
Submissions from 2014


Poverty and persistence: A model for understanding individuals' pursuit and persistence in a doctor of education program, Amanda J. Rockinson-Szapkiw, Lucinda S. Spaulding, James A. Swezey, and Carolyn J. Wicks


"I don't have time to dig back through this": The role of semantic search in supporting physician information seeking in an electronic health record, Andrew A. Tawfik, Karl M. Kochendorfer, Dinara Saparova, Said Al Ghenaimi, and Joi L. Moore


Project management methods for the implementation of an online faculty development course, Andrew A. Tawfik, Carol Reiseck, and Richard Richter


The effects of case libraries in supporting collaborative problem-solving in an online learning environment, Andrew A. Tawfik, Lenny Sánchez, and Dinara Saparova

Man: A course of study as supplemental curriculum in the christian school environment: A case study of middle grade social studies teachers, Eddie Thompson and Jeffrey Byford


The effect of online collaboration on middle school student science misconceptions as an aspect of science literacy, Jillian L. Wendt and Amanda Rockinson-Szapkiw

Submissions from 2013


What is “urban”? A CRT examination of the preparation of K-12 teachers for urban schools, Celia Rousseau Anderson and Beverly E. Cross


A parent's guide to support technologies for preschool students with disabilities, Laura Baylot Casey and Robert L. Williamson


Understanding the Special Olympics Debate From Lifeworld and System Perspectives: Moving Beyond the Liberal Egalitarian View Toward Empowered Recreational Living, Shelly Counsell and Martin Agran


Social pedagogy and liberal egalitarian compensatory programs: The case of head start, Shelly Lynn Counsell and Robert M. Boody

Magnitude and valence of outcomes as determinants of causal judgments, Diana Delgado


When contiguity is not enough: Blocking equivalence relations, Diana Marcela Delgado Delgado and Iván Felipe Medina Arboleda

Assessment of the effects of habituation to matching-to-sample procedure stimulating conditions, Diana Marcela Delgado, Iván Felipe Medina, and Mónica Jimena Rozo


Examining the Effectiveness of Numbered Heads Together for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, William Hunter and Todd Haydon


The relationship between transformational leadership and cultural intelligence: A study of international school leaders, Emerson K. Keung and Amanda J. Rockinson-Szapkiw


An Examination of Stimulus Control in Fluency-Based Strategies: SAFMEDS and Generalization, James N. Meindl, Jonathan W. Ivy, Neal Miller, Nancy A. Neef, and Robert L. Williamson


Measuring sense of community and academic learning in graduate education, Deanna Nisbet, Mervyn Wighting, and Amanda Rockinson-Szapkiw


Electronic versus traditional print textbooks: A comparison study on the influence of university students' learning, Amanda J. Rockinson- Szapkiw, Jennifer Courduff, Kimberly Carter, and David Bennett


Promoting professional identity: a within group comparison of wiki-based and traditional assignments on school counselling students' learning, sense of community and computer anxiety, Amanda J. Rockinson-Szapkiw, Tracey Pritchard, Shanna McComb-Beverage, and Rita Schellenberg


Electronic Versus Print Textbooks: The Influence of Textbook Format on University Students' Self-Regulated Learning Strategies, Motivation, and Text Anxiety, Amanda J. Rockinson-Szapkiw, Jillian Wendt, and Rebecca Lunde


Agile Management of a Mobile Application Development Project for Surgeon Workflows, Andrew A. Tawfik, Jeffery L. Belden, and Joi L. Moore


The effects of successful versus failure-based cases on argumentation while solving decision-making problems, Andrew Tawfik and David Jonassen


Video self-modeling in children with autism: A pilot study validating prerequisite skills and extending the utilization of vsm across skill sets, Robert L. Williamson, Laura B. Casey, Janna Siegel Robertson, and Tom Buggey

Submissions from 2012


Increasing communication skills: A case study of a man with autism spectrum disorder and vision loss, S. Brian Kee, Laura Baylot Casey, Clayton R. Cea, David F. Bicard, and Sara E. Bicard


Parental symptoms of posttraumatic stress following a child's diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder: A pilot study, Laura Baylot Casey, Steve Zanksas, James N. Meindl, Gilbert R. Parra, Pam Cogdal, and Kevin Powell

The selection metaphor: The concepts of metacontingencies and macrocontingencies revisited, Diana Delgado

Effects of differential reinforcement of short latencies on response latency, task completion, and accuracy of an adolescent with autism, Melanie M. Donohue, Laura Baylot Casey, David F. Bicard, and Sara E. Bicard


Equity, mathematics reform and policy: The dilemma of ‘opportunity to learn’, Donna M. Harris and Celia Rousseau Anderson


