanasiou


Chemoattractant lymphokines specific for the helper/inducer T-lymphocyte subset, Jeffrey S. Berman, William W. Cruikshank, David M. Center, Arthur C. Theodore, and Dennis J. Beer


Cognitive Therapy Versus Systematic Desensitization. Is One Treatment Superior?, Jeffrey S. Berman, R. Christopherr Miller, and Paul J. Massman


Does Professional Training Make a Therapist More Effective?, Jeffrey S. Berman and Nicholas C. Norton


The Outcome of Psychotherapy With Children, Rita J. Casey and Jeffrey S. Berman

Respiratory consequences of abdominal hernia in a patient with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, B. R. Celli, J. Rassulo, J. S. Berman, and B. Make

Phosphatidyl inositol - Protein kinase C as second messenger in activation of T lymphocyte migration by lymphokines, W. W. Cruikshank, H. Kornfeld, and J. S. Berman

Induction of human T lymphocyte motility by interleukin 2, H. Kornfeld, J. S. Berman, D. J. Beer, and D. M. Center


An attributional analysis of jurors' judgments in civil cases, Michael Lupfer, Robert Cohen, J. L. Bernard, Dale Smalley, and Jeff Schippmann


Achieving generalization with general versus specific self-instructions: Effects on academically deficient children, Donna Thackwray, Andrew Meyers, Robert Schleser, and Robert Cohen

Submissions from 1984


Current conceptualizations of sexual dysfunction: A review and an alternative perspective, J. Gayle Beck and David H. Barlow


Letter to the editor, J. Gayle Beck, David H. Barlow, and David K. Sakheim

Functional characteristics of histamine receptor-bearing mononuclear cells. II. Identification and characterization of two histamine-induced human lymphokines that inhibit lymphocyte migration, J. S. Berman, R. G. McFadden, W. W. Cruikshank, D. M. Center, and D. J. Beer


Self-instruction training with preschoolers: Generalization to proximal and distal problem-solving tasks, Craig M. Brown, Andrew W. Meyers, and Robert Cohen


Generalization of self-instruction: The effect of strategy adaptation training as a function of cognitive level, Judith A. Goodnight, Robert Cohen, and Andrew W. Meyers


The effect of an increased awareness of erectile cues on sexual arousal, David K. Sakheim, David H. Barlow, J. Gayle Beck, and Daniel J. Abrahamson


The effects of cognitive level and training procedures on the generalization of self-instructions, Robert Schleser, Robert Cohen, Andrew W. Meyers, and J. Douglas Rodick


Does paying a fee for psychotherapy alter the effectiveness of treatment?, Carol Yoken and Jeffrey S. Berman

Submissions from 1983


Anxiety increases sexual arousal, David H. Barlow, David K. Sakheim, and J. Gayle Beck


The effects of attentional focus and partner arousal on sexual responding in functional and dysfunctional men, J. Gayle Beck, David H. Barlow, and David K. Sakheim


Self-Report Assessment of Assertive Behavior: A Critical Analysis, J. Gayle Beck and Richard G. Heimberg


Operating characteristics of the vaginal photoplethysmograph: Some implications for its use, J. Gayle Beck, David K. Sakheim, and David H. Barlow


Processing inconsistent social information, Jeffrey S. Berman, Stephen J. Read, and David A. Kenny

Functional characteristics of histamine receptor-bearing mononuclear cells. I. Selective production of lymphocyte chemoattractant lymphokines with histamine used as a ligand, D. M. Center, W. W. Cruikshank, J. S. Berman, and D. J. Beer


Abdominal Temperature Changes During Male Sexual Arousal, J. Gayle Beck, David H. Barlow, and David K. Sakheim


The efficacy of cognitive behavior therapies: A quantitative review of the research evidence, R. Christopher Miller and Jeffrey S. Berman