Documents from 1812
“The Earthquake”, Liberty Hall
“To Correspondents”, Boston Colombian Centinel
“A letter from Columbia....”, The Times
“A letter from Fort Stoddert...”, Lexington Kentucky Gazette
“A letter to the editor from a friend at Dover, Stewart county...”, Lexington Kentucky Gazette
“Annapolis’, National Intelligencer
“Another Earthquake”, Petersburg Intelligencer
“Another shock...”, Petersburg Intelligencer
“Charleston December 16”, Ohio Centinel
“Communication”, Lexington American Statesman
“Earthquake”, Edenton Gazette
“Earthquake”, John C. Edwards
“Earthquake”, Lexington American Statesman
“Earthquakes”, Lexington American Statesman
“Fort St. Stevens, December 24.”, Lexington Kentucky Gazette
‘Prospectus”, Lexington American Statesman
“Steamboat”, Louisiana Gazette
“The Earthquake”, Ohio Centinel
“The Earthquake”, Petersburg Intelligencer
“the earthquake noticed in our last...”, Reporter
“the Steam boat built at Pittsburgh...”, Lexington Kentucky Gazette
“Thursday morning last...”, Edenton Gazette
“Thursday Next...”, Savannah Republican
“We felt the shock of an Earthquake...”, Lexington Kentucky Gazette
“We have been favored...”, Reporter
“A gentleman from Tennessee....”, The Times
“A gentleman from Tennessee...”, Charleston Courier
“A letter , dated at Ponpon on the 24th inst...”, The Times
“A Letter the editors...”, Charleston Courier
“Another Earthquake”, Wilson’s Knoxville Gazette
“A severe shock of an earthquake....”, Charleston Courier
“Earthquake!”, Charleston Courier
“Earthquake”, The Times
“Extract of a letter from a gentleman in Rogersville...”, Wilson’s Knoxville Gazette
“Extract to the Editors of the Baltimore American”, Philadelphia Aurora and General Advertiser
“Nashville (Ten.) Dec. 20”, Mirror of the Times
“On Thursday last...”, Mirror of the Times
“The Earthquake”, Boston Independent Chronicle
“The Earthquake”, Virginia Argus
“the following paragraph is copied...”, Charleston Courier
“The following paragraph is copied...”, The Times
“Comets and Women”, Montreal Herald
“Earthquakes”, The Palladium
“Public Lands”, Edward Tiffin
“Another Earthquake”, National Intelligencer
“A severe shock of an Earthquake...”, The Times
“Cold Weather”, Boston Colombian Centinel
“Earthquake”, Reporter
“Extract of a Letter from Coosawhatchie, dated January 23”, The Times
“Jeudi matin...”, Moniteur De La Louisiane
“Nashville. (Ten.) Dec. 20”, Carolina Federal Republican
“On Saturday Night Last”, Boston Colombian Centinel
“On the morning of the 23d instant...”, Carthage Gazette
“On Thursday last...”, Vincennes Western Sun
“On Thursday Morning Last...”, The Supporter
“the Comet”, Vincennes Western Sun
“The Earthquake...”, Virginia Herald
“The Earthquake”, The Supporter
“The Earthquake”, Western Spy
“The Steamboat built at Pittsburgh...”, Reporter
“To the editors of the Raleigh Star”, Edwards,John C.
“About half past 8 o'clock...', Georgia Express
“A report prevailed in town yesterday...”, Charleston Courier
“A shock of and earthquake....”, Raleigh Star
“A slight shock of an earthquake...”, Boston Yankee
“A Slight Shock of an Earthquake”, Louisiana Gazette
“Communication”, Louisiana Gazette
“Earthquake”, Charleston Courier
“EARTHQUAKE”, Edwards, John C.
“Earthquake”, Raleigh Minerva
“Extract of a letter”, Norfolk Herald
“Extract of a Letter”, Norfolk Herald
“Hier matin...”, Louisiana Courier
“Hier Matin...”, Louisiana Courier
“Meteorological Diary”, Boston Yankee
“More of Earthquakes”, Raleigh Minerva
“The Earthquake”, Raleigh Register
“There are strong reasons...”, The Times
“The shock of another earthquake..”, Alexandria Herald
“We stated yesterday....”, The Times
“Yesterday about half past 8...”, Augusta Chronicle
“Yesterday morning...”, Louisiana Courier
“Yesterday morning’”, Norfolk Ledger
“A letter received in town...”, The Times
“Another Earthquake”, Virginia Argus
“A severe shock of an Earthquake...”, Savannah Republican
“A slight shock...”, Boston Gazette
“Domestic”, Natchez Gazette
“Earthquake”, The Times
“Marietta, Dec. 28.”, Hampshire Federalist
“Mr. Evans...”, Savannah Republican
“Pittsburgh, Dec. 27”, Hampshire Federalist
“Raleigh, (N. C.) Dec. 20.”, Hampshire Federalist
“Shock of an Earthquake”, Natchez Gazette
“Shocks of an Earthquake”, Natchez Gazette
“ The Earthquake of Dec. 26....”, Hampshire Federalist
“A slight shock...”, Boston Colombian Centinel
“Extract of a Letter...’, Virginia Herald
“For Natchez”, Louisiana Courier