Addressing the literacy needs of striving readers, J. Helen Perkins and Crystal D. Cook


Effectiveness of introducing problem based learning in the undergraduate engineering curriculum, Sanjeev K. Khanna, Robert A. Winholtz, David H. Jonassen, Andrew Tawfik, and Holly Henry


Understanding preference shifts: A review and alternate explanation of within-trial contrast and state-dependent valuation, James N. Meindl


Increasing the suppressive effect of delayed punishers: A review of basic and applied literature, James N. Meindl and Laura B. Casey


Developing technology-rich teacher education programs: Key issues, Drew Polly, Clif Mims, and Kay A. Persichitte


A comparison of a multimedia Wiki-based class text and a traditional textbook: Does type of text impact learning?, Amanda J. Rockinson-Szapkiw


Investigating uses and perceptions of an online collaborative workspace for the dissertation process, Amanda J. Rockinson-Szapkiw


Should online doctoral instructors adopt audio feedback as an instructional strategy? Preliminary evidence, Amanda J. Rockinson-Szapkiw


The influence of computer-mediated communication systems on community, Amanda J. Rockinson-Szapkiw


Hearing their voices: Factors doctoral candidates attribute to their persistence, Lucinda S. Spaulding and Amanda J. Rockinson-Szapkiw

Human-computer interaction factors in designing educational video games, Andrew Tawfik, Joi L. Moore, Zhenyu He, and Ngoc Vo


Assessing a novel application of web-based technology to support implementation of school wellness policies and prevent obesity, Paul M. Wright, Weidong Li, Evelyn Okunbor, and Clif Mims

Submissions from 2011

Preparing early childhood teachers: Policies, transitions, and school readiness challenges, Jorgelina Abbate-Vaughn and Brian L. Wright

What do you see? The supreme court decision in PICS and the resegregation of two southern school districts, Celia Rousseau Anderson

Teachers' perceptions of mixed-ability classrooms in the high school, Jeffrey Byford, Danny E. Thompson, and John Grant


The social worker's role in the assessment of autism spectrum disorder, Laura Baylot Casey and Susan E. Elswick


Using technology in the world of play, Laura Baylot Casey, Kay C. Reeves, and Elisabeth C. Conner

Spending instructional time wisely: A case study using brief intervention probes to determine the most effective strategy, Laura Baylot Casey, Janna Siegel Robertson, Robert L. Williamson, Constance Serio, and Susan Elswick


Training parents as effective literacy tutors: Increasing the procedural integrity of tutoring, Laura Baylot Casey and Robert Williamson


Much done, much yet to do, Robert B. Cooter and J. Helen Perkins

Using the operant MTS procedure as a masking task for respondent acquisition of stimulus classes, Diana Marcela Delgado Delgado and Linda Hayes


Language as mediator of function transfer. ¿its naming necessary for relational responding, Diana Delgado, Iván Felipe Medina, and Joan Sebastián Soto

Introduction to the special issue the race for educational equity, Adrienne D. Dixson, Jamel K. Donnor, and Celia Rousseau Anderson


The effects of two types of teacher questioning on teacher behavior and student performance: A case study, Todd Haydon and William Hunter


Sport stacking activities in school children's motor skill development, Yuhua Li, Diane Coleman, Mary Ransdell, Lyndsie Coleman, and Carol Irwin


Initiating and responding to joint attention bids in children with autism: A review of the literature, James N. Meindl and Helen I. Cannella-Malone


Measuring and reducing college students' procrastination, Christopher J. Perrin, Neal Miller, Alayna T. Haberlin, Jonathan W. Ivy, James N. Meindl, and Nancy A. Neef


Supporting mathematics for young children through technology, Angeline Powell and Beverly Ray


Leadership Lessons From Salvador Minuchin, Amanda J. Rockinson-Szapkiw, L. Zoe Payne, and Lucinda C. West


Journal writing with web 2.0 tools: A vision for older adults, Craig E. Shepherd and Steven Aagard


The effects of electronic portfolio tools on online students' perceived support and cognitive load, Craig E. Shepherd and Doris U. Bolliger


Rethinking Electronic Portfolios to Promote Sustainability among Teachers, Craig E. Shepherd and Stan Skrabut


Using semantic search to reduce cognitive load in an electronic health record, Andrew A. Tawfik, Karl M. Kochendorfer, Dinara Saparova, Said Al Ghenaimi, and Joi L. Moore


I know who i am, do you?: Identity and academic achievement of successful african american male adolescents in an urban pilot high school in the united states, Brian L. Wright

Valuing the "everyday" practices of African American students K-12 and their engagement in STEM learning: A position, Brian L. Wright

Submissions from 2010


Accomplished urban teaching, Jorgelina Abbate-Vaughn, Olga Frechon, and Brian L. Wright


Student perceptions of ePortfolio integration in online courses, D. U. Bolliger and C. E. Shepherd

A phenomenological study of high school students' perceptions of literature, Cort Casey and Jeffrey Byford


Messages to teacher educators from the margins: Teachers of color on equity in diverse classrooms, Beverly Cross


Effects of Numbered Heads Together on the Daily Quiz Scores and On-Task Behavior of Students with Disabilities, Todd Haydon, Lawrence Maheady, and William Hunter


Libraries, churches, and schools: The literate lives of mothers and children in a homeless shelter, Laurie MacGillivray, Amy Lassiter Ardell, and Margaret Sauceda Curwen


Supporting the literacy development of children living in homeless shelters, Laurie MacGillivray, Amy Lassiter Ardell, and Margaret Sauceda Curwen


Helping individuals heal from rape connected to conflict and/or war, Meghan E. McDevitt-Murphy, Laura B. Casey, and Pam Cogdal


Evidence of impact: Transforming teacher education with preparing tomorrow's teachers to teach with technology (PT3) grants, Drew Polly, Clif Mims, Craig E. Shepherd, and Fethi Inan


Developing a Caring Ethic for Middle School Mathematics Classrooms, Angiline Powell and Allen H. Seed


The efficacy of computer mediated communication technologies to augment and support effective online helping profession education, Amanda J. Rockinson-Szapkiw, Jason D. Baker, Edward Neukrug, and John Hanes


Using a dynamic systems approach to investigating postsecondary education and employment outcomes for transitioning students with disabilities, Robert L. Williamson, Janna S. Robertson, and Laura B. Casey

Submissions from 2009

The language arts inclusion classroom in an urban setting: How can we prepare secondary educators for this task?, Laura Baylot Casey, Jeffrey M. Byford, and Jennifer Borek


“Hallelujah!": Bible-Based Literacy Practices of Children Living in a Homeless Shelter, Laurie MacGillivray


"Hallelujah!": Bible-based literacy practices of children living in a homeless shelter, Laurie MacGillivray


Literacy in Times of Crisis: Practices and Perspectives, Laurie MacGillivray


Introduction: Examining Crisis, Laurie MacGillivray and Devon Brenner


TPACK and web 2.0: Transformation of teaching and learning, Jennifer Nelson, Angela Christopher, and Clif Mims


Web 2.0 Technologies: Facilitating Interaction in an Online Human Services Counseling Skills Course, Amanda J. Rockinson-Szapkiw and Victoria L. Walker


Impact of video game experience and gender differences in educational video games, Andrew Tawfik, Zhenyu He, and Ngoc Vo

Racial-ethnic identity, academic achievement, and African American males: A review of literature, Brian L. Wright

Submissions from 2008


A much delayed response to a nation at risk: Recent innovations in general and special education, Laura Baylot Casey, David F. Bicard, Sara C. Bicard, and Sandra M. Cooley Nichols


Integrating commercial off-the-shelf video games into school curriculums, Dennis Charsky and Clif Mims


A field at risk: The teacher shortage in special education, Sandra M. Copley Nichols, Sara C. Bicard, David F. Bicard, and Laura Baylot Casey


The cognitive demands of student-centered, web-based multimedia: Current and emerging perspectives, Michael J. Hannafin, Richard E. West, and Craig E. Shepherd

Submissions from 2007


Knowing and Teaching Middle School Mathematics: A Professional Development Course for In-Service Teachers, Celia Rousseau Anderson and April M. Hoffmeister


Looking to the future with The Reading Teacher: 900-year-old sheep and Papa na come!, Robert B. Cooter and J. Helen Perkins


This issue, Beverly E. Cross


Urban school achievement gap as a metaphor to conceal U.S. apartheid education, Beverly E. Cross


The long term successful treatment of the aggressive/destructive behaviors of a preadolescent with autism, Richard M. Foxx and James Meindl


Invited commentary on animal models in psychiatry: Animal models of non-conventional human behavior, Linda J. Hayes and Diana Delgado


Tagging as a social literacy practice, Laurie MacGillivray and Margaret Sauceda Curwen


Numeracy Strategies for African American Students Successful Partnerships, Angiline Powell and Celia Rousseau Anderson

Submissions from 2006


Examining PT3 projects designed to improve preservice education, Clif Mims, Drew Polly, Craig Shepherd, and Fethi Inan

Submissions from 2005


Evidence-based literacy education and the African American child, J. Helen Perkins and Robert B. Cooter

The lure of lectures vs. the call of cooperative learning in college classrooms, Mary Ransdell

Submissions from 2004


Generic special education teacher preparation: Emotional and behavioral disorders. Emotional and behavioral diorders, Sandra M. Cooley-Nichols